A Silent Drive | Teen Ink

A Silent Drive

January 30, 2017
By Mosnar BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Mosnar BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Wind pushed through her white blonde hair, pushing it away from her delicate face. Her eyes flickered to the right and she noticed a dashing seagull floating gracefully through the air. The girl did not care what people said about seagulls, she still thought of them as beautiful majestic creatures. She was happy because she hadn’t seen a seagull in so long. Its small head and slick body reminded her of the beach. Seagulls seemed more common to be in the city, but yet she still hadn’t seen one is so long. The seagull lowered itself in the air, it opened its beak and made a squawking sound. It sounded almost fake, but she saw the bird speak. The bird was talking to her, its harsh voice echoing the words ‘fly with me.’ So the girl imagined herself flying alongside this beautiful bird, happiness rushing through her veins. The air felt soft up high, and the seagull was nicer than any other person she ever met. This girl acts as though she lived in a dream. Even the normal household item would turn into some sort of fantasy with her. This girl danced around for hours pretending that a lamp was a young gentleman.
The wind picked up faster and the girl pushed her wavy hair from her face. The girl was smiling gently, because she was always happy even at the most depressing of times. The girl sat in the moving car angelically with her eyes closed. She closed her eyes, so that everything she heard, or smelled, or even tasted became something extraordinary. The cars which surrounded her made strange and unhealthy noises. She pictured herself wearing only a oversized white shirt and a white washed jean shorts. She jumped from car to car, every time she landed it made a new and strange sound. She then sprinted across the roofs of the cars and as she did so, she sounded like a car speeding by. The window that let the wind push through her hair started going up. The girl opened her eyes slowly, and the wind completely stopped. She stared at the window beside her, looking at her own reflection. She heard the wind pushing against the glass, begging to come in. The girl continued to stare at herself, looking at every detail on her own face.
The skin that covered her body was pale and ghost like. There were no freckles or blemishes in sight, just smooth cottony skin. Her cold gray eyes saw only what was infront of her. Her thoughts expanded what she saw in front of her into something new, something different. Her barely visible eyebrows relaxed nicely above her dreamy eyes. Her rosy lips still formed a gentle smile, even though she was disappointed by the window being shut. The girl then begins to pout. Her bangles fell over each other making soft clack noises as she moved her hand to her chin. The girls wrists were both very thin and bony, like the rest of her body.
The other being in the car was overpowered by the girls peculiar aura. The other being was driving the car that the girl was sitting in. The being kept their eyes straight in from of them, but occasionally shot a nasty look at the girl. The other person’s hands shook as they kept their hands on the steering wheel. A piece of the person’s raven black hair fell into their face. They blew it out of the way angrily. The person kept staring ahead and noticed a bridge going over a bay. They stared at its dark livid surface. The other being started to imagine itself dancing across the mirrored surface, their raven hair flowing freely behind them. They felt happy and unbothered, something they haven't felt in a long while. They wore a beautiful white dress that floated gracefully at their waist as they spun around. The person pranced across the surface, laughing merrily. The person smiled slightly, delighted about their day dream. Then a rushing sensation spilled throughout the person's body. They weren't paying attention to driving. The person accidentally drove into the other lane. There were cars coming towards them. The person tightened her grip on the steering wheel, and swerved back into the correct lane. They were safe, and the person breathed deeply. Anxiety still overtook the person. They tried to think of a happy thought, but all they could think of were past and unrealistic thoughts. They didn't want to get caught in the state they were just in. The person continued to breath through her mouth. The girl noticed the person’s pain, and wanted to help. The girl broke the silence that the car was engulfed in for the last couple of hours. She started to hum a song that was familiar to the person. The person started to feel at ease when the girl hummed that peaceful song.
“Thank you.” The other being muttered. The girl nodded happily, and continued to hum.
More hours passed by, making it late evening. After thirty minutes of humming the girl fell asleep. The other being has already pulled over to rest for the night. But for their last few minutes of consciousness they stared at the girl. Her silky white blonde hair fell gracefully into her face. The person felt a sense of jealously. Even when she's asleep, she is still perfect, the person thinks. While staring intensely at the girl, the being sees themselves in the rear view mirror. Their dark eyebrows were furrowed together, above the fiery stare of their pale green eyes. The persons raven black hair, was messily styled and was put tightly behind their ears. The being stared now at their own fox like face, denying any sign of beauty. They glance back to the girl, before turning their attention to the dark night sky. Their eyes met with its murky existence through the sunroof of the way too old car. The person starts to count the very few stars that laid across the night sky. 18 stars, the person thought. The being started to get lost in the dark sea above her, and began to drift into sleep.
The person dreamt about the sea becoming the sky, and they jumped so high they brushed against the cold waves. They kept trying to jump inside its stone cold matter. They jumped one last time, and submerged into the inky black abyss. The cold water made the hairs on the back of the person’s neck stand up. They swam adroit through the prickly cold water. It was quite strange because they could breath perfectly fine.
The being kept swimming, and eventually saw a distant light. They swam faster begging for the grasp of the bright light. The person drew nearer and nearer, and the light became more blinding each stroke. The person reached the light, they pleaded to see. It was an orb. It emitted a soft pearl light. It is a pearl the person thought. The person slowly reaches their hands out to clench the smooth orb. As soon as the pearl was engulfed by their grasp, water filled the person’s lungs. They choked, it was hard to breathe. The person realized that soon all of the air would be gone. They sprinted down to the world beneath. It was harder to swim than before, now all the air is gone. The person swallowed more water in attempt to breath. Their face started to feel hot, and their body started to hurt. The person was swimming slowly trying their best to maintain consciousness. The person felt the cold air brush their finger tips as they reached out. The being’s stomach lurched and they started falling to the ground below. They were able to breath, but high pitched shrieks escaped their lungs. Their raven black hair flew behind them. The air pushed against their pale green eyes, making them tear up. Their arms flailed vigorously, terrified of the rock hard ground, of death. The ground advanced on them. Before they touched the ground they woke up. A pool of sweat surrounded the person. Tears streamed down their cheeks, and neck. The person slowly turned to look at the girl, she was still sound asleep. The person sighed with relief, and their eyes strayed towards the back seat. And to the person’s horror they sees an all too familiar face. The man wore a wicked grin, that spread ear to ear. His fluffy ginger hair covered his doe eyes slightly. His cheeks were slightly pink, and covered in freckles.
“How did you get in here?” The being asks quickly. The man’s amber eyes narrowed, but the smile still stuck to his face. He stayed in that position for a minute, then broke into a warm happy smile. He raised his eyebrows excitedly, and the person saw right through it. “Drop the act.” The person says coldly. The man shrugs, and sighs.
“Nice to see you too.” He says exhausted. The man looks out the window. The person does not move their eyes from him, afraid of what would happen. He looks back to them, and smiles smugly. The person can't help to smile, they were waiting for the true side to come out of him. “You always looked so pretty when you smiled.” The person's jaw clenched. They didn't appreciate compliments from a snake.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” The person said through gritted teeth.
“Yes please do.” The man childishly said.
“How. Did. You.Get. In. Here.” The person said very slowly. The man looked villainous sitting in the back seat, his face half exposed by moonlight, the rest concealed in shadow.
“Well,” the man opened the door to his left, “the door was unlocked.” He sneers.
“Okay. Why were you following us?” The person says implying themself and the girl. The man pushes himself forward, and is suddenly only a few inches away from the person’s face. He stared intensely into the person’s eyes, and they didn’t seem so doe like anymore.
“I wanted to see you,” he looked over to the girl, “not so much her. She’s sort of strange, you know--”
“Don’t talk about her like that!” The person hissed. The man fell back into the seat, and crossed his arms. He looks like a child in time out, the person thought. The person snorted with laughter.
“What?” The person noticed that the man raised an eyebrow. The person shook her head. “Tell me, c’mon, Rosemary!” The person's eyes widened at the sound of their name. Rosemary sat still in her seat, no one else says her name besides the girl.
“Please stop calling me that.” Rosemary said bitterly.
“Why? It's your name.” The man said genuinely. Rosemary fixed her eyes on the man's.
“Fine,” she bites her cheek, “would you like me to call you Ash?” The man had the same reaction as Rosemary when he heard his name. Ash returned the fiery stare.
“Happily.” Ash muttered. Rosemary rolled her eyes and turned around to face the stars again. There was a sudden swish noise, and she felt a sharp object press against her neck. “You're becoming more like her by the minute.” Rosemary heard in her left ear.
“What are you doing?” She whispered.
“I didn't come here for no reason. You ruined my life you know? Then you up and left.” Ash spoke clearly in her ear. Rosemary laughed, and she could feel the object shaking on her neck. “Don't laugh.” She felt the object press harder.
“Okay okay. But it's not my fault, you said you wanted to--.” All of the pressure pressed against her neck was gone, and she heard a sharp gasp behind her. She turned quickly to see Ash scurrying to the other side of the car and locking that door.
“Lock the doors!” Ash says anxiously says anxiously. Rosemary notices a knife in his hand.
“That was a knife?!” She asks urgently.
“Now!” Ash yells. Rosemary rolls her eyes, then locks all the doors. Ash sighed and layed on his back. “Thank you so much.” He mutters. Rosemary shakes her head annoyed and looks up to the stars. She starts to drift away into the vast world of imagination. Then is quickly interrupted by a knock on the window beside her. It's a tall man who had to bend over to know on the window. He is asian, and has fairly smooth skin. He had something similar to a bowl cut, but it looked much better. He looked about her age. The window made a weird high pitch sound as she rolled it down.
“Hello-.” She says but the man automatically reaches into the car and presses the same button that she used to lock the car. A loud clicking sound echoed through the car. “Wait what are-.”
“No!” Ash screams as the man opens the door. “No, stop! Please let me go!” He continues screaming. “Vic!” Ash screams the man's name. Ash’s screams start to fade away, and Rosemary quickly gets out of the car.
Cold air bites her nose right away. The air burns as she breathes it in. She sees Ash being dragged away by his feet. The dirt plain she ran on to catch up to Ash and Vic shot up beige powder with every step she took. “Stop! What are you doing?” Rosemary screams as she reaches them. The two men were moving at a considerably slow rate, mainly because one was being dragged by the other.
“None of your business.” Vic said in a raspy voice.
“Well you just dragged him out of my car, so it in some way is.” Rosemary said in an angry voice. Vic let go of Ash’s ankles. He then stared at Rosemary for a considerable amount of time. The wind made Rosemary's raven hair cover her face, and she pulls a hair tie off her wrist and puts her hair in a tight ponytail. She raises her eyebrows. “I would like an explanation.” She saw Vic lick his teeth, and clench his jaw.
“Ah!” Ash screams in pain, because Vic steps on his back to keep him from running away.
“I'm sure you know this snake very well. When you and Uma left Nelle City, everybody freaked out. Especially since it was after the news about Ash came out.
This boy was very upset about what happened and blamed you, Rosemary, for everything. He asked me to follow you, he of course didn't have a car. He also needed someone you didn't know. He said he put a tracker in your car after you spread the news about him. -I know, I don't why either.- Anyway we’ve been following you since you first left. He told me if I did this for him,” Vic paused for a second and looked down at Ash. Ash blushed an extreme red, and looked to his right. “He would do something for me. I agreed, but I told him to not make contact with you unless he was with me, because he is psychotic. Then I happened to wake up tonight, and he wasn't in the car. You know the rest.” Vic said still in a raspy voice. Then there was silence. The wind howled, and the trees nearby rustled. The moonlight lit the whole road. Rosemary looked down to Ash. Ash noticed and looked away.
“I'm sorry.” Rosemary says. “But I left because of something else.” Ash looked up at Rosemary with forgiveness. Vic lifted up his foot, but grabbed Ash’s shirt collar and pulled him to his feet. Next to each other Ash looked small compared to Vic, but he was quite tall himself.
“It's no biggy. Everyone got over it anyway.” Ash shrugged. “I'm sorry for the attempted murder.”
“It's no biggy.” Rosemary said exactly like Ash. “But me and Uma left because, she has some sort of mental disorder that they doctors couldn't recognize. I'm taking her to a psychiatric clinic in Bethzy.” Vic's crazily blue eyes widened, and Ash patted himself.
“I knew she was crazy.” Ash said cockily. He felt a hard slap on his head. “Ouch! Vic!”
“How much farther are you from the facility?” Vic asked calmly.
“A couple of miles.” Rosemary said looking at the ground.
“We’ll come with you.” Vic said. Ash looked baffled.
“Absolutely not! We need to go back--.” Ash felt a another hard slap. He fake coughed and spoke through gritted teeth, “I'm excited.”
“I'm leaving in the morning. Well I should go back, goodnight you guys.” Rosemary started to walk back to her car. Vic and Ash waved silently. The cold air pushed through Ash’s ginger hair, and Vic’s silvery bowl cut.
“Thank god that's over.” Ash said as he walked over to the passenger side of the car. He got in and shut the door quickly. Ash jokingly tried to imagine himself running away from this situation. This made him fall asleep quickly. Vic walks over to the driver's side and gets in. He slams the door shut. He glances over to Ash. Vic sneers, Ash’s face is totally different than his personality. Vic rolls his eyes and falls asleep quickly.
The next morning Vic woke up with Ash leaning on his shoulder. He was drooling all over his shoulder.
“Ew.” Vic says as he pulls Ash off of him.
“Huh? What?” Ash says sleepily. He yawns loudly and stretches out his arms. The sun is out and shining brightly. They could see clearly now, and there was nothing in front of them.
“Where is their car?” Vic said concerned.
“What?” Ash says panicky. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his phone. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.”
“They're not here,” Ash shows Vic his phone and it's says TRACKER DISABLED. “That's it Vic, they’re gone.”

The author's comments:

A Silent Drive is about two girls who try to drive away from their past. It's too bad because the past comes back and confronts them in the middle of the night.

Short Story created by Maya Duffy

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