The Case of the Missing Watch | Teen Ink

The Case of the Missing Watch

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“SOMEBODY HELP! I’M BEING ROBBED!” shouts a brown hair, green eyed, lady wearing a mint green and teal blue dress.
All the customers are screaming and running out of the store. The robber, wearing a black leather jacket, black leather pants, and a black ski mask, is rummaging through the store trying to find the $2000 watch that he has had his eye on for over six months. He grabs his hammer that was in the bag he was carrying and smashes the glass, grabs the watch, gets on his motorcycle and scurries away into the night sky.
It’s late at night, I’m sitting at my kitchen table working on a case for the New York Police Department. I’m falling asleep, but I know I need to get this report done. I stare out my window, and see skyscrapers and the horizon. I am on the 50th floor in my penthouse in downtown New York City. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep.
“CALL 911! I’M BEING ROBBED!” shouts Wendy.  “The watch! it’s gone!”
The next day at work, I am wearing a blue and white plaid shirt, with a grey bow tie, black suspenders, grey golf pants, green and purple socks with Ferris wheels on them, and finally black dress shoes. I’m wearing my green and blue Nike glasses that match my blue eyes and my short blonde hair is spiked to the left. 
There is a new file on my desk. It says,
Stolen Watch 11:36:49pm; July 8, 2010. Victim: Wendy Castle of Wendy’s Wacky Watches. Brown hair, green eyed, woman wearing a mint green and teal blue dress at the front desk helping a customer. Suspects: black leather pants and jacket, black ski mask and black and white Nike Roche’s. Witness: Wendy Castle Owner, elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, getting a new watches looking the other way did not see the crime happen.
Jacob, my partner, also my best friend, is wearing a red button-up shirt, black golf pants, and blue socks with black dress pants. His brown hair is gelled to the left and laid back.
“Hey, over here, Jacob,” I say, “We need to go Wendy’s Wacky Watches in downtown New York.”
“Yeah, let’s go. But first I need to grab my coffee,” Jacob replies.
“Hey Rylee, are you coming?” Jacob asks.
Rylee, Jacob’s wife, who is also a detective in our department, is wearing a blue blouse with black skinny jeans and yellow flats. She has red hair with blue eyes.
As we head out, Rylee joins us. We get into my black Lamborghini with leather seats. 
“Hey, I like your watch, is that new?” Rylee says to me as she climbs in the back of the car.
We drive off with the music blasting and coffee in our hands. When we get there, we get out and strut into Wendy’s Wacky Watches.
“Hello, we are from the New York Police Department, I am Officer Jeff Bowers, this is Officer Jacob Connor, and this is Officer Connor’s wife Detective Rylee,” I say to the woman standing in front of us.
“We are here because there has been something stolen from this place yesterday around 2:36pm.”
“Well, my name is Lucy, and you are correct. There was a $2000 watch stolen. It had a black leather wristband and a white frame around the face.” Lucy exclaims.
“May we please look around?” Jacob replies.
“Be my guest. Oh, if you find anything let me know,” Lucy adds.
“Will do,” Rylee exclaims.
As we look around, there is glass everywhere. I start scrounging through the glass. I find a black leather glove.
“Hey, look what I found! It’s a glove,” I said proudly. “Do we have any evidence bags I can put this in?”
“Yeah, let me go get them from the car, can I have your keys?” Rylee shouts.
I throw her my keys and put the glove on a table on top of a blank piece of computer paper. I go to a different part of the store, while Jacob goes back to the glass to see if I missed any clues.
“There is blood and fingerprints on some of this glass,” Jacob explains.
As soon as he says that Rylee runs in.
“Here,” Rylee says while taking long and deep breaths. “Jeff, the keys are flying!”
As she throws, the keys back at me: I catch them right before slamming into my face. As we gather up the bloody glass we gather everything that we took out to help search for clues. As we head out I grab the glove and put it in one of the evidence bags.
Before we go back to the station, we pick up lunch at Subway. When we get there, I go straight to Autumn. She is our scientist that examines all the evidence. She always wears a white lab coat with blue skinny jeans and flats with flowers on them. She has brown hair and green eyes.
“Good afternoon, Autumn!” I yell, “We pick up our lunch and some evidence for you,”
“What do you have?”
“I brought you a black leather glove, bloody glass, and fingerprints.”
“Thanks, I’ll get right on it.”
I head out of the examining room and go back to my desk to eat my lunch and go through the file again.
After a couple hours, Autumn comes to my desk with information.
“Okay, so I found the owner to the glove. The evidence points to an African American named Seymour. Here is a picture to what he looks like,” she says as she hands me the photo. “He has brown hair and blue eyes. He also has a tattoo on his left shoulder that looks like a skull. He works at a construction site on East Riverside.”
“Great, thanks. I will go get Jacob and we will find him.” 
As soon as she leaves I leap out of my seat and go search for Jacob. When I find him in the break room, I tell him about our suspect, so he needs to put down his large chocolate cookie so we can go round up our suspect. As soon as we get to the construction site, we ask for Seymour, he looks at us and dashes the other way. I sprint after him. When I finally tackle him to the ground, I handcuff him just as Jacob brings the car to where I am.
“Thanks for the help” I say sarcastically.
When we get back to the station, we show him to the interrogation room.
“What do you want?” Seymour scowls with an attitude.
“Where were you on July 8 at 2:36pm?” I ask.
“I was at Scratch, the bar in East Riverside, with my wife Sarah.”
“Then what is this?” I yell at him. “It’s your glove. We found it at Wendy’s Wacky Watches,”
“You found it! I lost my glove there when I was there last week.”
“Why were you at Wendy’s Wacky Watches?”
“I went to buy a watch for my wife for our anniversary.”
I walk out of the room and Jacob is right behind me.
“What do you think; is he guilty or innocent?” I ask Jacob.
“I say he isn’t lying,” Jacob replies.
“Ok, then we let him go.”
We walk back in and show him out of the department. We unhand cuff him and go back to our desks. I look at the blood samples and fingerprints trying to figure out the person behind them.
It’s late at night and I’m still at work. My wife, Hope, who has blonde hair and blue eyes, and works at Washington Middle School as a history teacher, walks in with a bag in her hand.
“Hey sweetie, I brought Cho Mein and orange chicken from Panda Express,” She says softly.
“Thanks,” I reply.
“Are you still working on that robbery case?”
“Yeah, I’m nowhere near solving this case.”
“Hey, can I solve this case with you?”
“Take your best shot!”
“It was my friend, Luke.”
“What? How do you know?”
“He told me during my lunch break today.”
“Let me call Jacob,” I say.
“Hi Jacob; I know it late at night but would you mind coming down to the station. I know who stole the watch.”
“Really? Ok. I’ll be at the station in ten,” Jacob replies.
“You okay staying here?” I question to Hope.
“Yeah,” Hope replies.
When Jacob gets to the station, I am waiting in my car. He gets into my car and we dash off. We arrive at Luke’s house, with guns in our hands.
“NYPD! Open your door or we will break it down!” Jacob yells.
There is no answer. We break down the door. He is laying on the beautiful Persian rug, blood everywhere, and a knife still in his left hand.

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