Scary Story | Teen Ink

Scary Story

May 21, 2018
By Kathryn22 BRONZE, Richmond , Kentucky
Kathryn22 BRONZE, Richmond , Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cabin windows were swinging with the wind. The wind was howling. It was chasing me when I saw the cabin. He was in all black with a blood red mask. He was holding an axe with blood from the last victim dripping off of it. There has been kids disappearing all over town. First it was Sarah, then Sid, now me. A stick just broke, he's looking through the crack in the door. I run up the stairs and hid in a closet. He walked up the stairs and opened the door of the room that I'm in. 1, 2, 3 steps he's standing right in front of the closet door. I can see his shadow and hear the blood dripping onto the wood floor.
He opens the closet door…….
Please. Help me…….   

The author's comments:

The peice was something we wrote for Halloween. 

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