What My Vote Will Mean To Me | Teen Ink

What My Vote Will Mean To Me

October 23, 2019
By 0armeli BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0armeli BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The right to vote should always be respected and handled maturely. My vote is more than a quick yes or no. My vote has depth behind the decision. When choosing a representative or a government official there needs to be reasoning behind my choice. I believe a good leader is somebody who is assertive and passionate in their beliefs. It takes someone who isn’t afraid to make critical, crucial decisions in difficult times. Another key component to my decision making is the effectiveness that individual obtains, and what they have done to provide the confirmation they need to receive my vote. I understand the significance of allowing self-exposure to present-day topics and issues, it's important to elect someone who's willing and knows how to deal with these serious issues head-on. My vote will put my beliefs into action on how I think the government should be run. The electoral system was put into place so that my voice can be expressed and acknowledged. My vote will impact the daily life of all citizens. Everything from gas prices to the amount of money I have in my wallet. Without strong individuals to make pensive decisions for our country, the economy and society itself would lose its structure. This country was built off the presumption that a system was needed to be put into play. To protect and provide the well-being and happiness for the people. My vote ensures that my well-being and happiness are accounted for and recognized. It’s important to be in tune with your own opinion. With ads and promotions every which way to persuade you to a particular side, it can become very easy to funnel in with the majority. Doing the research and being aware of representatives true intentions can aid in the reasoning behind the important act of voting.  Being a leader to a large group of people can become a very overwhelming and stressful career. It takes someone with the distinguishable traits to properly carry out the tasks given to government officials, and a passion to make needed changes to our society. This is what my vote means to me. 

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