A Closet Monster | Teen Ink

A Closet Monster

December 13, 2016
By DanielFDTM BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
DanielFDTM BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taylor was becoming unsure about what to do with the monster in her closet. She had seen the creature before, but somewhere inside she still couldn’t believe on it. The monster had appeared a few times already, manifesting during her dreams, gaining domain over her body and mind. Most of the times it manifested, she couldn’t do anything about it; it was more powerful than her own force of will. When she was controlled by it, Taylor felt what she never felt before; even though it was scary, she would feel inexplicable pleasure. It was like only the monster could bring that to her, only it could cause such great experiences.
Every night the closet door would open and the horrifying monster came out of it. The creature placed its body above her, it seemed just as a shadow of Taylor placed above her resting body. Once possessed by the creature, the most terrifying images would come to her mind, such as ripped open corpses, exposed fractures of infants, or brains falling from an open head. She cried and fought against the possession, but who would hear? She was silenced by the monster inside her closet, and not even God could help her during those nights.
Taylor had to do something about it. She couldn’t handle another night with the creature. After thinking about it, she came to two conclusions: don’t sleep anymore, or concede to the monster in her closet. She took the first option, giving in could mean death to her life. Taylor bought every possible energy snack she could find; her room reminded the one of a college student before finals. The clock hit midnight, and by that time she would usually be in bed, but not on that day. On that day, she would fight her primal need to rest. Three in the morning, and her snacks were over, all she had with her was her fear of the monster. Five in the morning, and the Sun’s first lights came up. She made it through one night, and she should be leaving for work in 30 minutes. “Maybe the creature will forget me now,” thought Taylor.
During work, at about 2pm, her stomach was filled and her desire to sleep was unstoppable. “I’m away from the closet, so one quick nap won’t do me no harm,” she concluded. Taylor laid her hands on her desk and placed her head in between. It did not take long until she was long asleep, and the creature she feared most possessed her without any resistance. Taylor felt it, but no matter how much she tried, her body was too weak to fight back. The monster inside her closet became her, and it was finally on its most powerful shape. Taylor and the creature became one, and the images became reality; she could see the corpses of her coworkers. She felt in control for some reason, it wasn’t the monster showing her those horrible things anymore, it was her. She was doing it, she was on a killing spree, freeing her inside monster, her personal psychopath. Taylor felt alive and free, and an irreversible smile crossed her face. Taylor felt so alive that she didn’t notice the police officers’ shouts. Stabbing her boss in the eye with a sharp pencil seemed more reasonable for her. She also didn’t notice the single bullet that exploded her psychotic brain into pieces. Those who were still alive moaned the death of 12 workers and asked the question: was this the real Taylor?

The author's comments:

I love the genre, and I always like to think that all of us have something inside that not all can see.

This first came as an assignment, and I saw it as a chance to write that kind of story.

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