Stranger | Teen Ink


January 24, 2017
By kimkimzy555 BRONZE, Harleysville , Pennsylvania
kimkimzy555 BRONZE, Harleysville , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She looked in the mirror, and washed away all of the dirt, grime, and blood from her menacing face and her cringing smile. Red tinted water ran down the drain and disappeared along with her sanity. She had no feelings anymore. No sympathy, not even towards the entire family she just murdered. No regret. No pain. No nothing. All of her emotion began to chip away, hitching a ride with all of the people that had left her over the years. Everyone she ever cared about- friends, family, you name it- gone. No one loved her, no one cared about her. She learned to live with that, but quickly spiraled down the drain. All of her losses throughout her life  lead her to feel nothing at all.
Her phone rang with an unknown number. She picked it up. “Hello April,” the unfamiliar voice said into the phone.
It was another job for her, another assignment. A single businessman living in a two story apartment who apparently stole from the anonymous that was calling. He wants him dead in 24 hours for 100,000 dollars. It was a good pay and sounded easy. I might as well do it tonight, she thought. She was already dirty and all beat up from her last assignment, which was a tough one, so why not get it over with? She walked out of the barely standing public bathroom in the middle of nowhere and put on her worn out helmet. She hopped on her motorcycle and sped off, in search of the address anonymous had given her, for the man who had no clue he would soon be taking his last breaths. 
She arrived at the apartment complex no later than midnight, and from what she could see in the dark fog of the night, his lights were off. He must be asleep. Waiting for the lady at the front desk to doze off, she entered without being seen, not wanting to be asked questions. After getting up the stairs and finding the right apartment number, she began to pick the lock, hoping no would would decide to come through this hallway. The handle clicked, and she slowly pushed open the door, not making a sound. She tiptoed through the apartment and immediately realized she had been wrong. He was not asleep. The bathroom door was ajar, the light on, and a figure, back turned, was in the doorway. She quickly pulled out her gun, wanting to get the job done before he saw her. Wanting to kill this stranger. At least she thought he was a stranger. She had no idea who he was, until he turned around, and the barrel of her gun was aimed directly in between the eyes of her own brother.

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