My Father's Secret | Teen Ink

My Father's Secret

May 10, 2018
By Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Lillylovez_ SILVER, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it"


I woke to the cry of my mother sitting in a puddle of her own tears it was my father’s death that made her like this. I just couldn’t understand what had happened. My father was such a good man well I guess that’s the side of him that I knew. It was late last night when we heard a knock on the door it was our local police officer who was also one of my father’s friends. My father had worked with Officer Mag, my father had told us he had to finish some last minute business that night when he kissed me goodnight and told me he would be back in the morning just before I would head off to school. When officer Mag came to our door we thought it was just a friendly visit but then those first couple words that came out of his mouth were the words that I instantly knew something was wrong. officer Mag started to say we regret to inform you when my mother instantly fell to her knees with her head in her hands and she began to cry.

Chapter one


My father had been a police officer for almost 15 years he told me all of his adventures all of his crime fighting that he did during that day. Those were my bedtime stories no fantasy fairytales or those ooey gooey romantics nothing but crime fighting adventures was enough for me. As I layed in my bed my father would tell me the stories as I tried to imagine what they might have looked like but my versions were way cooler.  Maybe one night Ninjas would pop out from every spot there was to hide and my father was there and stopped every single one, or one night he was on a boat when superhuman sharks came from the sea and my father was at risk to either end or save the world. My father inspired me but up until now I didn’t know what to believe. Officer Mag came in to comfort my mother and make sure I was ok, then he started to explain what happened my father was at the docks laying on the ground a pool of blood surrounded him there were no traces of anyone else that was there but there was a noticeable gunshot wound to his lower right side of his abdomen. By those words the father I trusted everything to was now keeping secrets, dark secrets I never thought that someone would ever harm my father in this way he was such a good man. It was late that night when I finally climbed into my bed and as I layed on my stomach trying to fall asleep so all of my emotions were washed away and I was in a peaceful state of mind. When I put both my hands under my pillow and clasped them together and that’s when I felt something scratching against my arm but it wasn’t harsh it was just there. I grabbed my pillow and threw it getting ready to what might be there. A rat, maybe bed bugs (my bed was probably as old as my mom) but to my surprise it was neither. I carefully reached for the folded up piece of paper wondering if it was a trap I managed to grab the paper safely but when I opened it something filled me emotions, so many emotions. Tears, anger, happiness all put together in one note. It was a note from my father, his elegant handwriting instantly gave that away. As I started to read the tears dried up the smile disappeared and I for a minute was emotionless. As I gulped down a huge breath of air that brought the life back into me I was instantly stunned by what was written on this little slip of paper, It read.


My dear Sylvia,
Everything that I have been living for has been a lie. But my duties are still unfinished and I need your help. I need you to go there, the place where I will be lying on the ground completely lifeless. I need you to go there at 12:00 pm tomorrow sharp make sure you go alone my dear I promise you will be safe. Don’t be scared, be my brave daughter I’ve always known.



As I read the note my eyes grew wider and wider so many questions filled my mind how did he know? How did he know he was going to die? What did he do? This note made me more worried by every single letter that I read.  Why did I have to go to the place especially in the middle of the night by the docks, especially without anyone else. All those words scared me made me question my strength. But then it also made me think what if I didn’t go what would happen. If there was a possibility that my mother would be harmed than i must go for my mother That night I lie on my back staring at my ceiling with so many questions in my head it was impossible to fall asleep. I would re-read the not than think then re-read the note then think and that pattern over and over again. I made up stories in my head of what might have happened to my father. I was scared for me and my mom if my father had dragged us into this mess somehow I would protect my mother I would keep us safe.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in my freetime with a need for a little bit of action. I really enjoyed writing this piece. Hope you enjoy!

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