The Children Dective | Teen Ink

The Children Dective

October 25, 2016
By childdetective BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
childdetective BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“My name is Lilac, Lily for short, will you adopt?” is the thing I said to my new mommy two days ago, but now I am laying in a vivid red ocean of blood with the smell of death, decay, and my tears in my nose. My “twin” sister is screaming her head because we are both covered head to toe in the blood from Mommy, I never learned her name. My tears won’t stop coming as Daddy comes into the room and he hollered so loud and his face was so red you swore he popped a blood vessel. Then my older brother,Andy and Marcus they’re twins, started dropping things and coming. Everyone else I saw I had no idea how they were related to me.
My brothers then scoped Rose and I up. I assume I had the same cold dead blank stare as Rose because I got a little shake from my older brother and he gave me a small gentle smile. Then I yelled in between sobs, “I will find mom’s murderer and no one or nothing is go to stop me.”
“Me too” my sister chimes in with a look of burning passion in her emerald green eyes.
“Ok Rose then you can be the Watson to my Sherlock Holmes partner in justice,” I said like I was a king with the feeling of passion in my sea blue eyes.
So we searched the crime the was still a little warm but that could be from the heater. We also found a strand of light color hair and Rose let me in on who everyone was like Iris our cousin with rainbow hair and brown eyes, Fawn our aunt with brown hair and brown eye, Sean our uncle with blonde hair and green eyes, Star our other aunt with brown hair and one blue eye and one green eye, and Arthur our other uncle bronze-copperish hair and blue eyes and I wrote all of that down in me trust detective book and I put the Mommy strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, Marcus bleached white hair and green eyes,Andy oily black dyed hair and green eyes,Dad red hair and green eyes ,Rose fire red hair and emerald green ,me beach blonde hair and sea blue eyes. I could see there was a struggle because table next had fallen and broke and the book she was reading was on the other side of the room and her body was not on the chair she was sitting in and her eye were filled with fear.She was beat to death with a big hard copy book which we found not far from the body also covered in blood. In our investigation everyone left us alone and then off we went through the corridors while we did that the thumping of our feet was in time with the thunderstorms rain first we find dad. We finally find him in the kitchen shoving an array of food in his mouth sobbing “That’s how he handle pain,” Rose whispered so close I could feel her eyelashes on me. We then walked up to dad and asked in perfect sync, “ Where were you when Mom was killed.”
“ I was with Andy in the living room.I am innocent,” he muttered food falling out of his mouth.
I wrote his statement down then said,“Ok,I guess we can leave,” Rose agreed and we went off. We can’t say father innocent yet we have to get Andy’s statement I thought to myself.
Of course we found Andy with Marcus they were alway together so we approached Andy slowly. Then he looked at us and said smugly, “ Are you two still playing detective. Leave it to the professionals,” he point at himself and Marcus because they were professional detective there was no denying that they were more qualified than we were.
I stood up to make myself look like an adult and huffed,“We are just here to get your account, Andy,” then my attention shifted to Marcus who was shaking because he was not to the confident twin and said with a patient voice, “We will need your account too Marcus”.
“Leave us alone,” Andy screamed at us I think it was because Marcus was shaking.
“Ok,” I said. Then Rose and I went on our way. I could feel the tears sting my eye the vision went blurry but I just  sniffed my nose and kept walking. Next we went to the playroom where we our cousin Iris play a detective video game. I tap on her shoulder, no movement. I say her name, no movement. Finally I power down the game.
She screamed, “I was on the final level,” her eye were smoldering.
“I needed your full attention,”I exclaimed while puffing my cheeks out.
“Ok, adorable precious seedling what do you what? she said and turned back to her game
“I am just here to get your account and then I will be gone” I explained to he.
“Fine I was in here when she died” she whispers-shouted as she gestured around the room.
“Do you have anyone to backup your claim?” Rose excitedly said
“Yes, I do Marcus is my alibi,” she smirked as if we were falling into a trap.
“But we can't talk to Marcus,” I shuddered out as tears rolled down my face as I remember Andy yelling at us.
“Come on Rose,” I cried out as I pulled her out of the room.
We went to the bathroom and recapped what we learned some far as we did I felt like I was losing myself in my head someone was whispering to me. Then I blacked out. Next thing I know is I am fighting Rose with a shard of glass in my hand. I drop the glass and start to cry. Rose was badly injured because of me wait no not me a monster living in me. Then we knew who the real killer was me. Rose promised to never tell a live soul, but I knew I couldn't go unpunished so I opened the bathroom door and started looking for Andy and Marcus. I find them still in the living room. So I walk up to the two of them and said like a lost and abused kid I was, “I killed Mommy.”
“No you did not,” Andy yelled jumping to his feet.
Yes I did,” I yelled back.
“I guess we have to arrest our baby sister.” Marcus said tears welling up.
We all shared a hug. They found me guilty of manslaughter charges and I was sentenced to life in prison. My family still come to visit me. About the other me she is stronger than she was back then. I feel as if she will consume me to make me mad. Something I still don’t understand like how I was about to pick up that giant book. I am pretty weak only being 7 and all but I that is a question that will lingere in your mind isn’t that right READERS. 

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