Thriller/mystery stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Most discussed Thriller/Mystery Articles

By ForeverFelix PLATINUM
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania

3.2 Zelda did something once everyone, especially me, vowed to never tell anyone, ever, but I don’t think it matters anymore. See, we had been sent to a week long camp to try to t...
ForeverFelix PLATINUM, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
30 articles 2 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Daydreams can be worse than nightmares, but that never stops me.

By ForeverFelix PLATINUM
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
ForeverFelix PLATINUM, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
30 articles 2 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Daydreams can be worse than nightmares, but that never stops me.

By ForeverFelix PLATINUM
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
ForeverFelix PLATINUM, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
30 articles 2 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Daydreams can be worse than nightmares, but that never stops me.

By ForeverFelix PLATINUM
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
ForeverFelix PLATINUM, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
30 articles 2 photos 207 comments

Favorite Quote:
Daydreams can be worse than nightmares, but that never stops me.

By KellerFalls BRONZE
Stocjbridge, Georgia
KellerFalls BRONZE, Stocjbridge, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a work it!! - Kellie Gordon

By Rowan_Kinley BRONZE
Danville, California
Rowan_Kinley BRONZE, Danville, California
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments
By mardingha BRONZE
Christsiana, Pennsylvania
mardingha BRONZE, Christsiana, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
impossible is nothing

By Anonymous
Jakerok SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By FallenPetals BRONZE
Milford, Pennsylvania
FallenPetals BRONZE, Milford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things have a way of happening, you can either go with it or go against it."