The twisted bunny | Teen Ink

The twisted bunny

May 24, 2018
By Anonymous

There was a young boy named Zack who lived in New York City. One day, the little boy was walking to the park. He played on the swings, slid down a slide, went through the tunnels, and played in the sand. He was having fun until it started to get dark, so he put his things back in his bookbag: notebook, journal, pencils, pens, and his bunny. He carried bunny everywhere and slept with him every night, he even had him in his bookbag when he went to school. While everyone went outside for recess, there was a little girl named Gracie who was going to the bathroom when she saw his bookbag open and she saw bunny2. She thought it was the most precious thing she has ever seen, it was so clean it blinded her3. When the little boy came in from recess and got his belongings, he packed his bookbag and he walked home. When he got home he had a snack and watched tv. Later he brushed his teeth, got in the shower, and went to go get Bunny out of his bookbag.
He saw that bunny wasn’t there, and he couldn’t breathe. He screamed, and his mom ran up to see what the problem was. He told her that his Bunny was missing and that he can't sleep without him. She didn't know what to do, so she asked him, " when was the last time you saw Bunny?". He said, "at the park when I was putting everything back in my bookbag before going to school, but she ain't in my bookbag."4. So, she told him that his dad and her were going to the park tomorrow when he is at school to look for it, but the little boy was still frightened like a girl when she loses her phone5 because he can't
1 inspired by death by scrabble because the suspense and the unexpected ending
2 Dramatic Irony: She took his bunny, but he doesn’t know
3 sensory detail= sight, it was so clean it blinded her
4 colloquialism= aint
5 simile= but the little boy was still frightened like a girl when she loses her phone

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sleep without her. The mother said to the dad " He's starting to go dark"6." The mother gave him some Benadryl and sent him to bed. The next morning the parents went to the park to look for Bunny. They looked on the slides, in the swings, and in the tunnels, but they couldn’t find Bunny anywhere.
Meanwhile, while Zack was at school, he was so frantic that he couldn’t concentrate on his times tables. All he could think of was Bunny, and how she's not with him. He wrote down on his paper, " I am the Earth that needs the moon and sun. She is the sun, without her brightness I am dark. She is the continents without her, I am nothing. I am the creatures in the ocean and she is the ocean; without her I will die. I am the tides and she is the moon, without her I will be motionless7. I am the earth and she is the universe, without her I am nothing8.
The teacher noticed the boy wasn’t really doing his work, so she asked him what was wrong, and he said he was sad because he lost Bunny. At first, she thought it was a pet but then when he said she was in his bookbag she realized it was a stuffed animal9. Then suddenly, his back started to sting and the pain got so bad he fell to the ground. He didn’t know what was going on. The teacher rushed to her phone and called 911, but while the teacher was doing that the little girl got up from her seat and walked over to him. She then pulled out Bunny with a plastic fork from the cafeteria in its back. He then realized that Bunny was a voodoo doll. He tried to scream but then Gracie pulled the fork out of its back and drew it to its face.10

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Mr. Lev short story project

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