the unsolved mystery | Teen Ink

the unsolved mystery

October 25, 2016
By BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let me save you some if you want this end to be a happily ever after then you're going to have to go read another book. This book is full of unfortunate things and absolutely no happy ever after, feel free to set it down at any time.    

I ran back towards her wrapping my arms around her, sinking my face into her soft sweater. pulling my face up to look into her warm hazel brown eyes. The wind hitting my red blushed face from crying the faint smell of her hair, crying instantly as I hit her chest.

            “Man i'm going to miss you so much” I said with a small sniffle

            “Me too sweetie I will miss too even more!”

All of this while I was still clutched around her small waist.

            Was the choice I was about to make all wrong? I was about to le2ave with people I barely recognized only by picture. Should I really go? millions of thoughts were running through my head, did I really need to go this was the worst year of my life and I needed my mom. I was going to leave for ever…. I really don’t know if I’m making the right choices for me anything could happen. I looked up at my mom once again my eyes brushed with tears.

            “do I really have to go?” trying not to let these strangers hear me

“Sweetie not that’s up to you”

           All was clear now I needed my mom I needed her in my life she’s my hero my rock even my best friend.


              “No what?”

               “I can’t go!”

           ”That’s okay honey, but you must g. I can not take care of you Sammy.

“I felt terrified that I was going to go leave the one things i've known all my life. My mom walked away to go tell the people that I was about to start my new life with that this is going to more difficult than  she had expected. The only reason my mother wasn't crying is not because she didn’t care but for the reasons she knew it would make thing more difficult than she has thought. Waoh waoh i am getting way ahead of myself.

It was 1989, brooklyn new york. I am sammy sands but everyone calls me detective sands.I sit in a small dinner waiting for the call of something interesting to happen in this big crazy city. Witch at this second sure seems like the whole town is asleep.  12:45 rolls by still sitting in the old down dinner finishing up some old way past due paper work from my previous case. As i stand up I feel a small vibration in my left pocket of rosey red balser i draw to excitement, and immediately answer the phone my boss lenny. Shes my best friend, she's been there through it all. She's sort and has dirty blond hair she has these beautiful green and brown eyes. She is very sweet, she once climbed a tree to get a baby kitten out of a tree, but get this she's terrified of heights. since my mother put me up for adoption when we both turned fifteen i decided i was going to find my birth mother since then she completely ignored my existence. Guess who was there for me lenny. Since then we go out for drinks every now and then and she’s my boss.

“Umm, sam…” she said with a very shaky voice.

“What, what get on with it len.” i said beginning to get an attitude.

“Something very bad has happened.”

I sighed, my mind racing to all the things that could've happened  but then i remember I don't have anyone besides lenny.

“Give it to me as it is i don't want that sugar coating stuff you do.”

“Your mother sam…. She uhhh… well..”

I cut her off immediately after i heard the word mother.

“She's not my-”

“Would you listen to me please! She’s dead sam. She was killed murdered.”

I drop the phone not caring nor acknowledging that i still remain I the already racing mind jumped to every conclusin. Can this be? Was my mother the woman who gave up on me actually dead?

“Sam? Hello same?”

I heard faintly from the ground not even remembering that i had dropped my phone. I slowly picked up my phone off the cold checkers floor.

     “the case is mine no if and's or buts about it. I will not have any interference with mac.

Mac is my ex husband guess whys hes my ex exactly this, he seems to always find away to keep me from getting where i need to in my cases he seems to always be there to ask me questions like,

”where's your search warrant?” he always keeps the bad guys on the street. Yep you guessed it he's not only my ex husband but an ex cop, currently he is a lawyer yet still finds away to intrude.

“Give me the case len, or i'll quit the job right now.” i said with a very persuasive tone to my already shaky voice.

        “Okay.. but as soons as this gets too much for you too-”

I cut her off very rudely,

        “This is already personal but have you ever see me not finish what i've started ?”


    I was told to get started as soon as possible so that meant now. I i had no clue what i was getting myself into i knew nothing about my mother i didn't even read the file i was so enthusiastic yet so scared to start this case. It was nearly 1:30 i met lenny at the scene.

        “ there is no way my mother was killed here” i said in complete and utter disbelief. Lenny and i stood in the now pouring rain, looking up at the enormous manson.  I had no idea what to think.

        “Well time to solve another one”


I slowly, dreadfully walk up the long twisty driveway police sirens still piercing through the late night fog. I opened the door and began clarifying to the others in the house that this was my case and that id advise them to leave, the large crowd began fleeing ever so slowly but I didn't notice how long it really was because of how much i was lost in my own thought. This was different no one is tears no remorse just anger everywhere and then this is where my already miserable story takes an even worse turn. I waltzed through the what seemed like endless hall trying to trace my thoughts.

“Detective, detective…” a snobby voice repeated obnoxiously.

“I do believe you have a few questions to ask me.” the unfamiliar voice spoke again.

“DETECTIVE!” she said once more very clearly she was trying to get my attention..

“Yes umm give me a second.” i said.

very lost still trying to backtrack through all my racing madness called my brain.

The sense.. Was very brutal the cold still woman known as my mother was dead. She lay there with pale skin the condition of her body was horrific. She lay there oh so still. I heard footsteps behind me but once again i was so gazed i didn't bother to acknowledge them until…

“Hey sugar.” mac called out.

I could almost see his mean sneer on his face i didn't even bother to turn around.

“What do you want!” I said closing the door not even done collecting what i needed from the scene but too determined to not let mac see a thing.

“Oh i see how we are gonna play honey.” mac said with the sly smile still remaining on his face.

“Watch it before i take you out myself.” i said being not one bit sarcastic.

“Here are the police reports, wait wait what is mac doing here.”

Mac propped himself against the door the estill remained close and was going to stay closed.

        “Ladys ladys we do not need to wonder why i am here but you are gonna need-.”

“Leave now!” i said moving closer to him.

“Ill call backup.” lenny said as a threat.

“No need sammy girl you need me later.” he said with that god awful smerick on his face still.


    “Did you get a look at the scene and body?”  lenny said sadly.

“Not quite.”  i said annoyed.

I opened the door and took the file out if her hand and pursue into the room once again. I still couldn't believe that my mother lay there that still. There was blood everywhere. I gulped and took out my old worn out paper pad and pen, and began writing. “camron is her name, she was  thirty-five but in the condition she was in before death made her look forty. The blood stains on her clothes look dry like they have been there for a day or two. I paused and looked at her still in disbelief. Her hair in knocks like she was dragged around and her beyond messy hair was stained with blood. I paused again. I wrote head trauma, then continued describing the rest of the traumatic scene  her face was deeply bruised when i wrote that i went back to my initial theory. “This didn't happen i one day.” i softly mumbled to myself , something's just not right. This isn't like before, before i knew what i was doing my mind was set i knew what steps i needed now well it's just different.  This could not of happened like this the bruises were faded the stab wounds aren't fresh.


who was camron sands i scribble down on my pad, i also write down the location minu the fact she said she couldn't take care of me many years ago and lives here says something. The body was located under the stair well in a small room designated to brooms and cleaning supplies, there was something else i was unsure about. Why would a killer kill a woman in a huge mansion with many people working and coming in and out. I knew i had to question the pushy annoying mistress. I didn't even want to encounter her but the possibility of her seeing something was high. I was going to find herwalking down the long hall with red fabric on the walls I seemed to be walking for an a century once again lost in my own little world but the difference from before was now my whole world was upside down .


    A man had bumped into me had a very unfamiliar face, the mysterious man was long and tall and oh so skinny, the man had dark black hair perfectly aligned  a one thing that stood out was his posture is was relentless so perfect i almost felt like i needed to stand straight and mimic his.

He grabbed my hand and had pursued shaking it very hard.

“You must be detective sands.” the tall man said so enthusiastic with a bit of anger in his voice. He remained shaking my hand

“yes ,yes. You must be?” i rudely, as i  pulled my hand away and forced a smile upon my face.

“Well mama i'm Sir Companion.” he said with a huge grin smeared across his face not sure what he is smiling about but the man still is smiling as i look at him he began to speak again.

“ so i am gonna go ahead and assume you're here because the murder of your mother?”

“Um yes. Actually may i ask you a few questions?”

He stood there for again what seemed for ever but this time i stayed on track the rain had picked up and it had to of been about four a.m. and finally he spoke,

‘Actually right now is not a good time you see i must attend  to my room and get some sleep.”

I was surprised. The man played as if he was tired when he looked like he just drank coffee according to his enthusiasm. But i slightly nodded and stood there as he walked away very quickly.

“ if you looking for madeleine then go to your left.” sir compton said without looking back still walking away. I thought about saying thanks but he seemed to be gone when i turned around so why bother.


    Madeline.. The pushy mistress. She was tall and skinny she has bleach blond hair, clearly obsessed with her appearance, the mistress wore a ruby red dress with a matching lipstick and black heels that hurt my feet just looking at them. She looked stunning i imagine her always looking like that. She had a small dog in her arms it was possible a shih tzu, but i can't be sure i'm a detective not a dog expert.

“Hey love how's the investigation going?” miss mistress said 

She seemed to be more sarcastic than really asking the question. She actually kind of seemed drunk i found myself smirking at my side thought that only i heard.

    “Maybe detective instead of staring at me you can actually take time to question me”

“Miss madeline i hope you're not suggesting i really question you while you're under the influence of what seems like a lot of alcohol.” i said very rudely with a small touch of sarcasm. Miss mistress moved closer to me but i still stood my ground,

“You don't know anything. I can tell my daddy to get you off this case faster than you think so try me.”

I really didn't like her but i'm pretty sure she can fulfil her threat upon me. So i said,

    “Miss madeleine, do you know anything about what has happened to miss cameron?”

    “Why yes i do, shes been living  her for about a year.” madeline paused. She kind of looked as if she was hiding something. We stood in the hall not to far from where the crime had taken place. Suddenly the fog of silence was lifted.

    “Detective sands, a word.”  it was a man i had never seen before his voice was almost mello.  I turned to look at miss mistress and she was gone.

    “Must have some secret doors dang.” i whimpered to myself.

    “How can i help you sir?” i said as i rambled over to the guy.

    “Well i'm here to pick up the body can you inform me where the location that may be?” he was very charming. He stood to about sixish feet he had sandy blond hair. Very strong supper built towards the chest area, eyes that were so blue they looked like freshly polished diamonds  he almost made me nervous.

        “Oh umm yes of of of course.” i sounded like an idiot. A complete and utter idiot.

        “Right this way sir.”

        ‘please call me lex.” he said with his mello hollwed out voice that made me feel like i was floating above the clouds,yet in a horror film. It had to of been about approximately five am my eyes were beginning to show the lack of sleep but when didn't  they so i wasn't to worried about it. I was just about to walk lex to the sense of the crime and i heard a very loud sound like shattering glass it was a huge red flag what was anyone doing up at five in the morning? I quickly walk with almost a run, I get to the kitchen and there was nothing there there is no way that that big of a sound could of been nothing so i had decided to further investigate.

        The sound couldn't be traced. But i did find something. A knife was missing the whole kitchen was spotless to clean actually but the missing knife and a wine glass with red lipstick. I pulled out my pad which was still looking like it could fall apart at anytime. And wrote down “lipstick” there was a little wine at the bottom of the glass. The broken glass was from the the wine bottle but why was it broken? Who broke it the wine in the cup was still cold. I knew whom i had to talk to first. Miss mistress.

    “Sorry to bother you this early but i need to ask you about your aware abouts last night, and your connection with the victim.”

    “I don't believe id call her a victim or a damsel in distress.” she giggles.

“Miss, i where were you last night at one in the afternoon through midnight?”

“Well i was here i'm always here i barely leave safety reasons dont expect you to get it.” he voice returns to a giggle but i ignore it.
    “I am going to go ahead and ask you have someone to prove your alibi? “

“You know i don't.”  she says getting a little nervous. Madeline's room looked like a five year old obsessed with princess chose the decor. Theme pink. I was looking for her lipstick. I was wearing black heeled boots so as soon as i spotted it pretended to trip so i can lean against the dresser where it was. I slipped it into my long leather coat careful not to touch it too much.

“Oh my you are like a bull in a china shop.”

“I advise you to leave before you break something. She said very loud trying not to show me she cared.
    “I was just leaving thanks for your time.”


    By then i really did think it was here but  i needed to be sure and keep it on the down low. By then i hadn't slept in twenty-four hours. That morning i questioned everyone in the whole house, well everyone but sir competition. The tall thin standoffish man who disappeared. I called lenny and she told me he had made airline tickets to mexico. Mexico that's strange , thought to myself

“Sam hun i don't think you are going to solve this.”
“I solve everything in time.”

The author's comments:

i am a young writer i love to wirte and this story was alot of fun to write. i hope its enjoyed

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