Raincoat | Teen Ink


May 25, 2018
By Anonymous

“Yuck”,I remarked as the aftertaste of the rest stop hamburger lingered in my mouth I felt the hamburger coming backup for revenge.I pulled over near some bushes to get rid of the hamburger and took out my army grade flashlight from my trunk so I could see where I was  going.While walking towards the bushes I noticed a few deer scurry away at the sight of the light.After a  few minutes I was ready to get back on the road I went to check my sweatpants pockets for the keys and noticed  they were nowhere to be found.That was strange,I could have sworn I put them in my pocket before I even left the car. I checked back near the bushes  still nothing “s***”.I ran over to my car and shined my flashlight through the window.I noticed my shiny metallic keys and my phone in the passenger seat.

     I needed to find someone to  help me so I did what I saw in the movies and stuck my green thumb up on the side of the road.After a few minutes a bearded man in a red pickup truck stopped for me.
     ”What's wrong with your car?”he asked with a grin I hesitantly responded”I locked my keys in the car” he chuckled “It happens to the best of us,I know a place nearby you can stay for the night,you can try and get someone to come over tomorrow”.He seemed like a nice enough guy so I thanked him and hoped in the passenger seat of his truck.
    The man drove for about 5 minutes up the road until he reached a motel.The light from the luminescent motel signed was like a sirens call beckoning me.
  ”This is the place”the man grinned
     “It's pretty dirt cheap but they ask for payment in advance”.The payment policy bothered me a little bit but what choice did I have and besides what choice did I have.I walked over to the area where the receptionist was suppose to be but no one was there.I saw a room key assigned to room B67 on the counter and decided to just take the key and leave three 20s.The room was the  first room you saw when you went up the stairs to the second deck.The door to the room was covered in a peeling greenish paint and the handle was badly rusted.I cracked  open the door to be greeted by the smell of something rotting I jump back from the smell but after a few seconds caught my composure and decided to investigate the room.On the bed layed what seemed to be something laying under the sheets my hands began to shake as I walked towards the bed.The closer I got to the bed the worse the odor got,I covered my nose with my right hand and grabbed the blanket with the other  and  began to slowly unravel the mystery from beneath.I could see what appeared to be blood on the innards of the blankets lining every bone in my body was telling me to run the other way but something was pulling me back.On the bed lay what appeared to be a man oddly similar looking to me with a bullet wound to his head  and his chest ripped open“It can't be” I told myself with a chuckle.I ran down the stairs to the receptionist desk  this time  a man with a trucker hat covering his face”Hey,there is someone dead in room  b….67 call the police!” “He looks familiar doesn't he”the man responded in a raspy voice.
”Sir what are you sayi…” As I approached him I began to notice something was wrong with him,his face was as pale as a dead man.I then noticed that his neck was cleanly sliced open and still leaking blood.His cold dead eyes met mine as I slowly approached him
    “Are you trying to checkout or something” he asked with a small chuckle.
    ”Do you even know where you are bud,stop staring  at me like i'm some sort of sideshow freak you aren't one to be staring , Although I guess it can't be helped  you haven't looked in a mirror yet”he laughed
“Your in for a nasty surprise bud but that doesn't matter right now all you need to know is that this is the end of the road for you”

“What the hell are you talking about,I need to get back home,my mom is probably worried sick I haven't talked to her in weeks”
    “Bud thats the least of your worries,If I was you I wouldn't be worrying about others right now.”
The trucker hat man looked up at the sky as if he was looking for the big dipper
”You best stay inside during the downpour, doubt you will like what you  find”
        Before I could say another word the man vanished as if into thin air.I looked up at the sky and noticed strange greenish grey looking clouds staring back down at me.”Crash”,I noticed a streak of greenish grey lightning that was then followed by a heavy downpour.I looked back down and in the distance I could notice a lady in a yellow raincoat she seemed somewhat familiar.
“Hey do I know you?” I asked but no response   as I approached her I could notice
she seemed as though she was lost in a deep ocean of her her own thoughts.She just stood there staring at a large puddle on the ground. All of a sudden “Snap” she was now staring directly at me.I could now see what was left of her badly decomposed face and she now appeared to have grotesque long skinny arms  that oddly reminded me of a giraffe. She began to slowly limp towards me dragging her long dangly hands against the pavement”thump,thump,thump”. I just stood there  in shock my hands were soaked in sweat and my fist were tightly clenched.I slowly turned around and began to walk away I could hear something slowly following me and whispers”Why me,Why me,Why me,Why me.I began  sprint  towards the motel staircase that led to the second floor of the motel and began to jog up the stairs.Before reaching the final step in the stairs I could feel something tugging on my now soaked shirt.I slowly turned my head to be greeted by a little girl in the same raincoat as the the lady from before
“Get the hell off me
“You think i'm stupid enough to fall for that” I pushed the little girl out of the way and ran towards my room.I grabbed the room key from my pants and attempted to insert it.I looked down to notice the key was actually my car key “how th…..”  I looked over my shoulder and noticed the creature from before slowly stumbling up the stairs.”S*** this isn't the time to be worrying about that”I told myself as I once again dug my hand back into my pocket to look for my room key.Luckily for me it didn't fall out of my pocket during the pursuit and I quickly opened the door and slammed it shut and locked it  “woosh”.I turned around to notice that the bed was nicely made  and the body from before was now missing.
   It seemed  as though nothing had even happened.
All of a sudden I heard Knocking at the door before I could even think of what to say or do I began to move my mouth
“Sorry but I left my wallet in the car”
Once again  I heard the Knocks but once again  I began to talk
“What is happening to m….”
“I get it I get it,all the proceeds go to your charity sorry but I really dont have the money to spare right now”
“What am I sayi…”
“No,i'm not interested”
“I thought I told you to put me on your do not disturb list leave me alone already holy s***”
“I didn't mean to say that im…”
“You step foot on my property again I'm going to kill ya”
………….. “Pant,pant,pant”
I woke up my bed and my are shirt totally drenched.”Was that all just a dream”I asked myself as I looked at the reflection of myself in the tv screen.I could smell what seemed to be bacon and eggs emanating from the crack in my door.The suns rays pierced through my blinds as I smiled at the thought of just being able to live another day.
“Mike breakfast is ready” yelled my mom
“Coming Mom I yelled back!” I yelled back
I slipped into my slippers and began to walk  down the stairs “Ding Dong” 
“Honey can you get that “ my mom asked
I opened the door to be greeted by a young  girl in the same yellow rain jacket as in the dream I stood there In shock”What is happening”
“Sir,would you like to donate towards stopping breast cancer” the little girl asked
“Um….sure”I hesitantly responded
I pulled out 15$ dollars from my wallet and handed it to the girl
“Wow,thanks sir that is mighty kind of you”the girl remarked
“Have a nice day sir” the girl smiled
“ Why are you wearing a rainc...?”before I could even ask about the raincoat the girl suddenly disappeared
“Honey who was it” my mother yelled from the kitchen
“No one”I smiled  as I closed the door

The author's comments:

Just a story I made in creative writing class 

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