missing home | Teen Ink

missing home

December 20, 2016
By katelyn_nicole BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
katelyn_nicole BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brooke felt the coldness of the concret floor. It was rough against her skin. She felt a sharp pain on the side of her head. It was so dark she couldn't tell where she was.she stood up and felt around to find some source of light. Failing she whispers ‘’hello? Is someone there?’’ No one replied so she tried again, this time a little louder. “Hello? is there someone there?” This time she heard movement coming from the other side of the room.

“Shhhhh he’ll hear you” says a shaky voice coming from the dark. The voice sounded of a scared girl.
     “Where are we?” I whispered. “Who are you?”
She replied. “My real name is nicole, but when he’s around i go by lily. Were in his basement.”
     “Who’s he? And how do you turn on the lights?” Brooke went to sit back down. Feeling the wall as she walked she tumbled over what felt like a small table, making a loud bang at she fell over it. Suddenly she hears footsteps coming from above her. She freezes as fear takes over her body. The sound of a door creaking open comes from a far distance away from her. The lights come on.
Her eyes adjusts to the light. “It’s a normal room.” She thought to herself. There was a couch, tables, and a small kitchen. There were four doors along the wall, lily was standing in the doorway of one of them.  Behind her was two small windows that looked boarded up from the outside. The man reached the bottom of the steps and now my focus was on him.

“Hello daisy, you're awake!” said the man.
     “Daisy? Who was daisy?” i thought to myself.
“I see you and lily have met already. Lily will show you to your room, I expect dinner to be ready next time i come down.”
     “Yes sir.” said lily. He proceeded up the stairs. When he reached the top i heard what sounded like a latch locking.
     “The room on the left is yours” said lily as she walked over to the kitchen.
“Who is he? What am i doing here?”
     “Your part of our family now.” lily said as she was taking chicken out of the fridge.”He brought me here two years ago. He saved me.”
I walked over to the kitchen. “You have been locked down here for two years?” “ that explains why she is so ok with this, he has her brain washed.” I thought to myself.

“We can’t stay here, we need to find a way out.” I said walking towards the stairs.
     “No! There’s no leaving, you will only make him mad.” I ignored her comment as I tried the door. “Locked of course.” I walked around looking in the rooms for a way out. Nothing there was nothing. The windows in the main room had a lock on them. I grabbed a lamp that was sitting on one of the tables and a chair. I started hitting the lock with the end of the lamp.
     “Stop he will hear you.” hissed lily. “If he sees what you’re doing he will punish you.”
I again ignored her. “I’m not going to stay here and play house.” After like thirty blows to the lock it finally broke. I got the window open but there was a wooden board screwed to the outside.i began pushing on the board but nothing happened. I got off the chair and rummaged through the kitchen.
“Is there any knifes down here?” i asked as i was going threw the drawers.
     “No he won’t allow them when we have a new comer.”
“A fork will have to do, it must i can’t stay here.” Taking the fork I attempt to pry the wood from the house. Slowly a screw comes off and i can feel a breeze coming from outside.
“ Hey i almost got it!” lily just stands back and watches me with a scared look on her face. I continue prying the rest of the screws until I finally get the wood off.

“I will get help and come back for you.” lily didn’t say anything. I put my hands on the window and stand on the back of the chair to boost myself up. I can feel the grass as i climb through the window.  I’m halfway through when a shadow figure comes over me. I look up and as shock takes over my body. The man was standing over me. I start screaming “Help! Help! Someone help me!” he grabs my shoulders and began to shove me back through the window. Struggling i scratch my arms up from the screws that were still in the window. I tried to fight back but he was to strong. When he managed to push me through the window i tried to land back on the chair, but missed. I collapsed on the concrete floor. The back of my head hit the floor sending a sharp pain worse than the first one. Laying there i looked up at the window and saw the light slowly get covered by another board. As I hear the sound of a drill I realize that I might actually never leave.




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