That Neighbor | Teen Ink

That Neighbor

January 24, 2017
By Zeref BRONZE, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Zeref BRONZE, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Peter Walker was your average man, went to work, had a wife, two kids, but he never really had any interest in anything. Then one fateful day, he and his wife separated and he was sent to live on his own. He decided on a place in southern Vermont. Coincidentally enough, the place he was moving into was his childhood home. One thing he didn’t recognize was the house across from where he would be living again.
It came to evening, and by then all the neighbors had greeted him into his new home, all except for the mysterious neighbor. He soon after went to sleep on the cot he set up for himself. As he tried to sleep he heard noises coming from the house across the street.
In the morning he emerged from his new home and entered his car. As he drove down the street he couldn’t help but notice a sold sign on a house not too far from his own. From there he left to go to his place of employment. Peter worked at the local Mcdonalds as a part timer before he gets a real job.
At the end of his shift he went home. Right before he was going to head inside, he remembered that he was going to ask about the man across the street. Figuring that it was all in his head, he goes inside his house. When he was about to walk in his door he turned back to take one last look, and in that moment he saw one of the blinds on the window shake. But nobody was there.
He finally got to sleep after that strange experience. Peter continually heard noises throughout the night. He wanted nothing more than to get through to morning.
In the morning, there were no more noises like every other day. Peter decided to ask all the neighbors about the noises. All of them knew, but didn’t care much about it. “Well wasn’t that just helpful”, Peter said frustrated. Then he carried on, as usual, to his daytime shift at Mcdonalds.
After a long day of answering to crabby customers, he finally went home to the sky covered in dark clouds. Again, when he reached his door the screaming was coming from inside the neighbor's house. He decided to do some prep before entering the house of unknown horror. He went to his garage and grabbed a crowbar that he felt would help him the most. Peter took a deep breath, assuring himself that everything was going to be all right.
The walk across the street was so painfully dreadful because he could only imagine what he would have to do. He wasn’t sure what that was yet but something was not right. When he reached the doorstep, he slowly put his hand on the bell. Ding Dong! But nobody came.
Now wanting to turn back, he told himself that he would come again if he heard anything. But before he turned around, a scream sounded from inside the house. This one sound would change Peter's life, for better or for worse. In that moment, he ran to the door and pried it open with his crowbar. Once the door was opened he immediately heard banging noise, as loud as a train, coming from somewhere below him. Before he took any sort of action he quickly looked around him.
The front door had opened into a small living room. A hallway was leading onwards in the right corner and a door was in opposition to the one he had came through. The emptiness gave him so many goosebumps.
Knowing that time was short he quickly grabbed the handle on the far door to quickly find out that it was locked. Not having any other options he began his venture down the hallway. He got to the first door and it lead to a long staircase, longer than any normal basement. He started the long descent down.
The stairs were all cracked up and the wallpaper was torn as if something had clawed at them. And there was blood. The blood looked as if it was crying all the way downward and the only thing he knew was to follow it. The blood was dried to the stairs with a fresh coating to cover it. When Peter finally got to the last step, he was frozen in fear. He saw all sorts medieval torture machines. He looked in the darkness for a light switch and flipped it on. What he saw when the light shown would scar him for life, or at least the rest of it. Peter suddenly found himself gagging at the sight of a womans dead body at his feet.
He stepped over the corpse to get a better look at the other machines. He saw that all the contraptions were a shade of crimson. Blood dripped from every machine. Then he heard footsteps coming from the top of the stairs. He heard the words of a masculine voice say, ”I thought I turned that light off.” Then the steps started down, and with every step Peter’s heart stopped.
Peter at this moment was terrified. Hearing the neighbor coming closer and closer with every step. His hands were trembling not knowing what to do. When the neighbor got to the final step, he spotted him and charged. Peter tried to run the other way, but there was no other exit. He was then thrown to the ground. The neighbor pulled out a knife and tried to stab Peter. He then panicked and shook his entire body in attempt to shake him off. The neighbor fell back causing one of the machines to collapse. Then our protagonist ran towards the stairs that they had came from. Peter looked to see that the neighbor now had an axe. At this time he got even more frantic. He looked into his hands suddenly remembering the crow bar and threw it. This was what little he could do to keep him alive.
He climbed the stairs, not daring to look back.As he reached the top he noticed that the neighbor did not follow. Peter then assumed that the crowbar had hit him a little too hard. Feeling a sense of security he made his way back through the hallway and into the living room. Not noticing the door was suddenly closed, he goes to open it.
Suddenly, he heard an angry cry from behind him. Peter spun around to find the neighbor standing behind him, with the locked door suddenly open. He then tried to open the door but it was suddenly locked. The neighbor charged at him. Peter fell and the neighbor was on top of him.  The neighbor grabbed the rug from underneath himself and threw it on top of Peter. Peter was unable to see anything, and the rug was too heavy the lift. The neighbor's footsteps sounded in his ears. Out of nowhere Peter was being hit with something, over and over and over. No one would be able to hear his screams from underneath the rug. There was nothing he could do and he let go. Letting the darkness take him.
After three hours of hard work, the living death had finished his job. He had just finished putting the wall back together. He sighs to himself and walks to the window. Just on the other side of the street, a moving truck is pulling into the a sold house.

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