mixed up mystery | Teen Ink

mixed up mystery

October 25, 2016
By jacobhawn BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
jacobhawn BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Phillis,” said Randy. “How is it going?”
  The day is Wednesday. It is a cold summer day. There was a slightly over cast, and crime was in the wind.
Randy is a detective that messes around all day, but was the best detective in New York city. On the other hand, Phillis was the smart bright headed person that worked all day, but didn’t know what he was doing half the time.
Phillis was walking by and answered, “Good, how about you?”
That’s when the call came in…
They rushed to the crime scene. It was a bloody mess. There was blood all over the counters, walls, and floor. It was so much blood that the victim was unidentifiable. That was the case of the century. When the detectives took all the evidence they could, they went back to the station and made a bored of all the people the victim knew.
They started to get alibies from her family and friends, they also asked if they knew if anyone would want to hurt her. They got nothing.
When they went to the morgue, they found out that she bled out a long and painful death. She couldn’t move after she got attacked.
“Whoever did this is a heartless person,” said Phillis with a sad expression in his voice.
“The victim is Mrs. Parry, she lives in a penthouse on the corner of 5th Street and Fisher Avenue. She had lacerations all over her body, and she had tattoos of flowers that are unique. One of a kind. The artist may know who she is, or what she did,” said Candy, interrupting Phillis.
Candy ran the morgue. She used to be a doctor, but that didn’t work out.  She is in her mid-thirties. Candy was very successful. She is married with two kids, waiting on her third.
“Ok we will go check it out,” answered Randy, as they rushed out to go see if they could find anything in the penthouse.
As they got to the apartment housing complex, they went to the lobby and asked the cashier to see the penthouse on floor 20. Phillis flashed his badge and they were on their way to the penthouse.
When they got to the penthouse the door was wide open. Randy and Phillis pulled out their guns and got ready breach the apartment.
“NYPD! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!” They both yelled.
There was no answer, so they both went into the house clearing the rooms. All the rooms were clear except one. They were doing hand signals to show who was doing what. When they went into the room, there was a window shattering. They both ran to the window that was shattered, they saw a person running down the emergency escape. So Phillis followed him down the emergency exit, while Randy took the stares in the building.
Right before Phillis took off down the exit, he said to Randy, “Cue the awesome music.” In a joking matter.
Phillis was the fastest person in the New York City. He was offered to go to the Olympics, but he liked what he did better.
When Phillis caught up to him, he pulled out his Taser and tazed the suspect. He went down in an instant. So Phillis hand cuffed him, Randy pulled up the car, and the suspect was put into the cell in the back of the car.
The runners name was Fuller Miller. He was an ex-convict that was recently released from a high security prison. He was supposed to be under watch, but all the watch men were out of town.
It was over…
So everyone thought. That was just the beginning. What was about to happen was nothing compared to the events to follow.
There was another murder at the morgue. Just as gory as the first. Except this one was going to be personal to the two cops as they knew the victim, Candy.
There was a mass shooting with 30 people dead, and many others injured. And 1/30 of those people was one of the nicest people you would have ever met. About a week later there was a funeral for the ones that had died. At the funeral, both Randy and Phillis were asked to say a few words. As A pastor Randy went first. As he was talking, Phillis saw a flash in the distance. Next thing he knew he was waking up in a hospital bed. There had been a bullet that had just missed his heart a view centimeter.
The next few months he was recovering in the hospital. When he went back to work there was a big party. After the party he went to the and qualified for everything he needed to qualify for. He was back on the case of who murdered his best friend, and one of his only.
“So where are we at on the case?” asked Phillis to Randy.
“We have got nowhere in this case. We have a murder weapon. It is the same on that shot you. An AR-15. Upgraded and moded to the max. it has all the bells and whistles that you can think of. In is practically a sniper.” Randy answered like he had said it a thousand times. “There are no prints on it, no powder residue on the barrel. It is like it was never even fired.”
“Now what? There is nothing to lead on.”
“Not so fast. The bullet we found in you, Candy, and the first victim are identical. The same bullet in every person. And it is registered to a no other than, Rubin Robin. I have already sent out a team to go to pick him up from his home. They should be here any minute now.”
As the van rolled up that was sent to pick up Mr. Robin, they got out, Rubin in hand cuffs. The first officer said that he didn’t even resist. Like he didn’t care. Those were the last words that officer said.
The bullet almost hit Phillis, the suspect shot five more shots. That’s when the crew that picked up Robin, opened fire at Randy and Phillis. They hid behind some concrete slaps. They pulled out their guns and returned fire. The sniper was leaving when Phillis saw his face. Phillis started to shot at the sniper from behind cover. He hit the suspect in the thigh. That’s when the whole department can out and opened fire at the rogue cops. Randy and Phillis started towards the sniper when a van rolled up and stop right in front of them. Phillis climbed over the van and Randy went around the van. When they got around, there was no one there. Then they saw the man hole.
“There in the sewers!” they both yelled.
All the police that were outside went over the nearest man hole and went in to it. The S.W.A.T team went and block off all the sewers and also all the man hole exits. When all of that happened, all the airports were contacted and were told to hold all the flights until further notice. All the busses were stopped. All the roads were shut down. All the bridges were blocked off. All the helicopter pads were watched so no one could take off.

The whole case was still being worked on. They finally caught the murders. That was just the beginning. The whole thing tied into a federal case that has been happening for about five years. The whole a thing wasn’t right. The suspects didn’t even try to escape. It was as if they were waiting for something to happen. The right moment to strike. All five suspects were put all around the country. Each in their own cell. Each under 100 feet on concrete, let alone all the water they were under. All but one was in one of those cells. That one was in a prison. That was the one that was willing to cooperate. She didn’t want to be in a cell like all he friends.
“Her name is Meghan Miller. She had a perfect record. Meghan was a straight “A” student. She was The smartest person in Manhattan. She was one of the nicest people you would ever meet. Megan Miller was just hanging out with the wrong people at the wrong time.
“So what are we going to do with her?” asked Phillis. “We just can’t let her rot in there. She won’t last five minutes with those girls. They will eat her like she is a piece of chicken.”
“It all depends what happens in court. That will determine what happens with her.” Randy answered with a little lump in his throat.
Randy last name is Miller. He has known Meghan since she about, five years old. He was her mentor in schools. He came once a week every week since she was in kindergarten till she was in the 12th graded. He knew almost everything about her. He was practically her dad.
Randy had a child. But then he dad to put into an orphanage because he was mentally unstable. But he has gotten a lot better since than. He used to be a drunk. He was abusive. Then he joined the police force. He started off coming into work hungover. Randy almost got fired because of it. But he got better. After about a year being a police, he started to go into schools. There he talked to kids and started to think about what he had done with his own kid. Then he found her. He started to talk to her, to get to know her, and after a while he adopted her. He adopted his own daughter.

Months went by before her trial. Meghan and Randy were both about to pi their pants. That is when the judge was being generis. He told them that her sentence would only be five months. Then she would be on watch by the NYPD.

Five months went by. There she was wondering how she was going to get home. That’s when a 2016 convertible Camaro pulled up. It was her dad.
(This is where the mystery part comes in).
They were driving home, when a mysteries armored vehicle pulled up behind them. When Randy and Meghan made a turn, the truck made a turn right behind them. The truck was building speed, almost hitting them. Then it happened. The truck started to pass them. But right as it was at the back of the car, it swerved into the back of the car. Randy and Meghan were in the car. The car spun, then it started to flip. When the car was done flipping, some people got out of the truck. The people were in masks. They put the car into a ditch that was nearby. Then they lit it on fire, with Meghan and Randy in it.  The road wasn’t very popular. So only about 10 people traveled it a day.
It was about two hours later when they were found. They were completely burned. Unrecognizable.  When the cops got there the fire was already out.
“Where is Randy?” Phillis asked one of the other officers.
“I don’t know. “Answered the cop. “Good question.”
That’s when Phillis released what the car was. A 2016 convertible Camaro. Phillis dropped to his knees. He knew what had just happened. Phillis knew what was going to happen. He knew…
He went back to the department and told the captain what he thought had happened. The captain pulled Phillis from the case.
When Phillis got home he went the kitchen. Pulled out a bottle. And poured it into a small glass. Then his world went black. He woke up in a dark alley. No one in sight. He walked out in to the street to see where he was. So he did. He was in the ally right next to his apartment building. So he went back to his room. As he got to his room the door was right open. He walked in with caution. He checked everything. There was nothing. After he checked everything. He got ready. And went to work.
When he got to work. He checked the board to see where they were on the case. They had got nowhere on it, then he caught something on the board. It was the address of Meghan. He went to the location, checked everything out, then took some evidence. Then he realized that it was the house of the first murder victim. There was still blood on the floor. He took a sample of the blood. It was a mix of the victims and Meghan’s. 
Phillis thought to himself, “Why is Meghan’s blood on the floor?”
He went back to base, and told the detectives what he had found. The detectives ran the blood sample again. This time they found a new source of blood. It was John White’s blood.
John White is a drug lord. He practically runs New York. No one knows what he looks like, or how old he is. Only one thing is known about him, that he runs out of, an abandon warehouse in the Bronx. No one had the guts to take him down. Until know.
Phillis drove down to the ware house. He took a look in a broken window. In the building was a huge room with chemistry kits and other weird devises. Phillis went into the warehouse, and a van pulled up. Five guys got out, and came into the warehouse.
Phillis pulled out his gun. And texted the department. There was back up on its way. He was waiting for the back up to arrive. Phillis opened fire on the suspects. That’s when the backup arrived. They all opened fire on the suspects. All of the suspects were killed except for John White.
All the cops arrested John. He was put into a secret vault that was hidden in the middle of the ocean. Meghan and Randy’s funeral took place about a week after John White was arrested. Let’s just say that there wasn’t a dry in the place. Then it was time for the real story to begin for Phillis. Randy would have been proud.

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