Our Government | Teen Ink

Our Government

January 27, 2019
By Anonymous

The news. It’s full of poverty, struggles and loss. Whenever I read it it just brings me down, and makes me scared. I could just say I won’t look at it anymore but, I’m going to be an adult in less the three years, I’ve got to read the news. I hate how they highlight the bad, the terrifying and the weak. Bringing out the flaws in our country. The government shutdown, the wall, immigrants, loss and so much more. Instead I’ll focus on the good news, what’s that? I’m having trouble thinking of what’s good in today’s country.

Let’s look at it this way; The country is still standing, oh what a miracle that is. The government can’t destroy my life. Not unless I decide to get involved, which I am really thinking about. I’ll stand up for what I want and what is right. They might try to shut me down, but I’ll get back up. They ‘rule’ us with a firm hand. Yet who’s in danger of being shut down? They are not me. They are a mess, so am I, but I am only one and they are many. I will shine light on the good, and the comforting while they slowly demolish this country. I will fight for the good, even if it is a losing battle. I will stand for what myself, and others want. I’m a coward, but through words I’m strong and fearless.

War is another thing. Children fight, are the men and women of this country children? One may think so. I do appreciate the sacrifice many people make to protect us. But the thing is, they are being manipulated by the government, without knowing it. They (the government) say it is the only thing to do, but there are better things to do. Talk it out, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Or my favorite walk away for goodness sakes. Maybe in some cases it is inevitable, but I can guarantee often it is able to be prevented. But that’s life right? Live and learn. Only catch, those who lead now destroy more for those yet to lead, making those yet to lead destroy for those after them. In unescapable cycle.

The author's comments:

I wanted to make it clear to people that many of us hate the news, and what is going on in our country.

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