KatE | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By Emersondean BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Emersondean BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    We need to call in the FBI this is the third body we've found this week. “Kate do your job we are not getting the FBI involved” the captain says. But i'm telling you this is a serial killer and they have special units for this.”its not gonna happen these murders are not related and you need to let any connections you see go and focus on solving them individually out of respect for the family’s” the captain says.

    Kate it's andrew there's been another murder get here as soon as you can. Kate arrived at the scene soon after to see a recent murder. The body was about four days into decomp and was found by hikers at the beginning of the towns hiking trail. The scene was the same as the first body that had been found which further intrigued and raised kate's suspicious that the murders were connected.

    Kate headed back to the medical examiner's office to discuss the growing body count. The medical examiners name was Alex. She was top of her class at harvard medical and was set to be one of the top surgeons in the country till she had a patient die on her table her first year as an attending. She relooked her life and decided that she wanted to help track down killers. Unfortunately for her she was blackballed from every medical examiner job in New York by a group of lawyers looking for a malpractice suit. This lead her to this town to restart and make a difference. This was about thirteen years ago and she to this day has been trying to rebuild her former life ever sense.

    Kate walked into Alex's office to discuss the recent murders. They discussed how all the murders had a similar mo in how they were killed. Each body had a circle shape and star inside marked on the stomach like it was printed on or punched very hard with some type of ring.

    Kate headed back to her office to work on the case which she had decided to to continue investigating in suspicion of them all being connected Despite with the captain said. She predicted that the killer was someone who had been harvesting anger and snapped ten years ago and began killing.

    Kate got a call from Alex and was informed that the same male dna was found on all the body's. Kate went to dig into the victims lifes to see if they had anything in common. But little did kate know at the time the victims would all be tied to the captain.

    She called Andrew who was still in the field and asked him to go to the nearest crime lab and run a dna test comparing the captain dna to the dna that was found. Meanwhile Kate went to go look into the captain. Her suspicions were high due to the fact that he did not want her to group the investigation as a serial murders. She believed that he may have started killing years ago and was just now getting caught. Then she found out that his ex wife and gone to the same law school with all of them. It was a clue to Kate and lead her to the suspicion that the captain may have killed them because they may have been to old friends that talked his wife into getting a divorce.

    She got the call from Andrew where he said the dna test was inconclusive. She didn't have the time to care about that right now so she went directly after him and called in Andrew to come help take the captain into holding.

    She questioned  him for hours but nothing. She eventually decided to start working on a case to press charges that would stick and left him in holding.

She began to head home for the night when she heard a scream about a minute away from her house. She lived near a forest area so she pulled over and ran into the forest with a flashlight. The killer was tipped off by the light and Kate running and ran away before Kate got there. When Kate got there she found the dead body with the same star shape as all the rest. She called Andrew to get a crew out there and to see if the captain was still in custody which he was. She realized that he either and an accomplis or he didn’t do it.

Kate went to the medical office where Alex confirmed everything except there was no male dna. Alex walked out of the office for a second to deal with a phone call. Kate looked around and noticed that one of the schools Alex had gone to had the same star as there logo. It was the same school that all of the other victims had gone too.Then Kate found the ring and knew she had to get out of there because Alex was the real killer. She suspected it was because they were the lawyers who helped blackball her from the jobs in new york. But it was to late for Kate to leave  because Alex had walked in to the room and Kate knew she had figured it out.

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