The Missing Report | Teen Ink

The Missing Report

October 25, 2016
By audreycarl21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
audreycarl21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a very snappy day as I walked home, the wind blew my long hair. I had just come from a busy day at the office.

My name is Liz, short for Elizabeth. I have blond hair and blue       eyes. I work for a newspaper company in the reporting department. I am one of their top people, but there is one who is just as advanced as me, Kris. She is my competitor. We are always fighting and arguing!   

          I got out my keys to my apartment as I walked up to the door.
I looked then stopped, my door was wide open! Very slowly I walked in. I quickly scanned the room to make sure that no one was still in my house. There was paper all over the place!

         The first thing I thought of was my paper!! Oh no, no no! I started digging through the papers. Gone!!!! ( You see I have been working on this paper for over a month! It was a murder case that happened about two months ago, it was my biggest case yet. I was going to surprise my boss with the story). I already told my boss that I had a surprise for him. If I say that I lost it, he is going to think that I am irresponsible, and I might lose my job!
    I checked everywhere, under my desk, in the closet, and in my desk!
“Well I wonder, who would want to take it”?
Kris might want to but why? Plus she would know that I would think of her first.
I think I need to look for clues before I accuse anyone.
As I looked around I saw a business card on the floor. It read, Brook Reporting dep.  Bryan Zartman number: 574-362-8267 E-mail:

     Who is Bryan Zartman, I thought, and what was he doing here?

Well  thought, I could call the number and see if he picks up! I got my phone out and dialed the number.
    “ Hello, Bryan speaking, what can i do for you”? Said Bryan( In a gruff voice).
     “Hi, I am calling about your work and how wonderful it is. I just had you report a problem of mine and you did a magnificent job”!
     “ Well my pleasure”! He said, in a very cheery voice
      “Thanks again! Good bye now”!
       “Good bye”!
      Well that went well I think I thought to myself! As I looked down I saw a scrap of cloth. It was checkered red and it looked like it had come from a shirt. Another clue I thought.
  As I bent down to pick the object up, i saw that something was written on the back of it.
It said beware you are under watch! Make your moves carefully!! B.R.D.

Wow, this is interesting!
   Who could B.R.D. be? And what would they want with my paper?

Just then I remembered the business card I had found! And how the company were the person was from, he was from Brook Reporting dep. That also stands for B.R.D. which would mean that someone from there was in my house! Well since Bryan’s business card was in here then it was probably him.
   It’s time to see what’s going on.

I got the keys to my car grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.
I pulled into Brook Reporting Dep. At the front desk I asked for Bryan Zartman.
The lady said that it would be just a minute. Just then Bryan strolled in. I stood up to greeted him.

        “Hello I said  in a cheery voice”.
Then he realized who I was.
         “U’m hello, please step into my office”.
          As I stepped into his office he slammed the door! He swung around with a knife in his hand.”
           Well who do we have here, said Bryan!
            “ What do you want with me and my story”?
            “Oh you mean my story, well I decided that I had better use for it than you,” he retorted.
            He approached me, edging the knife towards me! All of the sudden the door burst open!
            “What’s going on in here! I just new something was up, she said.  
It was the front desk lady!! Bryan stepped back, clearly surprised! 
             Just then she backed up, behind her were two officers. They rapidly can in and arrested Bryan. The officers said that Bryan would definitely go to jail because he broke into my house and stole my story and then he pulled a knife on me. I scanned through the papers on his desk, looking for my paper and quickly found it. I thanked the front desk lady and the officers and started for my car.

        The following day before I went into my station, I went down to my boss’s office. He was overwhelmed with pleasure and gratitude.
        Like I always say, “ You can always find something you just have to be willing to look for it”.          




The author's comments:

I love writting so much! Mrs. Beer inspired me to do this. I hope you like it. 

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