Just Another Broken Introvert | Teen Ink

Just Another Broken Introvert

August 30, 2018
By mariana_villanueva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
mariana_villanueva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Anne's poem, "Just Another Introvert" extremely moving. I agree with it for several reasons. I can relate and understand where Anne is coming from. When she says, "If my cracking lips could gather the strength to speak, I would say a witty joke, or a compliment", I can relate to what she is saying. I hold back mostly everything I want to say. I also hold back on almost everything I want to do. Anne had also said that maybe then, "my [her] friends would stay." This part of the poem 'hit me' as in that it shocked me. From this poem, I can learn that I should speak up, and not keep my thoughts inside. If I follow this, I will not lose anyone, in this case, my friends. This poem has motivated me. Thanks, Anne.

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