Pigtastrophy | Teen Ink


January 17, 2017
By CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
CreeperTime935 SILVER, Coronado, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a river, it contains a lot of rocks and falls, it will push and pull you under, but you've got to say afloat. It helps to get a raft!" -Me

It nears closing time and I have barely made a dent in the large order of hot dogs I have received.  I need to have this order done by Friday, now just six days away, so I need to put in my order for more pigs soon.  I sit on my computer after shutting down all the machines for the night, being a small business can get lonely and hard at times.  Sometimes, I think that someday I will go crazy from not having anyone around in my life, but, those times pass.  I go to my website to check for any new orders and am relieved to find that it is just the one I am working on, and go to order the needed amount of pigs.  It is too late tonight so I decided to pick them up tomorrow, Monday morning.  I place the order, and head back to my house pulling up next to my yellow school bus, as this was the only thing I could find that could carry so many pigs to and from my shop.
The next morning I hop on my bus and drive to the farm that I ordered the pigs from, as it would be a lot extra for them to transport them to me.  They were all waiting in a perfect line as I pulled up, without anyone in sight, and having already paid online, opened the doors to let them in.  They filed on with little oinks here and there as if to each other and lay down on the seats, all without my guidance or my help.  I was astounded and started driving away, glad that my job was made so much easier by trained pigs, but as I pulled up to my shop I thought I heard one of them speak, it sounded like they said, “This isn’t the way.”  But like I said before, I might be getting a little crazy from not having anyone around but dead pig heads, so I brushed it off and opened the doors like before and the pigs filed off as they did before and into the doors of my shop when I opened them.  I lead them into the back so they would be able to be brought one by one to be ground so it would not startle the rest, just makes my job easier.  They lined up like before with their plump bellies looking more and more full by the moment.  I brought the first in and with a swift chop, cut off the head of the pig, and took off its skin and fed it into the grinder, when it was done I continued until the last pig, which was the one who I thought spoke on the bus, but before I could chop off its head it squealed with all of its might, “No!”  I was startled by this but still grabbed the pig and chopped its head off swiftly to end its loud screams.  Later I got a call from the farm I picked the pigs up at, with a man telling me angrily to pick up my pigs as he had been waiting all morning for me, I apologised and said that I had already picked them up and taken them here, but he insisted that they were right here and I will admit I could hear some oinks coming from his end.  I apologised again and said that I would be there in a bit to pick them up and got into my bus, but as I was driving I looked in one of my mirrors and noticed a blue school backpack sitting where the pigs had been lying earlier and wondered how in the world it could have ended up on one of my seats.  I arrived at the farm, picked up the pigs, apologized for the inconvenience, ground up the pigs, and sent the hot dogs to their owners.
Later that night while I was watching TV, I saw a heartbreaking news report that reported that many students this morning were kidnapped and had disappeared, they showed a picture of one of the kids with their blue backpack on.  I have to admit the kid was very fat, so much he could pass off as a pig, and he looked like a kid who was a squealer if things did not go his way.  I made a mental note to look for suspicious people tomorrow, and went to bed, ready for work tomorrow.

The author's comments:

I was just looking for a short story prompt and found this.  At first, I was disgusted by it, but I thought it would make a good, interesting story.

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