My Last Night | Teen Ink

My Last Night

February 22, 2018
By KarinaB BRONZE, Austin, Texas
KarinaB BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The moon came up and the street lights flickered on. I opened my eyes staring up at the empty black sky. I had no idea where I was, or how i’d gotten here. I sat up and looked around. Suddenly an enormous black van pulled to a stop. I quickly stood up. The door opened and a huge, muscular man creeped out of the car. I began to feel that horrible feeling, the one in your stomach, the one that makes you think something terrible was about to happen. I couldn’t tell who the man was, all I could see was his silhouette in the moonlight.
“Come into the light.” I said, worried sick. Then all the sudden he disappeared. I looked around, wondering where he’d gone.  All of the sudden someone grabbed my hands, and held my mouth shut. I couldn’t move! Trying to wiggle out, I began to cry. I tried to scream but no one could hear me. All I could see was the flickering lights in the moonlight. The drive was long, and uncomfortable. I tried to wiggle around to see who was driving the car, but I couldn’t manage to see the face.
“We are almost there.” The man said, in a voice so familiar that I could just barely guess who it was. In a flash we were pulling into a driveway, it felt like weeks before we reached the end of it. Nervous to look, I turned my head to look out the window. Behind all the fog packed in front of it, I saw the most disturbing thing I’d ever seen. There was a dead dog laying on the yellow grass. I quickly shut my eyes. When I opened them we had pulled to a stop, and the man got out. My heart was pounding so fast, that I could almost feel the pulse in my head. Unsure of what to do, I slowly climbed out of the car. I looked around to make sure nobody was looking, then I began to run up the steep driveway, but it was so dark all I could see were the stars. I ran straight up until something incredibly hard hit me. I think it was a rock. I turned around, and just thirty feet behind me was the strange man. I ran faster and faster, till I couldn’t run anymore. It felt as if the driveway would never end. I could barely breathe, I was panting so hard that I sounded like a dog. Through the sound of my panting, I briefly heard the sound of a rock flying through the air. Just moments later I felt it hit the back of my head. I fell straight to the floor, and quickly tried to get back up, but he had already gotten a hold of my feet.
“Who are you?” I screamed. “Who are you! Tell me now, before I call the police!”
In a low voice he said, “You will not call the police.”
In a confused voice I replied, “Why not?”
In that same familiar voice he said, “There is no service on this property.”
Then with all the air I had left I said, “Shoot me!”
“You want me to shoot you?” He said. I thought about it for a second, was this really something I wanted or was this just drama?
“Yes, I want you to shoot me.” I said. I quickly realized what I had just done. I had made a horrible mistake. I heard him digging though his bag, looking for what I thought was a gun. I heard him pull the trigger back and forth. Through the moonlight I saw him slowly aim it at me. My heart began to beat faster than the speed of sound. I felt a tear come to my eyes, knowing these we my last few moments. The last thing I heard that day was a sound of the dead cold night. The last thing I felt was the feeling of pain in my heart. The last thing I tasted was the taste of blood, dripping down the walls of my mouth. The last thing I saw were the lights flickering through the trees. Most of all, the last thing I thought was “This couldn’t be the end.” But it was.

The author's comments:

This "mystery" piece was inspired by a dream I had a couple weeks ago. I also felt the need to urge the fact that unfortunately the good guys do not always win the battles they take, and that this world is an imperfect place; and we have to be careful.  

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