The End Game | Teen Ink

The End Game

May 10, 2018
By Anonymous

Tripping over roots, hearing the birds singing, being scratched in the face. I can barely breathe, I feel sweat dripping down the side of my face. My throat screaming for water, my feet burning as if I was running on lava. There’s no way I’m going to make it, I thought. It ends here, I can’t keep running.

I hear popping sounds over the chirping birds. I’m still running and tripping, all of it doesn’t seem to stop. Am I running from nothing? Am I just wasting time from my life? There’s still no sign of food or water. Pop! Pop! Pop! It’s never ending. There’s no end to this “game.”

I look up, I see the clear blue skies. I’m here running and trying to survive but, ironically God’s creatures are flying, jumping, singing and enjoying their life.

Thirty minutes passed, I think I’ve lost him. How much longer? I sat on a rock that I found almost as big as my head, so smooth that I can graze it without being cut, the color was a mixture of white and black. I try to catch my breath like the tortoise trying to catch up to the rabbit. I’m trying to figure out what finger to put on the trigger; how to reload; and how to aim, I try to figure out a plan. Suddenly, I feel this excruciating burning pain on my shoulder, I turn to my right to see that I’ve been shot. Pop! He’s getting closer, what am I going to do? Should I just give up? What do I have to lose? I’m just another girl.

It’s over, the hour is finally over.

“All players please return to base, again, all players please return to base”, I hear in a monotone, relieved voice, from the speakers all around me, high up in the trees.

I started jumping up and down, basically doing a victory dance. I’m surprised, I actually survived. Someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn to see my fiance, Devin. I leaped into his arms and hugged him so fast and tight. I was so relieved to see him.

“Congrats, you made it through your first paintball game, I’m so proud of you”.

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