Shelley | Teen Ink


January 12, 2017
By johngianakis9 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
johngianakis9 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Ricky was devastated.  He had just been put in prison for 6 years after breaking into a bank and robbing it after it closed.  He was framed, by someone who was unknown.  He had vowed to catch them even if he was in prison.  He had a wife, and he wanted kids.  At the crime scene they found a cross on a chain which looked like his old one, a Red Sox hat, and a gun with no fingerprints.  He wasn't a gun owner but he was a diehard red sox fan.  The police made as anonymous hot line for people to report a robber, and he was reported many times, by many people they had said.  His sentence started in 30 days, he had 30 days to get his life in order, 30 days to tell everyone the truth.  He didn't feel up to it, he didn't feel up to anything, he was too sad.  His wife named Shelley left him after he was found guilty; so he was alone and depressed.  His friends were shunning him and his parents were doing the same.  He showed up to work knowing he was going to be fired and as soon as he walked in the door he was.  Ricky had nothing, he kept on texting his friends but they blocked him.  The first 15 nights sucked, but he eventully found his friend Peter.  Peter knew Ricky well, he knew that Ricky wouldn't do that.


     I know Ricky didn't rob that bank, but I still wanted no part with him.  If I was seen with him my good reputation would be flushed down the toilet, and I didn't want that.  I couldn't resist though; I love him like a brother and I didn't want to lose him for 6 years.  He had already lost his wife and the rest of his friends so I had to stick with him.  We met up at my secret spot on the lake that nobody knew about.  As soon as I got there he thanked me for finally breaking down and talking to him.
     I said "I'm so sorry, I feel so bad for you."
     "I just don't get who would frame me, I had no beef at all."
     "It's life, you have to deal with adversity."
     "This is more than that, this is just unfair!"
     "I know this is just stupid.  I can tell it's driving you crazy but maybe you will be let out early for good behavior, I mean you will really just keep to yourself in prison and it's a pretty laid back prison, you'll get through this."
     "Can I ask you something?"
     "Can you help me find who framed me in 15 days?"
     "Let's do it!"


     I'm so glad I left Ricky right as he was sentenced to prison time.  He was nice and all, but I hated him.  We (he) fell in love at work, he thought I loved him but I had this plan all along.  We were competing for a promotion and I had to eliminate him, so after a MONTH of dating we eloped and got married.  I intended to frame him all along, he fell for it so much, and it worked beautifully.


     I was forced to do it.  I was offered a lot of money by Shelly.  I had just been evicted from my tiny apartment, so I needed cash.  I'll do whatever it takes to get back on top,  crime, drugs, everything.  I am desperate.
     I went into the bank with Shelly, I dropped all the evidence.  I hate myself now, I stabbed my friend in the back, I committed a crime.


     I was going to catch whoever framed me.  I don't deserve to go to prison.  I'm very glad that Peter is going to help me, he is the only one that talks to me.  Rohan is done with me, but he has many of his own problems.  The first step to catching the framer is to look at the suspects, here they are so far:


     The rest of the list was just my friends. Peter would never do it.  Jamarcus may have done it but I don't think so we are pretty tight.


     I hated Ricky so much.  I'm so glad Ricky is going to prison, he is a bum.  He latches on to me randomly and thinks we are friends.  I felt bad for him so I was nice to him, I'm never going to talk to him again, he's so annoying.  I helped frame him, and I don't regret it.  When you are in the mafia, you don't regret framing someone; and when you are in the mafia you know how to frame someone.  I wasn't the main guy, it was all Shelley's idea, I just helped her out greatly.  Shelley is alright, but she hated Ricky also.   Rohan liked him it's just he had no money so he needed to help.  Shelley told me that she was going to frame him and leave in the middle of the night when he gets into trouble.


     There's been progress on finding the framer.  We ruled out a few people, and we know who it is.  I think my ex wife Shelley did it.  I know she did it, Peter knew all along and I had a feeling.  Peter said he had been asked to help Shelley frame me, he had been asked by her.  I just need to track her down.  I know where to find her.  There is a Kenny Chesney concert that I know she will be going to, he's her favorite artist.  I think I will wait at the entrance to the venue and get her to confess when I see her. 

     Today was the day of the concert.  I had worn all black.  I prayed she would go through the main entrance. 

     3 hours later:

     “Shelley? Is that you?”
     “What? How are you?”
     “Cut it out, I know you framed me?”
     “Yeah I did, but you have no way of bringing me down, I beat you.”
     “Actually, I beat you! I got this all on tape.”


Shelley had to go to court, she lost the case.  Ricky was free.  Weirdly nobody who helped her got into any trouble.

The author's comments:

I just hope that people will have a good read.

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