12:00 AM | Teen Ink

12:00 AM

October 24, 2016
By KathrynKit BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
KathrynKit BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Deep in the quiet and eerie small town of Finderville, nobody dares to go to their windows when dawn turns to dusk. The townspeople say it wanders and searches hungrily for its next victim.. The next life.. The next soul. I didn’t fall for those silly rumors, for I was sure it was a tale; until I encountered the Midnighter myself.
I haven’t been out after dark before, but I had to prove the townspeople wrong and that nothing lurked at night. I couldn’t have been any more wrong. It was stalking and mimicking my every move. If I turned a corner, so did it. It was hungry for me. I could feel its horrible desire to capture me; maybe even kill me. Nothing but fear covered my trembling body and I was sure the Midnighter envied it. I continued to walk away faster now, but something made me stop dead in my tracks. A chill went up my spine. A baby’s cry. Without hesitation, I ran to the cry. A child was in danger, and I cared too much to ignore it.
As I ran, I could still feel the Midnighter’s presence upon me. But every time I turned around, I saw nothing. Yet, without a doubt, I knew for sure it was still coming for me. I was too far from home to get there safely, so I followed the baby’s cry up to the town’s clock tower.
“Help, someone please hear me!” I yelled frantically. It was no use. Nobody dared to come out past dusk in the little town of Finderville. On top of that, everyone was sound asleep.
The cry was closer; too close. I turned around ever so slightly, and there it was, holding a precious child.
“You, or the child. It’s your choice.”
It’s voice sent chills up my spine. It looked like a tall misty pitch black shadow. It towered over me, and I couldn’t blame the baby for screaming out in fear.
I remember what it had told me and I tried to process it.
“Please.. Don’t take the child.”
I whispered back without knowing I had made the one choice that changed my life forever.
I moaned and cried in sorrow and pain.
“What’s happening to me?”
I thought in my head. But, before I could wonder anymore, I was out like a light.
I woke up out of sight laying on the edge of the forest by the old town. I felt horribly sick and hungry; but human flesh would be the only thing to satisfy me. I looked down to my incredibly large un-human like hands.They were shadowy and black; not my human hands anymore. Then, I looked down and found a tiny note that read:
“The only way out of this horror is the way you came in.
Simply catch a soul at 12:00 p.m.”
I knew what do, so I tossed it and let the wind blow it away peacefully, like a tumbleweed.
If I were you, I’d look out for the Midnighter; for me. I’m hungry and at 12;00 AM, I search eagerly for the next life.. The next victim.. The next soul!

The author's comments:

My name is Kathryn and I'm 14 years old. I love to paint, run long distance,(cross country), play volleyball, and write. I've been born and raised in Texas, and have been going to Alvord Middle School for 4 years now. My favrite food is anything Mexican and I have a schnauzer named Jozy.

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