crown jewel | Teen Ink

crown jewel

October 25, 2016
By Loundia BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Loundia BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh my gosh, what a dream. I woke up with my heart beating fast in my chest. It was a nightmare, but looked like it was really happening. Now that I’m up, I can’t go back to sleep. Waking up is easy for me but going back sleep, that rarely happens, it’s not so easy. I got out of bed my morning is pretty much a routine, almost every morning is the same. Got up, work out, green drink and work. I work for a private organization, solving crimes is our thing, we’ve solved one hundred percent of our investigations. Everyone at work gets along fine, we can’t have co-workers not getting along; everyone is here to help others and each other. Rrrriiiiiinnnngggg… my phone is ringing, I pick up my phone and put to my ear.
“Hello,” I say to the phone.
“Hi, it’s your grandmother, are you coming to dinner this afternoon.”
“Of course, I’m never going to miss anything you do, grams,” I said.
“Thanks, honey, see you there,” She says happily as she hangs up.
My grandma is the happiest person I know. She has brown hair, she’s always wearing something nice, with some type of jewel with it. I always go shopping with her, that’s like our thing we do together. Tonight the family is going to her house for dinner.
I’m wearing this coral blue dress with a gold necklace with a pair of back wedges. It’s the most comfortable dress ever and you can wear it to anything.
“Hello, everyone!” I yelled over the music that’s playing into the living room where everyone is talking and playing games.
“Hey, sweetie, how are things going?” my aunt Kate ask; coming up to me for a hug. I hug her and she hugs me tight.
“Everything is good, I just finished a case I was working on, how about you?”
“Great, the kids are playing outside right now. Maybe they’ll come back in in a little bit.”
Kate is my mom’s sister she has two kids, Daniel and Lucy, Daniel is 15 and Lucy is 13. Pretty much the whole family is here, we are so close to each other and always in each other’s business- yeah I guess that’s what your family is for. The best thing about these family dinners is when grandma takes everyone to the downstairs room, we don’t go there a lot only on family nights. We all walked downstairs to that room, with the most precious treasure to our family. It’s a crown costing more than $20,000. On everyone’s birthday they get to wear it and that’s the only time that piece of jewel leaves this room. The crown has pieces of diamonds of different color diamonds -rare diamonds- and the rim is gold with two silver heart on each side. It’s the most beautiful thing ever. We all stare at the piece of jewel in aww, it’s the kids favorite part of coming to dinner. Everyone finished helping and went home.
The morning light beamed in the apartment, waking the whole apartment up, flashing different colors around the room. Riiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg… I didn’t even have time to get up before my phone ring.
“Hello,” I said while in the middle of a yarned.
“IT’S GONE, I DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO IT, IT WAS HERE LAST NIGHT AND NOW ITS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND, COME QUICK,” my grandma said in the phone worried and at the same time yelling. And immediately I knew what she was talking about, the crown jewel is gone.
“I’m on my way, be there in ten,” I said while putting on my day clothes one.
My team is already on the case looking for clues and a lead. I was downstairs and the case that held the jewel is empty and there is broken glasses all over the floor. There was something that got caught on the side of the glass, it was a glove. I put the glove in the plastic bag as a clue. After finding all the clues we could, I help my grandma pack because she’s moving with Kate until the investigation is done and everything is clean around her house. I went to the organization to see what I could fin¬d to would give us a lead. One that stuck out to us was the dog hair. My grandmas neighbor has a dog, she’s our first suspect. When we got to her she was watching t.v with her puppy. She came out and we told her we need to take to in private. Back at the organization we asked her some questions.
“Where we you last night, around 11:30?” I asked looking her straight in the eye.
“I was at my house, sleeping,” she said looking back at me.
She’s in her mid-40s, her name is Suzie. She has a golden retriever name daisy.
“Last night my grandma’s crown jewel was stolen and we found dog hairs along where the crime scene was and we were wondering if it was your dog, ma’am you are our first suspect. Did you see or hear anything last night that was strange?” I asked.
“Well, last night I woke up to the sound of my dog barking and going crazy and when I got up and moved to the window I saw a figure walking on the road. I didn’t think anything of it but then she was wearing all black and one of her hands were bare, that’s all I know. After that I took daisy and laid her next to me,” she said looking like she’s still thinking about something else.
“Is there something else you have to share with us.” I ask
“Oh no, I was thinking if I told you everything or if I forgot something but that’s all.” She said.
“Thank you for your collaboration, if you have anything else please come see us.” I said with a smile and a handshake. Now we know the glove has something with the thief. We got some finger prints and the team is analyzing them. Back at my grandma’s house we found something that was in front of us the whole time and we didn’t see it. We found a red lipstick by the broken glasses. It probably fell out of her bag when she was getting the crown into her bag. I took the lipstick to the organization for analyze. Today was a hard day maybe tomorrow will be a better one for me and the organization. When I got home I took a shower, ate dinner and tried to figure out who would want to take the most precious thing in my family.
The next morning, I woke up ready for what’s coming. I can feel that’s it going to be a better day, today were find the results of the finger prints and maybe who the glove belongs to. When I arrive at the organization, most of the clues are ready to go through, except for the finger prints, they need a little bit more time.
“What do we have Jake?” I ask john. John is my partner in crime-literally- he’s been my partner since the day I arrived at the organization, and best friend since grade school. He’s real name is Jordan but I call him Jake and he doesn’t mind it.
“Hello to you too, Elli.” with a smile and ignoring my questions, it’s something we do when one of use forget to say hello to each other. He’s been gone for a week, for a family thing.
“Sorry, hey Jake, how was your week.” I say smiling and giving him a hug.
“It was great,’’ he said “back to the case, we found someone that was missing a glove and has the same color and same type of lipstick.” he says.
“Let’s go the find that person.” I say putting my jacket and ready to go.
We reach the front door of the café house, when we saw the girl we’re looking for. Her name is Faith, she has auburn hair, blue and green eyes wearing black skinny jeans, with a blue t-shirt and a white apron with yellow flowers and she’s wearing the same shape lipstick.
    “Welcome to café deluxe, what can I get you?” she says with a smile that can make anyone smile on a bad day.
“SCIWD, we need to talk.” I say showing my badge so only her can see it.
“Let me get someone to cover the front desk.” She says leaving us and going in the back. We head her talking to someone in the back, saying someone is here to talk to her and its important. A few minutes later we see a men coming behind faith with an apron too.
“We just have a few questions and some things to show you, is that okay?” I ask
“Yeah of course, anything.” Faith says
I pull out the the plastic bags with the glove and lipstick we have with us. “Is this your glove?” I ask, putting the glove in front of her do see can see it.
“I have a pair like these, but mine has pink nail-polish inside of them,” She say.
I took the glove out of the bag and looked inside of it and like what she just said there is pink nail-polish inside of it.
“Like this one?” I ask showing her the pink nail-polish. Her face got all disgusted, like this is a horror movie or a nightmare.
After a few minutes of taking in what she’s looking at she says, “Yeah, just like that one. Where did you find it?”
“We founded on a crime scene. It’s one of the clues that we found,” Jake reply.
“That glove is mine, but I was not where you found. I haven’t even seen this glove in months,” she says looking into space searching for something she lost.
“Why don’t you tell us about this glove,” I say sensing that there’s something more.
“well, a couple months ago, I was dining with a friend and I was wearing these exact same gloves. Her name is Meagan Williams, when she saw the gloves she wanted to borrow them so I let her borrow them, she gave me back the gloves after and week. But when I went to get them they were gone, nowhere to be found and I’ve never seen them since Meagan gave them back to me and now I’m sitting here looking at it and I don’t know what to do. But I have nothing to do with the crime that was committed,” she says feeling a little better through her body impression and you can tell she’s more relax now.
“Do you know where Meagan is?” I ask.
“No, but I know she moved a month after we had lunch together,” she says.
“What about this lipstick?” Jake ask
“I use to wear that color lipstick but I stopped a long time ago, the color wasn’t really after using it for a few months,” she says.
She’s wearing this darker purple lipstick now. “Thank you,” Jake and I say to her then we left her sitting at the table. Back at the organization Jake came up to me with a plastic bag with a hair clip in it and instantly everything just clicked in my head.  Jake found a gold and silver hair clip and the only person I know who wear something like that is Megan Williams, she’s my grandma’s best friend’s daughter. She wears those hair clips because in high school she got side bangs but they didn’t grow as fast as she thought they would so she founded these gold and silver hair clips that goes with everything. Since then that’s what goes with everything she wears and everywhere she goes, even now. We use to be close friends after high school I didn’t see her anymore but she loved that piece of jewel, she always wanted her mom to buy something like that for her but what her mom got her was close to what she asked for; not exactly but close, her mom got her a tiara just for her and she loved it more than any other thing she had. I tell Jake about Meagan after taking it in he says, “we found the owner of the fingerprints.” We race to the exam room and the face that’s on the screen shock me to the core, it’s Meagan Williams same color lipstick and her hair clip is missing. We found out that she lives in apartment downtown Chicago, ten minutes from where I live in my apartment. We got the address of her apartment and left the organization. We arrive at her apartment and no one was there but the door was locked. Jake broke down the down and everyone split up in every direction. I went into the bedroom and I saw a picture of her and a guy hugging. I look through her drawers and under her bed and found nothing. I look in her closet and there was a little side chandelier shining behind the clothes. I push the clothes over and there it is sitting in one of those fancy pillows and light from the chandelier coming straight down on it sending different colors around the back of the closet.

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