The Case of The Missing Parents | Teen Ink

The Case of The Missing Parents

October 25, 2016
By amandamiller3 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
amandamiller3 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I woke up with the sunlight glaring down at my face.  “ Julia wake up you’re gonna be late for school.” Today is the first day back to school, and when I’m in school, it sucks,everyone thinks I’m rude, or worthless, just because I’m the teachers favorite, or for as student, they call me “the teachers pet.” It’s not only school, my parents are the strictest parents I know, I have to keep my grades up.
I walk downstairs with everyone's eyes on me. “ Um, can I help you all?” I asked a little confused. Was something on my face? Did I do something bad? Will my parents ground me from doing this something that I didn’t know about? “ Oh no nothing’s wrong Julia, it's just that it’s almost 7:30 you should probably get going!” my mom was right, it was 7:28.
I walk out the door with my little brother Brad right behind me. Brad is 1 year younger than me, but he’s way cooler than me. School for both of us is dreadful, we both hate it, I mean at least I think Brad hates it. Brad thinks he’s one of the so called “popular kids” he thinks this because he does all of their homework.
Brad and I both arrive at school on time, surprisingly. I see my best friend Jazmin and run to hug her. I don’t know what I would do without her. Jazmin looks kinda like me, we both have brown hair, were both kinda tan, but she has blue eyes, and I have brown.
“ So how was your summer?” Jazmin asks “Well you know, the usual.” I say. If you don’t know what “the usual” meant, it pretty much meant staying home, not doing anything. Yeah, you could say I’m boring.  “What did you do jazmin?” I say a little disappointed, because I already know she went to Hawaii. “ I went to Hawaii, it was awesome! I’m planning on going again, if you wanna come!” After I heard that she wanted me to come to Hawaii with her I felt a little more better.
Finally the school day was over, and I’m very glad it was over. I don’t mind school, I just hate getting up early.
I finally reached home, and i was happy. I unlocked my front door, “Mom, I’m home!” I shouted. Usually whenever I get home from school BOTH my parents always greet me inside, but today was different. The door barged open, it was Brad. “Wheres mom and dad.” I say walking all around the house but no one was there. “Chill Julia, they will probably be home after dark.”  “ Brad they are always home to greet me and you!” I said getting nervous “Julia chill let them go out
and have fun.” “I thought about what he had said. Yeah, maybe they will be home later.
   It was almost Brads bedtime, and my parents still weren't home. I sent Brad off to bed, and tried calling my parents. After hearing it ring a couple of times, it went straight to voicemail. “Ugh pick up!” By this time, i was getting worried.  I decided just to go to bed, they will probably be here tomorrow morning.
             I wake up not really wanting to go to school, but who wants to go to school?  “Mom and dad still haven’t  came home” Brad  says while I’m still trying to adjust to the sunlight in my eyes. When I heard those few words I didn’t know what to think. I get up and go down stairs, nothing. After that I went to my parents bedroom, nothing. We decided to just go to school and hopefully they would be here. “What if we don’t find them?” Brad asks me, “I don’t know Brad. i say.
           I walk into class, apparently everyone knows about my parents going missing. I didn’t really care though. Everyone just kept looking at me, or staring. I hated being put on the spotlight, it sucked. “ Hey I heard about your parents, are they okay?” Jazmin came up to me. “Yeah , well not exactly, they are lost and Brad and I can’t find them.”  “Well I can help after school?” she asked in kind of a question. “Yeah, that would be amazing.” I told her.
After school is was kinda happy that Jazmin would help me find my parents.  “Okay so if your parents are gone, or went somewhere then, don't you think they would've told you that they were going somewhere?” Jazmin says.   “ I don't know, I came home from school yesterday, and boom they are gone.” I say.
        We decided to call the police because my parents were loss. Jazmin picked up the phone getting ready to call the police, but something distracted us on the tv.  “Tammy and Zach Lee have been reported missing. They went missing yesterday at exactly 4:45p.m the police are still trying to solve this case with the people that have been missing for about a day now, stay tuned to see what the police have to say.”  We all immediately looked at each other.  “Well don't just sit there, we have to go down to the police department to try and help them find your parents.” Jazmin says gathering all her belongings.  “You're right” I say getting up and walking to the door.
      We walked into the police department, I didn't like it in there, it was scary, we say a lot of jail people and they all looked depressed, I felt bad.  “Hi um, we heard about the case about Tammy and Zach Lee.” I say  “Yeah yeah what about it?” They lady from behind the desk say.  “Well listen, they are my parents, and I'd really like to find them, can we all help?” I say looking at Jazmin and Brad, but Brad was too busy looking around at the jailhouse.  “Well I guess, only because you are family.” They lady says.  “ Thank you so much!” I say “The names Hilda, and I'm gonna be on that case.” she says  “I'm Julia, and this is Jazmin, and my little brother Brad.” I say looking at Brad who was off in his own little world.
     “ So where did your parents like to go for fun?” Hilda asks me.   “Well they liked to go to my uncle’s a lot.”I say.   “Well then lead me the way.” Hilda says. Hilda looks like she is in her mid 30’s, she doesn't really fit for the police type. She has short black hair, and she doesn't really wear the “police” kinda outfit, it's more like black jeans with a blue button up shirt. She didn't even carry and weapons, she carried a water gun, with water in it.  “So what are you?” I ask while looking at her.   “Well I'm not really a police officer I'm more like, uh, training for being a police officer.” She says while looking a little confused.
      We finally arrived at my uncle’s when we went inside no one was there.  “Uncle Nick, a-are you here?” I stuttered a little bit. The door slams shut, I turn around and see Hilda blocking the door shut.  “Hilda what are you doing?” I say getting scared. She starts taking off her mask that look real, but I guess wasn't. She ripped it off and it turned out to be a guy.  “ It's not Hilda, it's Sir fuzzy to you.” He said. He goes into a corner and turn off the lights.  “Julia come on we have to get out of here!!” Jazmin yells.  “No my parents could be in here, he might have took them!!” I yell back. The light come back on and there I see my parents sitting in chairs tied up. I didn't like seeing them like that, it was scary.  “  Fuzzy why are you doing this?” “What did they do to you?”  I say. “They didn't do anything.. I just like kidnapping family's.” Fuzzy says looks around for something. All of a sudden I feel something pull me into a chair. I look to my left and see that Jazmin is right next to me in a chair with her arms tied up. I look to my right and see both of my parents tied up. Brad was right in front of me.
       “ Okay so I decided that I wanted to keep all of you in here, because I don't like family's. Fuzzy says. “Why don't you like family's?” Jazmin asks.  “Well I've never really had a family before, and I hate seeing people happy, it makes me sick!” He said kinda depressed. All of a sudden we hear knocking at the door, “OPEN UP ITS THE POLICE!!” They said from the other side. Fuzzy looked scared, he looked like he wasn't ready to go to jail. I look to my left and see that Jazmin has her phone out behind her back, calling the police. Jazmin was smart, and I'm glad I invited her to help me find my parents.  “Well done Jazmin!” I whisper  “Aye I have the police on speed dial, my mom always makes sure I do, and I guess sometimes it helps!” She laughed. The police knock the door down looking for fuzzy, they tackle him and put him in handcuffs. One comes behind me and unties me. I couldn't want to just hug my parents. I've missed them so much!  “Never ever leave again” I say running up to my parents. I'm glad my family is all back together!

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