The Abandoned Hospital in Germany | Teen Ink

The Abandoned Hospital in Germany

January 3, 2017
By abiharris09 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
abiharris09 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

James is a crazy, witty, adventurous, 27 year-old man. He has gone on many ventures to places people wouldn’t dare ever go. His journey started when he was 18 years old. His parents were extremely controlling, so he rebelled. Everything his parents expected of him was lost. He became his own person. College was never a plan for James. It wasn’t his path in life, and that’s how it all began. He has a camera crew (AKA his old high school buddies) that go on these daring adventures along with him. It’s not like they are recording these adventures to cast them on anything public, but so they can look back and see what they've accomplished in their lifetime.

They’ve gone to all kinds of places. Amusement parks, old mansions, underground tunnels, and so much more. Never once have they been caught nor gotten hurt. This is very surprising considering that these places are old and abandoned for a reason. James is always up for anything and everything. There's never a challenge he won’t accept. His best friend, Teddy, found a new sight for them. It was an abandoned hospital in Germany. It was built around the 16th century. The location gave the rest of the crew chills just looking at it, but not James. He was so willing and so curious. Hasn’t he ever heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat”? The crew was packed and ready to go within the hour. They were in staying in Denmark, and had just gotten done venturing through Kronborg Castle. On the way, James tried researching the place. Nothing came up. It was oddly peculiar. James paid extra to get there faster. He ended up spending somewhere around $10,000. They had to wait till later in the day because it was less of a chance of them getting caught. Not once has the crew gone anywhere without it being dark. It was just part of the routine. Once it got dark and they started heading in. They broke the lock on the front door, which was because it was a padlock. It broke and then they all quickly started scaling the place. It was three stories high, mostly framed with concrete walls, and had old vintage glass that was mostly broken  The building showed signs of leaning, which exhibited how old it was. This place wasn’t just another site. It gave the crew a bad feeling. Even James, the deranged one, was feeling a frightened. The building showed signs of leaning, which exhibited how old it was. The night grew colder, and darker. It was pitch black and yet it seemed as if it could still get darker. After the bottom two stories were searched, they all met up at the staircase before going up. It felt as if the air was getting denser, and it became a stretch to breathe.

Teddy spoke up. “Something doesn’t feel right James. I think we oughta go back.” James felt a little disappointed.
“We’ve been everywhere around the world, and have conquered every quest. If we don’t go up there then what was the point in coming?” So as they always do, the crew followed James lead. On the way up not another word was said. Everyone spread out and went their own ways.

James found this particular room that seemed to be locked. It was slightly peculiar considering almost every single door was unlocked. He did everything he could to get it open, but it wouldn’t budge. He started walking away to go see more of the house, but then all of a sudden, James heard the loudest creaking noise he’d ever heard. He stopped dead in his tracks. Slowly he started walking towards the door. He walked inside and there was nothing, but vandalism, and an old chair that seemed to be facing the opposite way. He walked closer and woosh!! The door slammed shut. He ran to the door in hope of it not being locked the way it once was before. It was locked! He calmed himself down. He was sitting there pounding on the door, and then he could have sworn that a figure went past behind him. James screamed, and then it was silent. The whole entire building was. James, and his crew were never heard from again...

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