The car accident | Teen Ink

The car accident

May 11, 2018
By Anonymous

On a quiet rainy night there was a family that was in the living room sitting on the floor next to the fire playing card games and my little brother wanted to make cookies. Turns out we were out of cookie dough, so my mom told everyone to get into the car so we can go to the store and get some groceries and specifically cookie dough. We all get into the car and I turn on  the radio and plug in my phone to the Aux cord and turn up the radio.
To get to the store we have to drive on a tall hill top and go down a sketchy and not safe bridge. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the store, my mom, my brother and I were all just sitting there all singing along to the radio, it seemed a little too quiet so I thought that I would turn it up a little more. All of a sudden my mom looks at me and reaches for the volume button, before she hit the button, before she could look up all she sees was a blink of an eye and it sounded like an animal and felt like we hit an animal or person , then I just stop thinking … everything goes black.
My eyes widen with pain then they close again they open and close for two minutes . They finally stay open , im awake again and my neck gets a cramp in it , I can feel all my blood rushing to my head. While I was feeling all of this pain I try to comprehend what happened and why there was blood everywhere , why the glass in the car was in a circular shape in front of the driver's seat , and how the back door was open and the seatbelt that my little brother was using had a bloody handprint on it. I was thinking about what I seen before everything went black, after working my brain for a good five minutes I remember seeing a yellow sign with an animal on it . 
At this point I am terrified , I don't know where my mom or brother are. Now i'm well aware of what happened , I unbuckle my seat belt , push the airbag out of my face and crawl out of the car. Once I get out of the car I get cold and look around to see where I'm at, I look up and can see the bridge that we were driving on before everything went black. I look down , I can't believe we wrecked off of the bridge and It was my fault for turning the music up loud, when I look down I see a bright red bloody puddle leading into a trail of blood in the snow. I tread working my way down a tiny hill still following the blood trail. I step on my brothers shoe, I hurry and look around now really freaking out on why I can't find my family. After having a small break down I continue to follow the trail and meet the end of it . I just stare at whats suppose to be my mom and about twelve feet away I also see my brother into pieces, that's when everything goes black again.

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