Should the media give out the personal information of gun owners? | Teen Ink

Should the media give out the personal information of gun owners?

October 13, 2020
By AvalancheDurmax BRONZE, Oklahoma, City, Oklahoma
AvalancheDurmax BRONZE, Oklahoma, City, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does security outweigh privacy? Security does not outweigh privacy. You should not have to worry about your personal information being public due to a newspaper “trying” to make the situation better.

Newspapers releasing personal information on their website. In the article “Did a Newspaper Act Irresponsibly by Publishing the Addresses of Gun Owners?”

by MICHAEL GONCHAR “The Journal News, said that informing people about legal weapons in their neighborhoods was a public service. Not everyone agrees.” (Gonchar) The newspaper thought they were doing a public service but in reality they got a heavy backlash due to their decision. In conclusion, the newspaper did more harm than good and were shown that.

Gun violence decreased and more guns were purchased between 1993 and 2013. In the article “Chart of the day: More guns, less gun violence between 1993 and 2013” By Mark J. Perry the author states “We’ve had a massive decline in gun violence in the United States. Here’s why.” In contrast to the widely embraced narrative, perpetuated by liberal politicians and the media, that gun violence in America is getting worse all the time, the data reveal that the exact opposite is true.” This means that even though well known figures in the news were claiming that gun violence was increasing it was in fact decreasing. This is a big deal because they were and still are trying to take away our 2nd amendment right one bill at a time. In conclusion gun violence has been decreasing and well known people were trying to influence the media with false claims.

Some would say that it is important to know who has a gun in your neighborhood so you know who to stay away from or who to stay close to. I would say that why they may be right the gun owners have rights to privacy.

In conclusion, privacy for law abiding gun owners is a necessity. Newspapers should not use their influence to take away privacy from people and well known political figures should not claim false facts. Questions that still need to be answered is what happened to the people whose information got exposed and what did the newspaper do in response. The larger significance I am writing about is the 2nd amendment itself as well as other amendments that give privacy to American citizens. You should not believe everything you hear from people on the news or media. Would you want to have your information online and be stuck waiting for a criminal to come to your home if they wanted to with no way of knowing beforehand?






Works Cited

Perry, Mark J. “Chart of the day: More guns, less gun violence between 1993 and 2013.” More guns, less gun violence between 1993 and 2013, AEldeas, 4 December 2015, Accessed 24 September 2020.

Gonchar, Michael. “Did a Newspaper Act Irresponsibly by Publishing the Addresses of Gun Owners?” Did a Newspaper Act Irresponsibly by Publishing the Addresses of Gun Owners?, The New York Times, 8 Janurary 2013, Accessed 23 September 2020.

The author's comments:

I am a strong believer in the 2nd amendment and its purpose and I believe it is misunderstood and is assumed to be for hunting but in reality it is so that tyranical governments don't take over as we've seen happen to other countries since the 2nd amendement was created.

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