Detectives Traveling Nightmare | Teen Ink

Detectives Traveling Nightmare

May 10, 2018
By StarkSnow20 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
StarkSnow20 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are newspapers flying all over the police station with officers lined up to congratulate Robb on finally catching the traveling killer who he has been searching for six months. Robb sat at his desk with a arched back and head down while he cleared his desk of all of the flies, notes, photos, and witness statements from the case. Whenever someone came over to congratulate him he just gave a small smile and nod before going back to cleaning. Robb was able to actually see the markes in the desk from whenever he hit a dead end in the case and he hit the desk even harder. Also he can see the coffee stains from the late nights and early mornings,  this makes Robb realize all the time and how much of his life he gave up to this job.

As he is thinking about what could possible come next his friends are still coming up to him and saying
“way to go Robb”, and “Now you can actually start having some fun again”

It wasn’t until his friend brian came to him with a hand on his shoulder and in a low tone and said
“Chris would have been happy and know that we all miss him”,

that made Robb have to step outside to have a minute alone. Chris was his partner for the past four years and the traveling killer killed him three months ago. Robb has been looking after Chris’s wife and kids since faithful day. Earlier that morning when the story went out, Chris’s wife Cassie called Robb to say thank you for caching him, but Robb could tell by the sound of her voice that see felt the same as him. The traveling killer should have died.

Robb sitting in his cold empty apartment pours himself a drink and stares at the same board he has been staring at the past six month. The billboard with Ramsey Hilton AKA the traveling killer, in the center with string attached to other photos of him in different places, his parents, and every piece of evidence he could find that might help find him. The reason the Travelling killer got his name was because he has a different historical weapon on each of his victims and his DNA was nowhere to be found in the system and facial recognition didn’t work on him. Everytime the police got close to him he would disappear which made people joke and say he was a time traveler and he know exactly what to do to get away. He had some people starting to believe it, even Robb even though he didn’t show it at all. Robb was so focused on Ramsey that nothing else mattered not even his girlfriend who they were planning on moving in together before Ramsey showed up. Robb knew it was time to pack up everything but he couldn’t bring himself to move anything, the main photo that Robb stares at and findes the hardest to move is the photos of Chris and the Rondels dagger that took his live.

Robb and Chris were investigating the weapons that the killer used because they were all rare and from different time periods. After months of no luck Robb heard from one of his informants that he saw a man walking through his apartment a man that fit the profile of the killer and he had a box that had a dagger in it. Chris wanted to follow the prodigal and call for backup and wait for a warrant but Robb wouldn’t have it, Chris saw that he had a determined look in his eye and go with or without him. Chris knew that Robb has a tendency to get attached to the cases he worked and Chris could tell by the way Robb ran to the car he would get himself killed if he went on his own. They showed up at the apartment to find different medieval weapons all over the floor, stacks of papers with times and dates on them, and also there was a gold pocket watch on the table that reminded him of his dad’s old pocket watch that Robb lost when he was a kid. While Robb is staring at the gold watch he hears papers flying and objects being thrown through the air. The last thing Robb remembers is Chris on top of him screaming

“Look out!” and then the horrific screech he let out as the dagger went into the side of his ribs. As Chris laid dying in Robbs arms leaking blood Robb tries to apologize because he know it was supposed to be him not Chris the last thing Chris heard before he died was his partner repeating “it should have been me… should have been me.”

Three months later Robb finally caught the man everyone thought was responsible for Chris’s death. Robb couldn’t bring himself to take down the pictures on his bulletin board so he just went to bed wondering what he is supposed to do next with out Chris or Ramsey. In the office people stopped congratulating him, stopped treating him special, and just stopped caring. The only way for Robb to find some peace to regather his thoughts is if he went away for a few days. The only issue was when your a cop especially a detective you are always on duty and seeing the bad in people. The only way for him to truly be at peace is he goes camping in the woods his dad used to take him to.

Robb before walking out the door does a last run through of his supplies, what he needs and doesn’t need. Robb had everything arranged the night before, he had a pile of needs like water, compass, and a satellite phone. Also he had a pile of stuff he would like to bring if there is room like snacks, cell phone, and his headphones. After his final inspection he didn’t need the cell phone because he had his satellite phone with him, he didn’t need any extra food because he is bringing the badge and gun that never leaves his hip so he could go hunting on the trip, and he didn’t need the headphone because he is bringing the newspaper from this morning that he didn’t read let for entertainment. With one last gaze at the bulletin board and the photo Chris, Robb walked outside to start what he thinks is going yo be a peaceful trip.

Twelve mile into the woods and no one to be seen in miles. The first two nights went exactly as planned Robb hunted and tried to relax but everytime he closed his eyes he saw Chris and the result of his mistake. On the third day Robb decided to take a little walk in the woods to clear his mind, after five minutes of walking Robb found a strange paint chipped cabin with shutters hanging off the side of the broken window. Robb was walking so long that he didn’t realise how late it was getting and it would be dangerous to walk back to camp in the dark. There were only two cleat options either try his lucky that he won’t get lost on the way back or stay in the abandon cabin. Inside the cabin there were spider webs hanging from the ceiling with rats,and bats all over the place. There were rusty machines that looked like the kind blacksmiths use, next to the machines there was an anvil with a hammer on top. This was the type of equipment that Ramsey would have needed to make his weapons and would explain why they were not able to trace them to any blacksmith or story because he made them himself. Out of all the things in the cabin the creepiest thing that actually made Robb take a step back was what he saw on the wall. There were pictures of all the victims of the traveling killer including Chris and in the center of it all was a giant photo of Robb with an X across it in blood red marker.

Robb put the pieces and realized that this must be where Ramsey was hiding and were the weapons came from. One thing that didn’t make sense to Robb was that the machines were warm even though Ramsey was in jail. Robb had nothing else on his mind except for run get back to the station because somebody knows about this place and was using the equipment recently and apparently doesn't like him. Outside Robb could hear somebody moving towards the cabin, Robb wasn't going to wait there and ask questions he just ran out the back of the cabin as fast as he could. He ran all through the night to find his camp at first sunlight.

Searching for the satilik phone to call for help all Robb could find was the newspaper he didn’t read. The headline said that the traveling killer escaped prison a couple of days ago. It didn’t take Robb long to realise that all his stuff was gone his water, compass, satellite phone, and his gun. The only thing that was left over was the newspaper that, didn't help Robb out at all. On the inside of the newspaper the was something sticking out of the side, it was the picture he saw in the cabin the one of Robb with the X on it but there was one difference on the bottom it said “Robb I'm coming for you.” shortly after he finished reading the note Robb was knocked out from behind. The last thing he remembers was looking at the photo and he saw Ramsey’s face right before he fully went unconscious.

It is nightfall and Robb is back at the cabin. Behind him he can hear Ramsey banging on metal with the hammer and anvil. After what feels like hours Ramsay walks over wearing a pair of blue jeans and a dirty white t -shirt.

“So how’s it been my old friend, I haven’t seen you since you fail to stop me from killing your partner” Ramsey said with a devious smile and with the hammer in hand. As angry as Robb was at him he had just as many questions like

“Why did you do it , where did you learn to make weapons and why doesn't fingerprints work with him”.

Ramsey still just smiled at Robb and didn’t say anything. He just showed Robb his fingertips that were burnt off. Ramsey leaning in close said

“You see I’m not the one in the chair right now so I don’t have to answer any of you question”.

While walking back towards the wall he takes off the photo of Chris and stairs at for a few minutes before giving it to Robb.

“You see this this was your fault you got him killed” Ramsey said holding the picture.

Robb wanted to argue with him but deep down inside he knew he was right, it was his fault Chris was dead.

Ramsey left Robb with the picture of Chris and went back to work doing whatever he was doing before.

After two days of nothing Ramsey finally walked back to Robb holding something familiar in his hand.

“Recognize this, it’s truly one of my best works you partner was lucky to die be this type of dagger.” Ramsey said moving closer with dagger in hand. Ramsey starts to talk about the other cases and Robb notices there all the same as none if them were in cold blood they were all standing and had defensive wounds on them.

“If your so proud of your work why not put it to the test” Robb yield out to him.

Ramsey just smiled and cut the ropes.

“Common lets see what you got” Ramsey said waving the dagger. Robb was ready to finish what he started and it turns out that this trip was exactly what he needed to find peace.

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