Messy Room | Teen Ink

Messy Room

December 4, 2016
By Anonymous

I rolled my eyes at the sight of the mess in my only daughter Kasey's room. Piles of clothes were covering the rug and draped over her desk. As I was picking up, a disturbing smell wafted into my nose. I inhaled once more hoping to identify the disturbing smell. Rotting Flesh? I questioned, gagging. I hesitantly continued to use my nose to locate the source and was led to the huge white board propped up slightly against her wall. I moved it, unsure of what I would find. I was surprised to see a thin wooden door. I slowly turned the knob. I hadn't even opened it a crack before I felt a pair of hands push me. I tumbled onto the concrete floor and immediately felt my head pounding. I turned slightly to take a peek at my assailant only to see a short figure wearing all black and masked. It waved at me before a faded into darkness.

Some time later, my senses slowly came back to life. I was instantly surrounded by that awful smell. I attempted to rub my throbbing temples only to be held back by what felt like ropes. Over the course of the next few minutes, my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. My eyes winded and the sight of animal skins clothes-pined over a pot of boiling water. Dry blood still clung to the skin. An unknown force spun the chair I was currently tied to and standing in front of me was the evil mastermind who got me into this mess. "SHHHHHHH, " said a familiar voice. It slowly lifted it's mask and tears sprang to my eyes. "Hey mom" Kasey exclaimed a little too chirpy considering the circumstances. "I wasn't planning on doing this today but I guess now is as good of a time as ever." Kasey rolled her black eyes. "As you already know, every villain has a story. Mine starts when dad taught me how to fish for food. O, the rush I felt while watching the fish slowly die." her eyes were shut as she recalled the memory. "I had finally found something so productive to do in my free time! But I eventually grew bored of killing... fish. So I asked you to buy me a hamster for my birthday. And you bought me two! Little did you know, they mated and in a few weeks, I had my newest victims. On every hamster, I practiced different killing techniques Decapitation, strangulation. You get the picture. I then moved on to even bigger animals."
She looked at the animal skins proudly. "I've been planning on my first human killing for months. It was supposed to be the maid but we know why that didn't happen." She sighed. "After months of research, I finally found the most efficient and easiest way." without hesitation, she shoved a gag into my mouse and smashed my nose with her ceramic mask. "Suffocation" she smirked as I struggled to breathe "Or bleeding out whichever comes first" suddenly the door downstairs open and closed. "Honey I'm home" yelled my husband. Kasey's smirk dangerously grew. "Oh look dad's home"

The author's comments:

It's terrible but w.e

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