The Furnace | Teen Ink

The Furnace

March 12, 2018
By Anonymous

I looked through the crystallized window as the snow outside blew in all different directions. Each snow crystal one of a kind, which was fascinating to me. The sky was a shade of gray, which made the sun seem nonexistent. It made everything seem gloomy and depressing. Sitting next to the warm fire, my cat bean slept soundly right at my side. He seemed comfortable, like nothing in the world could ever hurt him. I wish I could feel like that, but I’m not a cat.

My mother died in a house accident about a year ago. It was by far that hardest day of my life. Now I’m left here with my lazy father who relies on my sister and I to cater to him. Not to mention my house is a disaster. The dishes haven’t been washed in ages, there is dust covering just about everything, and every night I hear soft whispers coming from the basement. I’ve convinced myself that it’s just my old rundown furnace. But no matter how much I try to keep it together, I’ve given up.

School is my main focus now. As a sophomore, nothing comes as easy as it used to be. I’m trying to get all of the obstacles ahead of me before senior year. My sister is a freshman, and is almost always gone hanging out with friends. I only have one best friend, Bella Brown. She's the only one who I can trust with anything. We have plans to go to the movies tonight, and I’m so excited! I text her, “Makenna are you ready to go?” She responds with, “yeah see you in a bit!”

Makenna arrives in the passenger seat of her mom’s car to pick me up for the movie. I grab my belongings and head out the door. I hop into the car receiving warm greetings from Makenna and her mom. I was all ready to go before I went out that door. But now something was off. Right before I left the house, I swear I could hear something call my name. It wasn't a whisper though. It sounded more like a scream from a kid. But I don’t believe in ghosts, so I blame the furnace. It’s been acting up lately. Especially during the night. Sometimes I have nightmares about things in the basement. Whatever it is, I’m not taking the risk, so I’ll stay away from the closet.

We are an hour into the movie, chasing shadows, When my dad texts me out of nowhere. It reads “Makenna, can you see what is in the basement, the furnace is acting up again.” He obviously didn’t know I left. That’s is the problem. My dad spends all of his time in his room upstairs. He doesn’t care if I’m there or not, so I just stopped telling him. I text him back saying “Bella and I are at the movies. I’m not allowed to be on my phone, can you check it yourself?”

The movie is over and I didnt get a response from my dad. I wonder if he’s mad at me for leaving. This is the first time he’s noticed. The sun has now set and Mrs. Brown’s car pulls up on my driveway. I get out, and enter the house. As usual, the lights are all off and it’s silent. No one would ever guess that my dad was here. However, this silence worries me sometimes. Something in my stomach tells me that something is off, judging by the fact that the basement door is open and it was closed before I left. I start cautiously walking down the steps and calling my dads name. There was no response…. Now I know something’s wrong. My worry increases and my body starts to control me. Did my dad go down to the furnace? I didn’t think he would. But I somehow end up in the closet. I stop and stare. I Makenna Lockhart, am standing right in front of my father, who lays motionless on the floor…...

My father is dead. It feels like a flashback. I’m having dayshavoo and I don’t know what to do. I stare in disbelief and try to focus on getting help. I sprint to the phone and my shaking hands could barely type in the three numbers, 911. I immediately pause. The police is now on the other line, but everything is starting to add up. I never actually knew how my mother was killed. My dad never told me because he would get all emotional. All I know is that he called it a mysterious house “accident.” Something inside me is telling me that this same exact thing happened to my mom. “Hello ma’am I need you to speak to me.” I almost forgot about the police. “Hello, my dad isn’t breathing come help!” 

I try to keep it together but my thoughts consume me. It all leads up to one thing.... The furnace. He was laying right next to the furnace. It could be the only reasonable explanation. I start to put the puzzle pieces together in my head. Those whispers and voices I’ve been hearing, what if they’re real? Mr Dann, the police officer walks over and starts to ask me questions to keep as evidence. “Where were you when this happened?” asks Mr. Dann. “I was just getting home from the movies with my friend. Before the movie ended, he texted me saying that there were weird noises coming from the basement. He asked if I could check it and I told him to do it himself. But I didn’t know he would because I get a text back.”

After a long day of interviews and feelings of grief and sorrow, my grandmother came to spend the night with me until I have to come live with her permanently. My father is getting an autopsy done tomorrow so we can finally find out what happened to him. But the only thing, there was absolutely no evidence.

I can’t go to sleep. My head isn’t fully wrapped around the fact that my parents are both dead. I’ve spent over five hours straight just crying, but it’s not helping at all. Suddenly, I hear whispers. The whispers are real! I try to shout under my breath, but it comes out as small squeaks. “Who. are. You,” I manage to say. I listen closely and get a quiet response. “I’m your mother Makenna….”


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