Is This The End? | Teen Ink

Is This The End?

May 11, 2018
By 9_cra_9 BRONZE, Grundy Center, Iowa
9_cra_9 BRONZE, Grundy Center, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

        Everything came hurding at me at tremendous speeds. I couldn’t react quick enough. All I feel is an unbearable pressure on my body. So much pressure that it feels like I’m a balloon on the verge of popping. My back feels like there are sharp pins and needles being forced into my already aching body. With each individual one being slammed harder than the last. The more I focus on my situation the worse it becomes. I can’t seem to find enough energy to open my eyes or move a single muscle in my body. No matter how hard I try, they won’t seem to budge…What is wrong with me? A wave of relief washes over me as I finally hear the sirens *of help?* in the distance. But, will they even notice my body underneath all of this rubble? As a bright light flashes before my eyes, I wonder-- Is this the end?
        As I heard the doors slam shut, I realized that he has found me. That this is the moment in which I am no longer alone. Goosebumps rolled onto my skin as a chill blew in and ran down my spine. I silently ran to the wall closet. Loud footsteps starts to echo down the hallway. You can hear the click of his heel on the wooden floor. Click. Click.
        It stops. He knows where I am. There is no other explanation as to why he stopped in this room. The lights were off, but I still felt uneasy. I slid back inch by inch until I was backed against a wall. I was sure that I had just walked myself into a trap, but I had no other choice.
       As I thought of my situation I felt something fall on my cheek. The liquid fell to my feet. As I touched my face slowly, I realized something different. Even though it was dark I could tell by the texture that it wasn’t water. In fact it was a warm, sticky liquid that I couldn’t identify. It started to fall in my hair and over my back. There wasn’t much of it, but as I started to look up, the door to the closet opened. A chilling voice spoke out through the darkness, “Veronica…come out of there.”
        I tried to hide further in the closet. Slip into the darkness, but there was nowhere else for me to go. As I tried to find more room for me to hide, I felt something hit me in the head. I looked up to find myself staring at a bloody corpse. I covered my mouth too afraid to even scream. All I thought was that I’m next. Then I remembered something. My head, the liquid…I looked down at my hand that covered my mouth.
       Blood. I was covered in that person's blood. I wanted to throw up, but, I hadn’t eaten in days.
      “I know you’re in there….” Jasper's raspy voice shot in my direction. I closed my eyes wishing for the best. But I know the worst will come. In only a matter of time I will be stuck in the place he calls heaven, but I know it is hell.
      As I open my eyes, there stands Jasper. His blonde locks covered in blood. I can see where I had cut him. I couldn’t tell if his cheek was still bleeding or if it was the woman’s blood. I wish I could’ve helped her…but I knew I would have had no chance of surviving.“Now Veronica why did you run? You know what happens to cheaters.” Jasper moved closer in my direction.
       I wanted to scream. Scream at him to get away, but- I was stuck. Shocked by fear. As he drew closer I came to my senses and thought of a way to get away from him. At least for a few seconds. I look up at the hanging body and use all of my remaining strength to throw it at him.
      I tried to make my way past him, but as I do, he grabs my ankle and pulls me down. I thrash back and forth trying to get away, until I kick him in the nose. As he lets go, I run. I run as fast as I can towards the door. Utter disappointment awaits me as I find out that he has locked the door. “You bitch.” I watch as Jasper stumbles out of the closet holding his now broken nose. I look around me for something to protect myself with. As he goes back in the closet to grab his knife my eyes land upon a letter opener. I arm myself as he comes towards me. I close my eyes, shutting out what is too come next. I run at him at full speed as my life depends on it. It’s either him or me.
         As I stand over the body, I realize that it is done. I know that I will never fully wash the blood off my hands, but I do not care. In the end it was me versus the enemy. Like usual.
        Oh Veronica. If only you just had played my little game a little longer. I promised you it would only end this way if you cheated. But you did not listen. So the game is now over. Until the next one begins.

The author's comments:

An interesting thriller short story

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