The Darkness | Teen Ink

The Darkness

January 23, 2017
By Silver-the-Kitten BRONZE, Denver, Kansas
Silver-the-Kitten BRONZE, Denver, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your warm blood pumped through your veins. Never before have you run with such ferocity. The only thing on your mind was to keep moving, to get as far away from me as you possibly could. But no matter how far or how fast you run, I will always be there. I will always come back. Never has someone escaped me, so what makes you think you'll ever be any different?
After running for what feels like years, the pain sets in. You'll have to stop soon, or you'll collapse. That's when I'll creep up to you. Silently I've been following you with ease. Allowing you to think you've escaped. That's the only fun way to play the game. So much is revealed when people think they're safe from any kind of harm.
You stumble and fall to the ground with a grunt. Tricky thing, these roots. They always seem to creep up and entangle you at the most random times. I leave the shadows and smile as the horror spreads throughout your bones. You can't run from me because I'm a part of you, that's the fun part. My eyes burn like fire through your soul. Leaving a searing hole in their wake. You can't draw your gaze away from the shadows that dance around me. It feels as if they're chanting your terror-stricken thoughts back at you.
"You're going to die," they sing. "There's so little you've done with your life and you're about to dieeee."
Tears flood your eyes and triumph fills my chest. There's nothing I love more than watching the complete terror run throughout you beings.
"What are you?" Is all you can manage to whisper.
The shadows grow around you, all that you can see are my glowing red eyes and my pure white teeth, curled into a grim and devious smile.
"I, my dear friend, am those little thoughts in the back of your brain that you like to pretend don't exist," the shadows seems to howl. Louder and louder with every word, but my words still reach you. Every word I speak chills your bones.
"I'm the darkness you say you don't have."
Again the shadows begin speaking to you. "Every time you fought back the urge to hurt someone, it got stronger. It got stronger with every hit you delivered, with every insult you hurled."
"I am what you become at the end of the day, though you try so hard not to. I am your inevitable fate," I growl as the rest of the light is finally extinguished. 

The author's comments:

This, lowkey, was inspired by some random thing I drew lmao.

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