Just A Dream | Teen Ink

Just A Dream

May 17, 2018
By Anonymous

The sky filled with firework shapes, causing stars to explode aggressively. I instinctively put my hands over my head as I ran towards by best friend. Confusion and fear slid over his face as he watched what was happening before us. The sky remained pitch black even as the stars began lighting it up. It was so hard to comprehend what was going on. Nicholas grabbed my hand and ran as fast as he could, shouting at me to move faster.

“I need a break!” My voice cracked as I gasped for air. My throat feeling as if it was closing due to it drying from running so much.

He stopped for a second and turned around. He grabbed me by my shoulders and stared me down.

“We can’t stop now! We already don’t know what’s going on. Do you really want to risk stopping!?”

I nodded in response. He was right. We didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t want to take a big risk. This was a life or death situation and I was testing the waters.

I inhaled then began sprinting down the dark green hills. The stars still exploding above us and making loud bangs. With every explosion I felt the ground rumbled. We found a small shelter with people piling in. I squinted my eyes as I focused my eyes on the people. I knew them! They were my friends! Some I knew back from elementary school. It was unbelievable. So much was happening it made me feel dizzy. Not only is the world possibly ending, but I’m seeing people from years ago. Nicholas must have caught on because he recognized some of them as well.

He tapped my shoulder and nodded as we made our way to the groups of people entering the metal shelter.
“No way…” Was all I heard. Then arms were thrown over my body like a ragdoll.


I remembered standing in the middle of a green field. The thousands of lights in the midnight sky. Owls in the distance making up the environment. I inhaled deeply, taking in my surroundings. I lifted my hands above my head and spread my fingers inches apart. Feeling the cool breeze between each finger loop around. I remembered that I was standing still on a sturdy ground. The long grass wrapping around my ankles like shackles. I didn’t feel like myself. I felt as if I’ve lived this exact moment before. I brought my hand to my arm and pinched it thinking I would wake up from my dream. That everything happening was just a coincidence.  My peaceful moment was interrupted by my best friend of 8 years shoving me forward as he screamed. I screamed as well, catching my balance but failing as I fell into the dirt.

“What the heck!” I smacked his shoulder, dusting off my pants.

He giggled in response, holding out a hand to help me up. He pulled me into a hug.

Sorry, it was too quiet and I was bored.”
I let go of his arms to face him, noticing a smirk on his face.

“You’re such an idiot.” I let out a breathy laugh as I scratched the back of my head.

I stood still, taking in what was happening. I could have sworn I’ve had this happen before. Something wasn’t quite right. Faint beeps were heard in the distance. They resembled the heart monitor beeps in a hospital. The more I focused on it, the louder it got. My head was now ringing with loud beeps and my vision was becoming blurry. I closed my eyes for a split second and saw a hospital room. A lady approached me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“Wake up…wake up…Wake up!” She repeated.
I flinched and opened my eyes. Nicholas was now staring at me.

“Are you okay?” He asked me.

I tried to collect myself, nodding.

We stood in the silence enjoying each other’s presence. The same beeping sound was playing in the distance. Me and Nicholas looked at each other for a split second until the sound became louder. I jumped in fear, holding onto his hand. I heard him gulp deeply as his head flickered to every direction.

“Where is that sound coming from?” He questioned as he looked at me for an answer.

I knew exactly what is was, but I shrugged.

“I don’t know.” I spoke up.

He shook his head, confusion evident on his face.
I sighed in response as I looked around and walked in circles. I pointed to a distant tree catching fire. My hands flew over my mouth quicker than I could blink. Nicholas stared in awe as he walked closer to the tree. I pulled him back, shaking my head frantically.

“What? I’ll be fine, alright? It’s not like something’s going to explode in the sky and cause an earthquake.” He snickered, taking a step forward, his hand reaching in front of him.

I stood still until a loud crash was heard from above. I looked up to see the sky go completely black, then fill with bright lights. Every explosion shook the ground beneath me. I looked over at Nicholas, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find the words to say.

“Coincidence?” He nervously laughed as he began to sweat. 
The sky filled with firework shapes, causing stars to explode aggressively. I instinctively put my hands over my head as I ran towards by best friend. Confusion and fear slid over his face as he watched what was happening before us. The sky remained pitch black even as the stars began lighting it up. It was so hard to comprehend what was going on. Nicholas grabbed my hand and ran as fast as he could, shouting at me to move faster.

“I need a break!” My voice cracked as I gasped for air. My throat feeling as if it was closing due to it drying from running so much.

He stopped for a second and turned around. He grabbed me by my shoulders and stared me down.

“We can’t stop now! We already don’t know what’s going on. Do you really want to risk stopping!?”

I shook my head in response. He was right. We didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t want to take a big risk. This was a life or death situation and I was testing the waters.

I inhaled then began sprinting down the dark green hills. The stars still exploding above us and making loud bangs. With every explosion I felt the ground rumbled. We found a small shelter with people piling in. I squinted my eyes as I focused my eyes on the people. I knew them! They were my friends! Some I knew back from elementary school. It was unbelievable. So much was happening it made me feel dizzy. Not only is the world possibly ending, but I’m seeing people from years ago. Nicholas must have caught on because he recognized some of them as well. He tapped my shoulder and nodded as we made our way to the groups of people entering the metal shelter.

“No way…” Was all I heard. Then arms were thrown over my body like a ragdoll.

I tumbled backwards then caught my balance as I turned around. Face to face with my best friend from kindergarten. Alex Gomez. I gasped as tears began to pour down my face. My cheeks absorbed the salt water making them red and puffy. I sniffed as I watched him grin, then hug me tightly.

“I can’t believe… Is it really you?” I shook my head vigorously and shook him by his shoulders.

He nodded in response, the grin still present on his face.
I lightly smacked my forehead as I remembered Nicholas was with me, staring at us with confusion. I watched as his eyes squinted and his face muscles contorted. I turned to him, gently pushing him forward with my hand on the small of his back. I gestured between the two boys.

“Alex, this is my best friend Nicholas. Nicholas this is my other best friend Alex.” I nervously smiled at the thought of me admitting I had another favorite person in the world besides Nicholas. He smiled lightly, shaking Alex’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, Alex.”

The moment was only brief until more crashes were heard from outside, causing the groups of people to run around chaotically and scream little nothings.

My mind blanked and I couldn’t focus on my surroundings. I was starting to remember what I saw earlier on. Hearing the heart monitor, and seeing the hospital room. Was it a sign? A warning? Maybe I saw it because something was warning me about what would happen. And with the girl? She said to wake up. I wonder if I really was dreaming. Hopefully, because this all felt to real for me, but not real enough.

I was then ripped from my thoughts, the beeping sound reaching maximum volume causing everyone to rush over and check outside for more explosions. The only thing in site was a weird space craft hovering over us. Taunting everybody present with its lights. It soon reached the ground and the door flung open. These tall creatures crept around the building, hands at their sides. They were at least 8 feet tall, with jet black skin. Their eyes were black as well, and looking into them was a challenge. It made me feel so many emotions I’ve never experienced. The fear in me hit its maximum feeling, making me shake uncontrollably. Their hands were as big as my head, nails at least 5 inches long and brown. Drool was seeping from their mouths. They stood still for a split second until an alarming screech was heard and they sprinted towards everyone. I felt a hand grab me forcefully and jerk me into a different direction. I wasn’t aware of who it was until I turned my head to look. It was Alex. Nicholas was just a few steps behind running as fast as he could. I then heard the same trumpet sound from earlier.

“What’s going on!?” I screamed as I cried uncontrollably.

Alex turned his head to me as he kept running.

“I don’t know, but hopefully it ends soon!” He shouted over the noise to make sure I heard him.

Just when we thought we were safe, we were both grabbed. We screamed in unison, now face to face with one of the creatures. There was no way it was human. It resembled one, but evil. It stared at us. Its eyes made me feel dizzy and weak. I soon fell into a slumber, a familiar light coming into focus. My vision was blurry, but I could recognize the outlines of my surroundings. 


I slowly opened my eyes as I was blinded by the bright lights. I put my hand up and covered the light in view to shield my eyes. They burned, causing them to water. What happened? My head was pounding and I could hear faint beeps. The beeps were soon drowned out by voices.

“She’s awake! Jenna’s awake!” He yelled.

I flinched from the sudden loud behavior. He sat down. I squinted my eyes at the figure until my vision became clear. It was Alex. My breath hitched as I realized who it was. I began crying, not knowing what to say. He opened his mouth slightly to speak but then pulled me into a hug.

“Aw, please don’t cry… You’re okay.” He gently spoke into my ear, still holding me in his embrace. I shook my head, wiping my tears.

“What happened?”

Alex and the others looked at me confused.
“You mean; you don’t remember?” He asked, biting the inside of his lip.

The doctor then walked to my bedside, clipboard in his hand.

“Now, now. I said she suffered a major concussion and that it was likely she wouldn’t remember anything.” The doctor raised an eyebrow at my friends, writing down some things on his clipboard.

“Ms. Jenna, you were in a very mild car crash and suffered a major concussion. You were in a coma for three days. You had your friends worried. Although I know you didn’t choose to go into a coma, were glad to have you back.” He smiled, patting my shoulder gently then leaving the room.

I looked around at everyone, then smiling to myself.

“Yeah…glad I’m back as well…”

“What was that, Jenna?” Alex asked, placing his hand on mine.
I shook my head, “Nothing, just talking to myself.”

The next day

Today I was finally able to be released from the hospital.
“Here you go, just take these pills twice a day until gone for the pain. Other than that, you’re all set to go home.” The nurse from the front desk smiled at me as she handed me my medication.

I walked out with my things, Alex next to me.
“I can just drop you off, or stay with you for a little if you like. It’s okay if you say no, I meant I’ll completely understand.” He spoke quickly, stumbling over his words.

I smiled at him. “I’ll be okay by myself. I promise. But thank you for the offer.”

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. “Of course.”
We got in the car and headed home.

We finally pulled into the driveway, nighttime rolling in. I opened the car door and got out, collecting my things.

“Thanks for the ride home, Alex. Much appreciated.”

He nodded, a small smile appearing on his face.

“Of course, anything for my amazing best friend.”

I chuckled, closing the door and walking up my porch steps. I opened the door to reveal a nervous Nicholas on my couch. I cleared my throat.

“Nicholas? How’d you get in?” I placed my bags on the floor and walked towards him.
He looked up smiling.

“Oh, I’m only your best friend and know where you keep your spare key.” He laughed, standing up.

I giggled. “Oh, right.”

“Hey, would you mind going outside for a little bit?” He asked walking towards me.

“Yeah, I don’t mind.” I turned around and headed for the door. Nicholas walking behind me.

We got to the hills, standing still in the tall grass.
I stood in the middle of the green field. The thousands of lights in the midnight sky. Owls in the distance making up the environment. I inhaled deeply, taking in my surroundings. I lifted my hands above my head and spread my fingers inches apart. Feeling the cool breeze between each finger loop around. I remembered that I was standing still on a sturdy ground. The long grass wrapping around my ankles like shackles. My peaceful moment was interrupted by my best friend of 8 years shoving me forward as he screamed. I screamed as well, catching my balance but failing as I fell into the dirt.

I quickly stood up, my breath hitching. This all seemed to familiar. I looked over at Nicholas who was more confused than I was.

“Everything okay?” He asked me, helping me up.
I shook my head.

“No… I somehow feel like this has happened before.”

“Like Déjà vu?”

“Yeah. I feel as if I’ve experienced this already.”
I then remembered my dreams from when I was in my coma. Suddenly the familiar trumpet sound was heard, along with the tree catching fire. I grabbed his hand and began pacing quickly in the opposite direction. He opened his mouth to speak, but was then cut off by me.

“Please don’t ask any questions, just trust me on this one.”
And with that we got in my car and drove as far as possible, a confused passenger sitting in my car wondering what would happen. Only thing was that I knew what was going to break out, and he didn’t. Oh boy, was he in for a surprise.

The author's comments:

I have only submitted a part of the story because I want it to be a cliff hanger. What inspired me the most about writing this is that, I really enjoy fictional thrillers. I also enjoy writing in general. I hope that people will like this part of my story because it will give me the confidence to publish the rest of it.

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