An Amityville Horror | Teen Ink

An Amityville Horror

December 20, 2016
By ljohn BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
ljohn BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The legend and stories of the gruesome murders surrounding the Amityville house had always fascinated Nate. For all Nate knew it was a hoax but he wanted to go there and confirm his suspicions. So, I will tell you the story of Nate and the house, but, I only give you one warning never to venture near the gateway to hell. A couple of days ago Nate Mathews had decided to act on his life dream, going to the Amityville house in New York. He had wanted to visit the house ever since the DeFeo’s had been murdered by their son or brother butch. The reason he would want to go to such a vile place was that he believed in the supernatural. While he was growing up his parents routinely said that the paranormal was just a hoax because they were a very religious family. When Nate moved out he didn't have enough money to go to New York the Amityville house faded from his mind. Only a couple of days ago on the news was another disappearance in the Amityville house. This spurred his interests, so he looked into his bank account and decided he could spare a $300 plane ticket to go to New York.
So Nate packed his things and left for the Boise airport. Two hours later Nate was sleeping on the plane peacefully until a chill ran down his spine. He dismissed it as nothing and went back to sleep. When he landed he took a cab to a little run down hotel in Amityville, got a room and went to sleep. In the morning he gathered his things and set off towards the house. When he arrived he could already tell that something was wrong but couldn't place it. There was a padlock on the door so he looked around the outside of the house and found a side door wide open, this gave him a chill for he had watched many horror movies. When he went inside it was so dark he couldn't see his hand right in front of his face. Suddenly he felt woozy and something shoved him further away from the door and it slammed shut leaving him with only his thoughts and fears.
Nate was lucky enough to prepare for this kind of thing. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his military grade flashlight, he pressed the button but nothing happened. Nate knew the flashlight worked because he has tried it at the hotel. He tried several more times but to no avail. Out of pure frustration Nate mumbled to himself,” what can a guy do to get some light around here. The moment the words came out of his mouth a candle flickered on. Nate felt like he jumped 20 feet in the air. Nate hesitantly reached out and touched the candle, it felt real so he picked it up and started to walk. He tried the door but even before he touched the handle he knew it wasn't going to work. Next Nate decided to explore the house further. He came upon some rotted wooden stairs and he had the feeling that he should go upstairs so he did. Nate came upon a child's doll in an otherwise empty hallway. Nate walked over and reached down to pick up the doll, but at the last moment the his vision blurred and his candle sputtered out but the doll wasn't there anymore. Nate was starting to get freaked out he really didn't want to die in this awful house. Nate was weary of the doors on either side of the hallway for he didn't know what horrors would be waiting for him. He was nearing the end of the hallway now and he could see drapes and drapes meant windows. Nate rushed over to the drapes a whisked them open but he only found more of the same wall. When Nate turned around he found himself in a room with no doors or windows only the smell of death and mold. Nate started to back up until his foot brushed something like cloth but extremely cold. When Nate looked down he almost puked at the sight of it. What Nate saw was a 4 month old corpse but that wasn't what scared him it was the look on its face, a look of the kind of terror that kills. Nates heart started to beat faster and he suddenly stopped because he could feel something breathing down his neck. Nate started to slowly turn around and when he saw the monster that had killed the person right behind him and then suddenly all of his senses went blank.

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