Dream or Not? | Teen Ink

Dream or Not?

November 28, 2017
By Anonymous

Another gift. One more gift was there on her window sill. Melinda Olsen thought that she has a secret lover. But whenever she thinks that way, she recalls her boyfriend (when she was in high school), Richard, who was killed in a terrible car crash.
She opened the gift and found out a little gold bracelet which said ‘eternal’. This word was used by Richard all the time. He loved Melinda a lot and he wanted to be with her till eternity but he was just a fling to her. And now, she has moved on. She is married to James and they love each other a lot.
“James, I got another gift today.” She told him with fear reflecting upon her face.
“I know where you are going with this. This is not possible. He is dead. He cannot send you gifts.” He comforted her.
“I think, you are right. We should call the police.” She stated with confidence.
Suddenly, the lights started flickering and she panicked. James tried to calm her down but his efforts were in vain. They didn’t notice, but the chandelier above James was about to fall. Melinda noticed it and pushed him away. The chandelier fell down on the ground as if it had life.
“I love you James, what if the chandelier had fallen down on you! There is somebody doing all of this, and we need to find it out.” Her voice stammered because of sobbing. The lights stopped flickering and the chandelier got back to its place. They got scared to death.
“Shhhh... nothing happened to me. Stop crying. We will find out.” He hugged her.
When he hugged her, the lights flickered again. There was silence everywhere. James took Melinda’s hand and left the house. Melinda still had the bracelet with her.
“Give me the bracelet. I’ll throw it somewhere.” James stated.
“Here, take it and throw it somewhere far enough.” She handed him the gold bracelet. He took the bracelet and returned within a second. Melinda was surprised by his speed.
“How did you run so fast? You came back within a second.” She exclaimed.
“Um...I..Um. I…. I threw it nearby.” He stammered.  Words were unable to come out of his mouth.
“Anyways, what are we going to do now?” she asked with hope.
“We will buy a house outside the country and forget everything that happened. It’s simple”
“What about money? Nobody will buy this house. And it is not that simple.”
“I have the money. Don’t worry about it.” he reinsured her. They went back in the house. Suddenly, the door closed behind them. The windows were also closed and then the bedroom door opened with a screeching noise.
“Did you open the door?” James shook his head.
“Something is wrong, James. We should call the police.” She said.
“Everything is fine Melinda.” He said the word ‘Melinda’ as Richard said, in an English accent.
“What is wrong with you, James? Why are you acting so weird?” she asked in anger.
“Because I am tired of listening James from your mouth, when I am Richard.” the words slipped out of his mouth and he regretted saying them. Melinda’s expressions changed from anger to shock. She never saw it coming. She fainted and fell on the ground.
When she woke up, fear was in her eyes and she started crying. She wanted answers. but she was scared to ask Richard. He was supposed to be dead. And where was the real James?
“I will ask him everything. I am strong. I have to find James.” She murmured to herself. She went to Richard; whose lower body was invisible.
“I want answers.” She ordered.
“Me and James were brothers. We were in the same car when that crash happened. He got killed and my whole face was ruined. A spirit came to me and gave me two options: to become a spirit by killing myself or to be James.” He paused for a moment.
“I know what you chose. Continue.”
“Then I married you, but you always called me James and I got annoyed by that. So, I started to send you gifts and scared you so that you can remember me. I love you a lot Melinda, I can do anything for you.”
“I don’t love you at all. I loved James. I hate you. Go away from my life. You are and were a psychopath.” She cried for her loss.
“I love you sweetheart and I can do anything for you, anything.”
“Ok. You will do whatever I say.” He nodded.
“Kill yourself. Erase yourself from my life.” He erased himself and……
“Melinda wake up! You are getting late for school.”
“Mom, please … you didn’t let me finish my dream.” She woke up with sweat all over her body.
“What was your dream about? And why are you sweating?” she smiled.
“Nothing, just some spooky stuff.”
“Anyways, I have bad news.” Her mom said with a sad face.
“What?” she asked, feeling sleepy.
“Richard and his brother met with a car accident last night.” Her sleep flew away.

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