Unlisted | Teen Ink


May 24, 2018
By arushicharu27 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
arushicharu27 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She looked out her window and there he stood, tall, thin, and masked staring directly at her.  Out of all things, this was one she had least expected to happen and she had no idea what to do, whether to run or hide.  Slowly, she backs out of her room but the figure was standing right behind her… she was aghast, so she stood there, frozen and confused about what her next move should be. Suddenly, the figure vanishes right in front of her eyes and now she has time to escape. She quickly walks down the narrow hallway and down the stairs into the foyer area of the house. When looking around, she couldn’t see anything but she heard a thundering crash in the kitchen. Startled by the noise, she walks into the kitchen slowly and sees a black figure rushing back and forth from the kitchen to the family room and a broken glass lying on the floor. She carefully sweeps it into the trash, then tries to walk outside but the figure was blocking the exit. Trying to maneuver around the figure she gives up and goes back upstairs and into her room. However, the figure follows her all the way upstairs no matter how many times she tries to avoid it. The figure grabs a marker and a piece of paper, and writes the phrase “ you must go”.
“ Why? And who are you?” she says.
“ There isn’t much time to explain” the figure writes down
“  What do you mean? What happened I’m not going anywhere this is my house!” she says, very confused but also angry.
“ Fine. Your loss, but remember I warned you” the figure writes down, then vanishes again.
She goes in her bedroom and then later falls sound asleep on her couch. A few hours later, close to 1 am she wakes up to a loud knock on the door. She goes downstairs to see what the noise was, but nothing was there. So, she goes back upstairs and falls back asleep again, she hears scraping on the door, as if someone wanted to get in. So, she goes back downstairs again, opens the door, but there’s nothing there except for a crumpled piece of paper. She picked it up off the ground but nothing was written on it. Angry from being pulled out of bed for no reason she throws it across the grass, slams the door, and runs back upstairs into her bedroom to sleep again. About 2 hours later, she wakes up for the third time to what sounded like someone throwing rocks at her door. She runs downstairs to see what the ruckus is, opens the door, and there was the same note. She picks it up, very confused she opens the note and it says “ run”. She didn’t know whether to believe it or not. She didn’t think it was a real message so she  throws it away and goes back inside. Her house looked different than before, it looked like a tornado went through her house. Everything was destroyed, books were spread out all over the floor, paintings ripped through the middle. She went upstairs, curious with what she might find in her bedroom. Her bedsheets had black marks on them, confused and an unsafe feeling crept upon her, she hurriedly ran downstairs in panic. She grabs some important papers and her keys to get out of the house.  She opens the door and is tongue tied to see strong wind shaped like several black figures, the scary looking black figure grabs her by the arms and takes her away and she watches her house turning back to normal right before her eyes as if she never lived there before.
On her way to the world she was unaware of, she was thinking “what could happen to me?”  Anxious and nervous she slowly starts noticing the appearance of ash colored buildings in a very dark and cloudy area. Confused with where she was, thoughts of how she was still living over flowed her mind. Finally, the figure dropped her off at a very isolated area in the city, she was suddenly standing on a gazebo-like structure. She sees black all around her, but comes to realization that these are the same black figures that took her away from her home. A few minutes later, she sees a very buff, looking person with a very sour look on his facing walking slowly towards her.
Very agitated with this situation she shouts “who are you and why am I here?!”
“ Excuse me ,Danica, but I don’t think it is very polite for you to yell at someone you’ve never met before.” the ruler of the city explains very calmly.
“ Just please tell me why I am here, I want to get out!” she responds, completely ignoring his request
“ We have been observing your behavior, over the past few weeks and noticed you would be perfect-” he starts
“Perfect for what?!” she says anxiously
“ Perfect to become one of us “The Darksins”, would you like to become one?” he offers
“ What’s a darksin? And why me out of so many people?” she asks very confused.
“ The darkins are the people that work for me, they are these black figures that brought you to this city.” he casually explains
“ But why me?” she asks
“ WE THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THIS JOB OKAY?!” he yells out of frustration.
Danica carefully thinks about this very unusual offer but can’t decide what she wants to do. However, she really wanted to get out of this city, and she already knows the job of the darksins. She thinks to herself that may be this will be her only opportunity to get outside the Darksins city.  But how?
   “And what if I decline your offer?” She asks - the master explains that you will become the 3rd level Darksins where you will serve  level 1 and level 2 darksins for the rest of the time you are here.
“Rest of the time I am here” - Danica repeats in her mind - So will I be able to get out from this city? Is there even a chance?May be there is … contemplating her options, Danica quickly submits to the master and says
“ Yes, I will do it.”
Master asks his right hand Edward - let’s take her back to headquarters and get her all set up.”
In a blink of an eye, she was sitting on a table, ready to become one of the darksins. She is terrified because she has never felt this uncertain before in her life.  Danica is already planning an escape when she feels a breezy touch on her forehead and a pinch in her arm.  She closes her eyes in pain and feels drowsy and weak in her knees.  A few seconds later, she felt a sudden burst of energy and an immediate feeling of needing to complete something. She felt lighter as if she could fly but she can no longer feel her body parts.  Has she become a true darksin?She was later escorted to the master’s office. However, she couldn’t talk except for only saying the word “yes”, which is exactly what all darksins are made to do.
“ So Danica, we have been recently been looking into capturing kids, we need more darksins to make our community more powerful and kids are the best for this mission because they will do anything you tell them without questioning.
“ yes, sir” responds Danica but apprehensive in carrying the orders, she listens to the instructions. 
“ I have found this family with two kids, I would like you to capture the younger one and bring her here immediately.” the master says to Danica
As soon as she gets her assignment, she vanishes into the human world as quick as possible still desperate to get out of the darksin city…. Except she only wanted to get out to seek the child, and not for her own good anymore. She could no longer control her own feelings either, what had she done? She felt betrayed by her own self and didn’t know what to do. She kept traveling to the house where the child lived. She reached inside the house and looks around, on the top floor of the house searching for the little girl, she soon finds a bedroom door that is open with the little girl lying in bed sound asleep. Danica, slowly lurks around the room and gently, lifts the girl off her bed. Suddenly, the girl lets out a big yawn and stretches, which startles Danica and she almost drops the child.  She carefully makes her way down the winding staircase, into the front of the house ready to exit. However, upstairs she hears the parents walking straight to the little girl’s room, she quickly hides and flew outside of the house and into the dark, opaque sky high above.  She flies faster and faster, feeling accomplished and proud of herself for taking the little girl. She thought of how proud she would make the master as she enters the darksin city. Danica drops off the little girl at headquarters and is walking out but suddenly starts thinking about what she had just done. Had she really been feeling proud of herself that entire journey? Who has she become? A cruel? A selfish Danica? She felt manipulated by the master, how could she ever let something this serious ever happen to her?  Gradually, she can feel the energy slowly draining out of her body, she began to feel as if she’s not living anymore. Confused Danica thinks, has she become one of them? Will she ever become real Danica again……….

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