Once Loved | Teen Ink

Once Loved

December 12, 2016
By GhostyTurtle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
GhostyTurtle BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i'll let you drag me through hell if it means i can hold your hand" - follow you by bring me the horizon

Not so far away from a big city, Addy was only 16 and was working on a farm full-time to keep her grandma from doing anything bad. But two days after something big in her life happened. On her way to work she was passing through the everyday galley, but she had to stop because out of nowhere it started to rain. So, she pulled into the tent over the nearest park, while she was waiting for the rain to stop, Addy noticed people looking at her weirdly yet sad and sorry for her. Addy was totally confused, but she just shook it off the feeling. Time kept on passing and all it was, was rain and more rain. Finally, the rain stopped and as she was about to go an older yet young woman came up to her and all she said was “I’m sorry”, Addy was even more confused but when she going to ask the woman about it the lady just disappeared out of nowhere. Addy wasn’t scared but just confused, she just started walking her to work like usual.

The author's comments:

This is the first chapter to the story: weird things. This is a very old story that I wrote back when i was in 4th grade so it may not be that great.

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