A Monster Is Born | Teen Ink

A Monster Is Born

March 12, 2018
By JByron BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
JByron BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before" - Edgar Allan Poe

I feel it again, the creature inside of me. It’s eating my insides trying to escape, but I won't let it. I leave my wife and my two young boys in the living room and run downstairs. I isolate myself in the basement waiting for the creature inside to stop. I wait for hours in the dark and cold basement, filled with many hardware tools and old pictures of the family, but the creature won't go away. It’s hungry for something that I can never feed it and it won't stop ripping me apart until its appetite is satisfied. It has been like this ever since I was a young boy, I can't imagine it's going to be any different now. More time has passed and the creature is getting hungrier and hungrier. I can feel my body starting to shake rapidly, tears are coming out of my crimson red eyes, my vocal chords letting out soft but eerie moans. My body feels heavy, I can't stand anymore. I drop to the ground and lay with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them rocking back and forth on the cold basement floor. “Go away! Go away! Go away!” I yell, hoping the creature would just leave me alone. I am foolish but desperate. I hear footsteps upstairs. It must be my wife. She should be sleeping right now along with the kids, so why do I hear her footsteps? Is she in distraught? Did my yelling wake her? As these questions go through my head I hear the steps get closer and closer, and then finally they reach the basement door.

I start to break out in a cold sweat and my heart feels like it is jumping out of my chest. I grab the nearest hardware tool, which happens to be a battery powered drill, and I crawl towards the door. I wait for these unknown footsteps to make their way through the door. The creature is anxious; I can feel it getting hungrier and hungrier by the second, but I must stay calm. The doorknob turns and I see one foot come through the door. I immediately pounce on the owner of these footsteps and drill through the side of its head with no hesitation. Blood splatters all over my arm and I can hear the footstep owner screech like a child in pain. But I did not stop. The creature did not want me to and I did not want to either. After a few more seconds of complete euphoria, I can feel the creature slowly fade away. My mind starts to clear up. I feel completely relaxed. No stress, no pain, and best of all, no hunger. I look down at the corpse that I had just fed to the creature. My heart stops. It was one of my children. His dark brown hair dirtied with his own blood. “What have I done?” I whisper to myself. I hear many footsteps coming toward me. In seconds, I see my wife and my now only son looking at me kneeling next to the corpse of my dead son with a bloody drill in my hand. My wife screams and run towards the corpse of her now dead son. My wife then looked at me “What did you do?” she yelled. “It was the creature! I swear it!” I retorted. She ignored me: “You monster! You are nothing but a monster!” she cries out.

A monster? Like the ones in the fairy tales? The ones with the sharp teeth and huge claws? Yes, I like that name. It fits me well. I turn the drill back on. If it is a monster that you shall call me, then it is a monster I shall become.

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