Witch Craft | Teen Ink

Witch Craft

December 8, 2016
By Bluejaysrock BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Bluejaysrock BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there were two children named Adriana and Hensel. They lived in a poor village with nothing to eat but scraps off the floor. You see, they were not treated with much respect by their evil stepmother; however, their father loved them very much and didn't want anything to happen to them.

One night their stepmother came running in their room screaming , “GET THE HELL OUT MY HOUSE”! The the children woke up with a scared face not knowing what was happening. It ended up that their food was scarce, they couldn't afford taking care of the children. So, the sad father led the kids out in woods to try to get rid of them so they wouldn’t come home. The father gave the kids hugs and left them with nothing but each other. The kids looked around and were scared. The moon shined bright with clouds going across it. They heard owls and creatures almost as if they were yelling their name.

They wandered lost in the forest dazed and confused by hunger for 2 days. Suddenly, something appeared in the middle of the forest on the second night. The kids saw a beautiful women with long golden hair that made the moon look dull. She approached them with kindness and asked, “What on earth are you doing out here all alone”? The children didn't even know what to say. They were struck by her beauty she held. She said, “Follow me and I shall show you the way out. As the children were walking with her, Hansel noticed something odd about her hands.

As the children were walking They were old and wrinkly; her fingernails were long and pointy. Hansel bumped Adriana and said, “look” as they were walking. Adriana was confused how such a beautiful  women could have such ugly old hands with fingernails as sharp as knives. What the children didn’t realize was that the golden beauty could hear everything they were They decided chirstians mr.smith was in his machete like furious.Mr.smith was in church he walked move duroy talking about. Suddenly she turned around and asked, “What are talking about?” 

The children said, “ Your beauty.” “ But such was her anxiety for her fear. Where did you bury your Iyi-uwa?. Okagbue had asked Ezinma. She was nine then was just recovering from a serious illness.
“Where did you bury you she asked in return.

She replied “ Let me show you how beautiful I can be. “ Doomlord

All of a sudden she took her old wrinkly hand out, scratched her face and pulled her skin off one layer at a time minute by minute. The two Children screamed “AHHHHHHHHH!” In shock they didn’t move. The golden beauty was no longer beautiful; she was ugly and filled with hate and despair.  Her face horrified the children as if they were set in a trap. She screamed “LOOK AT ME NOW YOU SINS OF HELL.” In shock the poor children fell out of disbelief as the old ugly lady took a broom stick out of nowhere and put the children on her shoulders and they were off.

As they landed on top of a huge mountain, the children woke up, their hearts were pounding, and they started to shake with fear with the unknowing of what was to come. All of the sudden the evil ugly witch took the children off her shoulders and put them on the cold hard floor. The witch said to kids in scary voice, “Wait here!” The children hung on to each other as if the last minutes together would be their final. All of a sudden they heard screaming and growls; they were hearing something they had never heard in their lives. Coming up the stairs were witches, not just evil witches, but witches with a face that could burn a house without fire. Witches that could scare not only adults but mankind. All of them started to chant and scream and yell at the children saying, “ I want your brain” or “I’m going to chew your fingers one at a time.”  Hensel and Adriana looked at one another hoping to wake up, thinking it was nightmare, but their nightmare turned into a reality. All of a sudden, the evil witch lit a huge fire and asked the other witches to help her put a huge pot over it. As the witches started to get excited and chant, Hensel and Adriana knew they were their next meal. The chanting became louder and louder; the children’s ears were going to fall off from all the screaming and yelling. The Children were so scared they couldn’t contain themselves. The evil witch came down the broken stairs to the children and said,“ I would be lying to you if I said it wouldn’t hurt.” As she was running her knife sharp finger nails through the children’s hair, she said “ Whose first?”

The children didn’t say anything at all they hugged each other for dear life. So then evil witch said in a creepy voice, “Alright I’ll asked my guests!” She she turned around and yelled, “TONIGHT WE EAT FLESH AND DRINK BLOOD FROM CHILDREN WITH THE PUREST SOULS.” The children ‘s hearts were pounding out of their chests not knowing how to escape. They knew in order to escape

They must think of a well thought out plan. What the witches didn’t know was that the children were clever, they always came up with ways to trick their mean Stepmother. Lucky for the children, witches can’t see at all, they go by the smell of flesh and blood. As the children were thinking of a way to escape the Evil Witch said, “COME HERE!” Then all of a sudden she grabbed Hensel and said, “Come here you miss-unfortunate misfit.” He was holding out his hands hoping that his sister could grab him, but it was too late. The evil witch wrapped a chain around Hensel hoping to lift him over the pot and boil him. Adriana was sitting there in loss of hope and didn’t know what to do but whatever she was going to do she knew she had to act quickly. As she was thinking of a plan on how to escape, she saw her brother fighting the witch to get the chains off, but they couldn’t. The Evil Witch lifted him, and has he was rising; he could feel the hot fire on his bare feet. He was hoping Adriana would come up with plan and try to save them.

Hensel’s hope came true. Adriana then quickly grabbed a chain, spun it around the witch's neck and pulled her down to the floor. All the witches were then chanting and screaming and flew off with their broomsticks and Adriana quickly grabbed Hensel and hurried home. As they were running home they ran into their father. They said, “Father”! He quickly turned around and gave them a big hug and they lived happily after.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write about something that we as students don't get to read or write alot about. When I think book Fantasy comes to my mind. I love reading thngs that are not real and made up. 

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