Amelia the Intern | Teen Ink

Amelia the Intern

January 27, 2017
By Anonymous

He wakes up to honking horns and sirens. The smell of gasoline and fried food wafts through his open penthouse windows. The hustle and bustle of New York City draws him out of his slumber and into his morning routine. He turns on his coffee pot and takes a quick steaming hot shower. His designer dress shirts and slacks are still fresh from the dry cleaners as he slips them on. C.R. Avery is a successful businessman who is living life how any young, attractive, rich man would be. Working for one of the best finance companies in the world, Goldman Sachs, C.R.’s life is fairly simple. He works hard during the week and on the weekends he hits up New York City’s exclusive clubs and bars. 
On a chilly Friday afternoon C.R. was preparing to leave the office and then head home to his luxurious penthouse. Just as he was sending his final email of the day, a new intern who he had never seen before knocked on his office door.
“Mr. Avery?” She shyly asked.
“Yes?” He responded hastily without glancing up at her.
“I was just told to remind you about the board meeting on Monday. It wasn't in your schedule and Mr. Dean thought you would want to be there.”
“Oh yes of course. Thank you um, what was your name?” Just as he looked up from his computer he caught a glimpse of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He had no idea who she was but his attraction to her was undeniable.
“I’m Amelia Adams, I’m Mr. Dean’s new intern.” She replied and flashed him her bright white smile.
“Well, it was very nice to meet you, Amelia. I'll see you around.”
C.R. thought about her his whole way home. He couldn't wait to see her again which was rare for C.R. who never thought he was the type of guy to fall so fast for someone he barely knew. Nevertheless, he had to prepare for his eventful night to come.
C.R. had a big night planned out on the town. He would first go to his favorite restaurant with his best friend James, and then hit up the exclusive night club Up&Down. This nightclub was not only hard to get into, but only the most rich and famous are allowed through the doors. Tonight was his night to finally make his debut at the most talked about club in the city.
When he arrived to dinner he was seated at a table while he waited for James. He pulled out his phone and had a message from an unknown number. It read, “can't wait to see you tonight, C.R.- xo your secret admirer.” He thought about it for a minute, assuming it was a wrong number, and set his phone back on the table. Soon after James arrived and the two began planning their night.
“So I have connections at Up&Down and were definitely on the list,” said James.
“Good I was worried we were going to be denied at the door, and with my reputation on the line we can't let that happen.” Replied C.R.
After a full meal and a couple drinks, the pair made their way onto the busy New York City streets and walked towards the club. The crisp hair and cloudless sky made for a bright and calm night on the town. As they came up to the door a man dressed in all black stared at C.R. and James and quickly asked for their names.
“I’m C.R. Avery and this is James Dornan, we should be on the list.”
After a long pause the man replied, “oh yes here you are. Have a good night gentlemen.”
As they passed the red velvet rope that was pulled aside for them, the guard at the door gave them an uneasy smile. C.R. felt a wave of uncertainty wash over him, but he shook it off. “This will be good,” he thought to himself. “Stop worrying so much and just have fun.” They walked down a dark hallway as the bass from the music pounded above them. At the end of the hallway an attractive woman stood in front of an elevator that would take them up to the club.
“You two ready for a fun night?” She asked.
“As ready as we'll ever be.” Responded James who was failing at flirting with the woman.
They stepped inside the elevator and the woman joined them, pressing the button to take them upstairs. As the rode up, the woman turned and faced them.
“Here,” she said handing them a small white pill, “if you're looking to have even more fun tonight take this.”
C.R. reluctantly tucked the pill in his pocket knowing for sure he wouldn't be taking it. With the jolt of the elevator stopping, they both smiled and stepped out into a sea of New York's elite young members of society.
James quickly left C.R. alone to fend for himself in the loud, dark club. C.R. headed towards the bar and grabbed a drink before scoping out his options for the night. To his right he saw models like Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner. To his left he saw Leonardo Dicaprio and Justin Bieber. He knew he had to make a move on someone with A lister status or else he couldn’t boost his reputation in the crowd that he wanted to be accepted into. Leaning against the bar he looked over and he was captured by the beauty of a woman standing alone. Her shiny black hair and long legs caught his attention first. When she turned to face him her bright blue eyes and vibrant red lips had him hooked. He had to ask for her name. He confidently walked towards her and as their eyes locked he was surprised to see that it was Amelia from the office.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to be alone tonight.” Said C.R.
“You're not wrong,” she replied.
“Well in that case, can I buy you a drink?”
“Of course you can?” She said with a smile on her face.
“Perfect.” He responded
“So, C.R., you have such an interesting name. Do I get to know what it stands for?” Amelia asked.
“We’ll see how the night goes then I’ll tell you.” He flirtatiously responded.
“So I think I have an idea of what you do for a living, But what is it really like to be so young working at one of the best finance firms in the nation?” she asked.
“Well it's not easy, but I’m all about challenges. I’ve always wanted to get into a competitive field and look at me now. If you don't mind me asking, why are you interning at Goldman Sachs?”
“I like to keep that a secret,” she replied.
With that response C.R.’s uneasy feeling from before returned, but he brushed it off again, hoping to hit it off with Amelia. The two began talking more and more and C.R. kept ordering more drinks. He was starting to feel fuzzy, but the night was just getting started. They danced and drank and danced some more. C.R. was having the most fun he  had in awhile. After a half hour of dancing Amelia and C.R. returned to the bar. As he kept drinking Amelia seemed to be unfazed by the alcohol she was consuming. All of the sudden C.R.’s mind began to spin. He was dizzy and couldn't form a single word. He looked at Amelia in hopes she would notice and get help for him, however she just stared at him and smiled. As his world began to become distorted he pulled out his phone one last time in hopes to contact James for help, but before he knew it his vision and mind went black.
He woke up to his head pounding and his ears ringing. He slowly blinked his eyes open and tried to make sense of where he was. The room was still spinning but C.R. could make out that he was in some sort of small room with one smudged window high up on the wall. He rose to his feet and nearly fell over. As he walked towards the metal door closing him in panic set in. “Where am I?” He kept thinking,“What of Amelia drugged me with the white pills they were handing out at the door?” He couldn't even believe that someone like her would do something like this. He knew he was just being crazy, he had to brush that thought out of his mind and focus. 
He had to retrace his steps from the night before. He played through every single moment but the last thing he could remember was staring down at his phone in hopes to contact James, and then it all goes black. He tugged on the doorknob and it was locked. His heart began to race, and sweat trickled down his face. He had never seen this place before and he had no idea who or what was on the other side of the door.
He began to panic even more and searched the room for any possible thing to help him escape. He had been sleeping on a ratty old mattress with big yellow stains. He noticed a hole in the material of the mattress and reluctantly stuck his hand inside in hopes to find his phone. As he moved his hand around he felt the familiar sensation of his phone graze his hand. Whoever did this was smart, but not that smart. He pulled it out and read the 15 messages from James. “Where are you???” On read. “Please respond I’m starting to get worried,” said another message. C.R. dialed James's number and as the phone rang C.R. could feel his anxiety and fea begin to well up inside of him like a flood. “I had such a bad feeling about last night. Why did I go out?” He thought to himself. Just as soon as C.R. dialed James’s phone number, he was sent to voicemail.
He was shaking and his stomach was turning. All he could think to do next was to call 911. But what would he say? He had no idea where he was or who took him. Just as the operator picked up, the metal door slammed open and to his surprise, Amelia stood on the other side. She looked frazzled and in a daze. C.R. tried to remain calm while he could hear the operator asking if someone was there in the background. All he could do at this point was scream help in hopes that Amelia wouldn't attack him.
“Did you sleep well?” She asked as she slowly walked towards him.
“What do you want from me?” He yelled.
“I want you to shut up so killing you will be easier.” She said with an evil smile on her face.
“Why do you want to kill me? What have I ever done to you?” He pleaded.
“Why do you think I started working at your company?” She asked. “ You're always in the press and on social media. I want your life, C.R., and more importantly, I want your job. I was the one who texted you last night. I’ve been watching you C.R.” She said practically yelling.
“Please, I’ll do anything, just don't kill me.” He cried.
“Anything?” She asked.
“Yes anything I swear.”
“Well I don't want anything from you except for your life, and the only way I can do that is by killing you.”
In that moment she lunged towards him and pulled out a gun from behind her back. C.R. fought back but he was still so weak from the drugs she had given him the night before. He managed to fight her off and run out of the door and into a small apartment. He could see the front door and used all of his strength he had left to make it before she caught up to him. But, just as he reached for the knob he felt an intense pain in his leg. Amelia had shot him so he wouldn't get away.
“Now you can never leave.” She laughed.
All she had to do now was hold the gun to his head and end it all. Just as she was about to pull the trigger the front door busted open and 5 armed police officers rushed into the room. Amelia raised the gun one last time to shoot at the officers, but she was too slow. One fatal shot, and she was gone. C.R. was overcome with emotion and began to cry. His exhaustion and disbelief as to what just happen were too much for him and he blacked out.
He woke up and stared into bright white lights. For a moment he thought he was dead, but then he heard the familiar voices that surrounded him. His parents, his sister, and James were all there waiting for him to wake up.
“C.R.! Oh my God I’m so happy you're okay. I should've never left your side. I’m so sorry.” James said with a feeling of guilt.
“James,” C.R. said softly. “Forget about what happened and let's focus on what really matters. Everyone is okay.”

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