Love Lost | Teen Ink

Love Lost

March 12, 2018
By Anonymous

Another long day, driving my stupid taxi cab with the stupid New Yorkers who are always in a rush and never have time to say thank you. My shift is finally over and ironically I can’t find a cab to take me home so I have to walk the ten blocks to my stupid apartment. I came to New York from Canada to find better work and meet to nice people but my apartment is smaller than my old bedroom back home and the people are just plain animals. To make matters worrie my girlfriend who moved to America with me broke up with me and stole my T.V. Since she took the T.V there’s not much to do when I’m home besides look out the window and day dream. I could imagine some crazy things when I am really focused and boraded, One time I saw a police officer riding a dragon instead of a horse and I saw the characters from my favorite T.V show growing up Dragon Ball Z fighting each other. So it wasn't that crazy of an idea that I just imagined the dreadful event from that cold rainy night. While sitting in the only chair in my apartment that I positioned facing the window with a pair of binoculars next to it I watch the streets across from my apartment. Where I saw what looked like my ex girlfriend with some thirty year old man who I assume was the better version of me. With the binoculars in hand I try to get a closer look, he put his hands gently on both sides of her neck and I’m getting ready to sprint down there to stop them if he goes in for a kiss which it looks like he’s doing. To my surprise he doesn’t he just stands there with his hands on her neck and neither of them are moving. Shortly after I realise he wasn’t trying to kiss her, he was strangling her. Her cold lifeless body hit the ground making a huge splash with the poodles of water around her. The man who I thought was going to complete her turned out to be the one to finish her. I sat in disbelief with the binoculars in one hand and the phione in the other. Then I thought to myself that there was no way it was real, it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Yeah that must be it I was so mad at my ex girlfriend that I imagined her dying, and I didn’t get a clear view of his face so maybe I was dreaming it was me with her across the street. It wasn’t until the next morning that I know that it was real. Reluctantly I looked out the window to see that her body was still there cold and lifeless. I turned my head away from the window as fast as I could because I couldn't look at her body for another second. Before I could wrap my head around what just happened there was a booming nock on the door. A million different possibilities went through my head thinking maybe the killer saw me and came to finish the job. It turned out to be the police which I couldn’t decided if that was better or worse. They sat down and immediately started asking questions I didn’t have the answer to like who did it, did you see there face, can you describe him, then finally the question I was dreading why didn’t you call the police? The two police officers looked at each other and nodded which I found out means you are a suspected and have to go to the police station in handcuffs. Now I’m in a jail cell and sitting next to me is the man I saw that night and I am praying to god he doesn't recognize me.

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