The Lover From Afar | Teen Ink

The Lover From Afar

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

The cold concrete dragged against her body as her legs were suspended in the air, a tight grip around her ankles restricting her mobility.
         The cold October air blows against her soft, delicate face revealing her closed eyelids showing innocence on her already innocent face.  Creaking of the rusted metal door awakening her from her state of being. 
As she started to regain consciousness, the last knot to hold the ropes around her wrists was being secured.
         “Hu-what..” her drowsy state of being managed to mumble out as she started to come to her senses.   “W-what are you doing to me?  Where am I!”  She started to panic as she realized the state she was in.  Her face went from an expression of confusion to a face full of panic and horror.  His slender body hung over hers.
         “Hello there, beautiful.  How are you feeling?” he said greeting her with a devilish grin. She could see his light brown eyes staring at her through his thick, dark, brown hair that slightly covered his eyes
“Who the hell are you?” she asked in a stern voice.  A man about 5’9 with a slim yet bulky appearance.  His shaggy hair barely making it visible to see his light brown carmel eyes, slight stubble on his face from his facial hair.
         “Don’t act silly, it’s me.  Beau, sweetheart.”  he said with a loving, yet sinister smile.
Beau? She pondered in her head how she had ever met him.  “You looked wonderful in that black dress during that party, I might add.  I’ve been wanting to tell you ever since I started admiring you.” he added.   “Your light blonde hair curled delicately.  The way your lips shone with your makeup.  The tight fit of your dress.  All so breathtaking.  I was unable to look away for even a second.  I even took pictures of you for afar to never forget.”
He’s crazy.. Panicked through her head.  I have no idea who he is.  Black dress? Party? She started to think back and a clash of realization hit her.  It was about seven months ago in a bar, during a party hosted by her friend’s, now ex, boyfriend.  She remembers seeing Beau from a distance, her friends and her talking about how shy and awkward he appeared to be and how he observed all of them.  Some even mentioned for Shannon to attempt to make a move, since she was drunk and lonely that night.  Nothing but flirtatious glimpse of each other and a couple winks from Shannon were exchanged that night.  It was just supposed to be a night to flirt and leave, like any normal party that Shannon has gone to.  They haven’t even seen each other since.
“Beau.  I remember you.”  she said to him as calmly as possible, hoping not to aggravate him with the amount of time it took to come to the realization.  Scared, she tried her best to play calm for her tactic.  I need to get out of here.   As her face stayed calm and innocent, she started to attempt to loosen the ropes around her wrists that held her in place.
“I brought you here because I wanted to keep you safe.  I watch over you, always trying making sure nothing could ever harm you, but I now understand how I can be sure of that.  I promise, nothing’s going to harm you.  Not while I’m around.” His face getting closer to hers. With a tilt of the head, Beau leaned in for a kiss.  Shannon jolted her head to the side to avoid lip contact, causing Beau to become furious.  All in the meanwhile, Shannon’s fidgeting with the knot still, trying as quickly as possible to loosen it.
“I am doing all of this for you!  I am the only reason why you’re still alive.  You should love me.  You should obey me.” he demanded, taking tight hold of her face.   Pulling her in, attempting a forced kiss. 
“No!” she screamed.  Head butting him, and finally getting the loosened knots off of her wrists.   She runs to the nearest door and locks it behind her.  Shannon’s examines the room only to find a enclosed room with a single window about ten feet high into the wall, out of reach.   The very faint noise of cars can be heard.
         Screaming at the top of her lungs, Shannon pleaded for her life.  “Someone, please!  Help me!  Anyone, oh god, please!” she started to scream as she started to choke on her tears.   Gasping for air as quickly as possible to not let a moment be unheard of her voice.  Loud bangs from the other side of the door echoing throughout the small room. 
“Why won’t you let me in,” he said in a deep growl “baby, just let me in!” he demanded her.  Pounding at the door harder and harder causing the wood to start to crack.  Shannon’s eyes widened in pure terror, as she knew there was no way to avoid her kidnapper at this point. 
“Beau, I’m sorry!  Please, I’m so sorry!” she started to plea.  A loud “crack” sounded as he clawed his way into the isolated room, with pure rage showing across his face.  “I’ll be good!” she screamed with tears in her eyes.  Please don’t kill me! I don’t want to die! She thought.  “Please, Beau.  Let’s pretend like this never happened.” she begged.  His eyes filled with anger stared at her and how helpless she looked.
         “How am I going to trust you, huh?” he asked.  A look of desperation on Shannon’s face as she just stared at him, begging with her eyes.  “Okay,” he knelt down on the floor eye level to her shaking body.  She flinched as he brought his hand down to the side of her face and lightly caressed it.  “But don’t you ever try anything like that again, or I’ll make you regret it.  Got that?” he said with a twisted smile.  Shannon’s eyes still teary and body still shaky muttered out a weak “Y-yes, Beau.”
As he started to lead her out, she swung her hand back and threw it as hard as possible to be able to make contact with his face.  Beau, hitting the floor from the hard blow, looked up and stared at her with fury in his eyes. 
“I trusted you,” he said.  A smile of insanity spread across his face.  “Now you’ll pay.”   Shannon started to run until her eyes fell upon what she believes to be the exit door.  Running towards it as fast as she could, she finally gets a grip around the handle and pulls, only for disappointment and hopelessness to wave over her as she realized it was locked.  Unable to accept it, she keeps tugging and screaming for help.  She turns her head and see’s Beau, standing there glaring at her.
  “There’s no escape,” he started towards her, insanity showing in his face. “from this place. Don’t you see?  I’m insane, and I’m deranged.  You’re not leaving, ever.”  His teeth started to grind as he quickly grabbed her throat and slammed her against the wall, glaring into her hazel eyes.
         “I tried to do what’s best for you, but you don’t want that, do you?”  His grip getting tighter, as well as her sounds getting more silent as his hand constricts her helpless throat.  “You just love to disappointment me, huh?  How dare you!”
Struggling for air turned to silence and a fighting body turned stiff.  The grip around her throat loosened and a loud “thud” sounded as her lifeless body hit the cold concrete floor.  “S-Shannon?”  Beau dropped to his knees.  Staring into the blank eyes of his love.  “Shannon, please answer me,” he begged “I promise I won’t be angry anymore.”  Silence haunts the room.
         “Oh god, no..” He brought his hand up, caressing the side of her face. 
His tears hit the motionless eyes of the one he loved, not blinking once, no movement, no gasp for breath, nothing could give his lover life again.
“Please! Please Shannon! Tell me that you’re just faking this! You aren’t d-dead! You can’t be!” The stream of tears beating against her face. “Shannon, please… Please wake up…”
His pleads were never answered
A slight maniacal laughter was heard from behind him.  “You idiot,” The laughter grew louder “how did you not see this coming? She’s dead, and you’re the one to blame!” Kneeling over, the strange entity doubled over with laughter, wishing he could see it once more.
"Sh-shut up…” The laughter built up more “Shut up!” He looked around, trying to find the laughter’s origin
“This is hilarious! You killed the person you loved, you moron!” The words beating into him like a club.
“N-no, I couldn’t have… How could I kill her? I loved her… I was only protecting her.”
The night was just beginning to break dawn, the atmosphere muggy in the second half of fall, crossing over into winter.  Shards of glass became present in his field of view, broken from the last owners of the now abandoned building.  “No, no, no…” The formless, soulless voice clicked his tongue, treating him like a small child, he stepped in front of his lowered head, and giddy from how stupid the man is.
“You can’t kill me” The traumatizing face of the demon scars the man as he inches closer.  “I am untouchable.  You’d never have to guts to hurt me.  I had to trick you to kill her, you imbecile.”  Tears of anguish flushed over him.  “You did this?  I’ll kill you!” Beau threatened as he bent down and picked up a long, shagged piece of glass.  “Oh, really?” the demon snickered.  “Go ahead and try, princess.” He chuckled to himself.  
         Frustration came over Beau as he couldn’t bring himself to it, failing himself. “Yeah, that’ what I thought, hot shot.” The demon turned to walk away and abandon Beau, leaving him to deal with everything himself.  “Now go make yourself useful and dig a hole where your so called “lover” belongs.  It’s not like anyone will miss her.  Ha, she was just a useless piece of tra-” 
         Beau lunges at the demon, stabbing it in the lower stomach.  A sharp, unbearable pain started to erupt from his lower right abdomen.  The flow of warm blood is felt as it seeped through his clothing and ran down his side.  Quickly bringing his hand down to only lift it up to see bright crimson blood covering it.  Beau looks up to see an empty room, with just Shannon’s corpse in their with him, no demon in sight.  It was all in my head.. He finally understood.  As he knees go weak, he collapses on the floor dragging his body towards hers.  Until he breathes his last breath, at the feet of his once alive lover.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by the song "The Show Must Go On".  

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