Social Media for Dummies | Teen Ink

Social Media for Dummies

January 16, 2019
By amandarusso BRONZE, Ft Lauderdale, Florida
amandarusso BRONZE, Ft Lauderdale, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social Media is many different things. A way to communicate and keep in touch with old and new friends, a way to create a business, make a name for yourself, earn money, become an influencer, and more. While there are good things to social media, there are also many dangers and downsides you need to be aware of. In this passage, you will learn about the good and bad of social media, and how to utilize it to the best of your abilities. Social Media works in many different ways. People mainly use it to post photos of their lives, like on Instagram, or keep in touch, like on Snapchat. Instagram, a very popularly used app, lets you post photos of you and your friends, tag people and places, and add to your story. There is also a Direct Message for Instagram, where you can directly message your friends. On Snapchat, you can snap a silly picture and send it to your friends, and you can add some filters! You can talk, call, facetime, and also add pictures to a story. All different apps offer a variety of different things that are all useful in one way or another.

As said before, there are many upsides of social media. In this paragraph, you will learn all about ways you can make money, learn new things, expressing yourself and also learn about people, fame, and more. In social media, there are many ways to make money, mostly through youtube and paid partnerships /sponsorships. When people become more known, companies will send them on trips, send them free stuff, and pay them to advertise their products. Also, if you get popular enough on youtube, you can get paid a small amount for views and etc. Along with making money, you can learn many new things throughout all apps. People post many informational articles, videos, and more on every app throughout social media. You can learn how to DIY, or do a glam makeup look, or cook some random dessert, all from one app. Another thing seen throughout many different social media apps is, of course, fame. Many people nowadays become famous through social media, especially youtube. People such as Emma Chamberlin now live off what they make from promoting brands and creating videos, and other brand deals. People also have the power to speak out and spread awareness for serious causes and something that they feel passionate about. Clearly, there are many benefits of social media that can cause a major positive impact and can help benefit yourself, too.

While there are many upsides to social media, there are also many downsides and dangers. Because you can tag your location, and it is easy to locate people, that leads to a dangerous predicament if the wrong person were to encounter a post or account. Hate comments are very common among more well-known accounts, but it can also happen to you. Many inappropriate pictures or other types of things can spread quickly. The benefits of social media definitely outweigh the downsides and dangers, but make sure to stay safe and be careful in whatever you post.

The author's comments:

This piece is an article for kids who are just starting to use social media for the first time, who i believe should read this so they can have an understanding of the way that social media works, along with the benefits and dangers of it. 

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