Conflicted Conclusiveness | Teen Ink

Conflicted Conclusiveness

May 23, 2018
By Nodnarb17 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Nodnarb17 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Pull up right here, yeah right there… leave the car'll be right back”, a black figure stated from the front seat. The night was still young, or At least as young as 18-year-old boys see it. I rolled down my window to let some air in, the car was getting foggy and the humidity from the dank summer night was starting to get to me. As the window winds down the smoke from within the honda civic flows out like in one of those horror movies, the ones where a lonely girl strolls through the woods and the fog drifts around her ankles and obscures her eyesight. The boy to the left of me commands me to roll the window back up, he explains that I'm making it to obvious, I then quickly roll up the window.
To keep my sanity in check, I glare up at the starlit sky and try to recount all the constellations in my memory, I spot Orion and then give up… so much for that idea. What time is it again? I proceed to check my phone, damn, it's dead. “How long do you think we’re going to be in here?”, the kid in the driver seat asks. ”I don't know”, I retort, in the deepest voice I can muster. I don't even know any of these guys, so I'm trying to sound as big and as chill, as I possibly can... the only thing I know about them is that we all came for the same reason, something to take the edge off. The sound of a closing door from the distance echoes through the night, we turn and see the black figure heading back to the car. He firstly motions his hands for the trunk to be opened, then he places something in it, it makes a loud sound upon its entry into the back of the car. He makes his way to the passenger side door, he gets in and turns on the overhead light which instantly illuminates the car and makes everyone's face appeared.
There are four boys in the car, me, a scruffy tall light skin (who was previously known as the black figure), a big white kid and a skinny Spanish rough looking one who has a mustache. I was the smallest out of the group, the most easily impressed and a lightweight for as far as anyone could tell. The car starts to purr and we head off to god knows where, but the destination doesn't matter, because we are all going to do the same thing, we are going to get this done, go home, and sleep the night off. We drive for about 15 minutes on the highway until we turn onto a back road and head on that for another 5 minutes until we reach our destination. The car stops in a campsite clearing and then the scruffy kid speaks as the car jolts back into the park, “we should go over everyone's name, just in case something stupid happens”. The feeling in the car is mutual and one by one everyone introduces themselves.
I go first, I say my name is Calvin, next the scruffy one introduces himself as David, the white one puffs up his chest and says he is Samuel, and the Spanish one continues looking at the window and softly says he is terry. We all exit the car and stand outside, taking in the fresh air and the smell of pine. I pull out my lighter and look around at the other boys for reassurance, they all smile uncomfortably as Terry pulls out a container filled to the brim with some type of substance. We all knew what time it was now. “You guys go on ahead, I'll meet you there”, David says and hurries us along to the campsite that was just a few feet in front of us. I take a few steps, before tripping on the ground and hitting my funny bone, I laugh it off unintentionally. The three of us sit down at the unlit campfire and shuffle in silence, we all wait patiently for David's return. Suddenly a flash of light presented from the now a glow honda civic, David emerges holding a ball of bright, shining, smoke that was previously wedged in between the boys in the back seat. “Let's burn this thing and get this over with”, I say cautiously while holding the lighter in the air. “the faster we do this the better”, Terry agrees. David nods his head and proceeds to make his way over to the boys, but then trips. “Shit”, the boys all exclaim as the ball of light crashes to the ground and spews green smoke everywhere making it hard to see. The boys all frantically running around, trying to find some sort of light source so they can escape this cloud of misfortune. They smash into each other by the pair, Samuel into Terry and David into I. I wake up 20 minutes later to find everyone is gone but me. “Guys?” , I mutter softly to myself scared beyond belief. Those boys were the only things that mattered right now and I didn't want to be alone in this type of circumstance. “ This wasn't supposed to be the plan”, I say as I pound the ground while tears fall from my eyes. “This was supposed to be simple...short and sweet” I continue. “No my child your mission is yet to begin”, I hear a  voice boom. I turn around to see a disgusting monster which looked like the boys I had just met. They morphed into a fleshy, bloody concoction that had skin hanging from their body and green glowing eyes. “What the hell are you!”, I scream. The monster charges at me, then I wake up.
I rise quickly, wide awake while sitting up on my bed in a cold sweat. There is chatter downstairs but it's too quiet to hear. I get up and quickly realize that I peed myself, I haven't done that since the fifth grade. I change my underwear and head downstairs.

The author's comments:

This was made in my creative writing class, I hope You enjoy.

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