Teenager psychological growth | Teen Ink

Teenager psychological growth

January 10, 2022
By Anonymous

The study of the psychological growth of teenagers is complex, especially if the teenager has an unhealthy mindset and is suffering from the uncertainty of unpredictable changes. In this paper, I will explore the lives of those teenagers who improve their mindset by stepping out of their comfort zone and meeting the challenges in their lives with their determination and persistence. Further, I will examine the four major periods which the Chinese psychotherapist Chen Zhengquan marks as important during a teenager’s journey. As part of this discussion, this paper will analyze a story by Chen Zhengquan, “The Blossom of Maidenhair Trees” which focuses on  a teenagers’ psychological growth. The story starts with an idyllic scene, a college campus (translated): “As I’m meandering through, I could sense the arrival of the gorgeous spring, where every living thing is no longer suffering from the winter’s pain. Each and every sapling is eagerly thriving, growing and enjoying the breeze. Nevertheless, as I walk by the young Maidenhair trees, an entirely distinct feeling arises and as I reflect upon it. It is the sense of loneliness surrounded by the prosperous spring, as if no one is able to appreciate its beauty” (Chen, 2021).  


Ignored Individuals

“How to help isolated individuals?” is an important question in Chen’s story, and it is the magical question in the context of her story.  In her story, the ignored Maidenhair trees are isolated from those nearby thriving communities. Likewise, it is fairly common for isolated people to be ignored, which limits their ability to grow and thus become a better version of themselves. It has been found that social isolation can lead to loneliness and furthermore increase heightened vigilance and feelings of threat and vulnerability (Lyyra et al., 2021). As Chen says in her story: “The Maidenhair trees seem to provide the best answer possible for those ignored individuals. Frustration hits them no harder than a gentle breeze, as the young leaves continue to bud on the tree branches. One side of those flickering branches gently dances along with the passing wind, as its comrades right above him are arranging a pleasing piece... Ants, grasses, fledglings can also be ignored, but none of them yield against the challenges, and instead to overcome them provides ones with greater growth” (Chen, 2021). In recent years, there are numerous events that are becoming more noteworthy: racial discrimination in the US, the failure of governments to fully grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase of tensions between countries. The research has found that when facing this pandemic, the majority of the population has downplayed the danger of the virus and the necessary protections due to the severe intervention of the government (Lewis, 2021). On the contrary, there are other events that are as critical as those mentioned above but are not being treated as seriously: for example, the increase of suicide among teens (Shaffer et al., 1988).


Take the case of a teenage boy named Aaron. Aaron is very introverted and unable to make friends with others in school, which limits his social ability. Without intervention, these would be deciding factors in Aarons unsuccessful experience in the following school year. It has been found that positive interaction between the students and faculty will result in a higher GPA and perceived academic ability (Good & Adams, 2008). The author provides the following resolution in the next sections. 


Comfort Zone

The next phase demonstrates how a teen might take the very first step out of one's comfort zone. 


Changes must be made in order to firmly step out of one's safe place and this requires a decision-making process. As Chen (2021) writes in the “The Blossom of Maidenhair Trees”: “When an individual is facing difficulties in life, choose the path of growth, where it offers more opportunity and creates a larger space for more possibilities. During the maidenhair trees' development, many necessities are offered such as the sunlight and the environment. With those opportunities provided, it can potentially solve all the issues relating to its survival.” In a sociological study focusing on the decision-making process, the test-takers are required to navigate through both every day and life-changing choices. It has been found that those who have made the correct choice in either area both appear to become more successful (Burch & Feinberg, 2017). The purpose of the choice one has to make is for ultimate success, and therefore choosing to grow will become an exceptional solution for those puzzled individuals to take their first step out of their comfort zone. 


Turning back to our protagonist, Aaron is currently stuck in the stage where he doesn't know how to make his first step forward for assistance. One problem is that his subconsciousness has been informing him that he should not go beyond his comfort zone. In this situation, it is crucial for Aaron to make a decision that is able to provide him with further growth. In this case, a school counselor will be a perfect match for him. If he is able to express the feelings he has been repressing for so long to this counselor, the long-lost trust and bright characteristics will be brought back to life. In conclusion, it is important for those puzzled individuals to understand the second phase that Chen describes, which is to grow out of ones comfort zone. 



The following phase is an extension of that previous growth mindset. In this section, I will discuss the obstacles that a teen may encounter and how one can grow tougher when the challenges come. 


When Aaron walks out of the counselors office for the very last time, he has already reconstructed his confidence, trust, and personality. Nevertheless, this is not the end of his story nor of Aarons path of growth. He has not tested his ability to face environmental factors that used to terrify him. From Chens story: “The growing process is established on the premise of interaction with the society or the community that you are in. You will be facing every kind of intractable issue, getting in touch with all types of people and answering every possible circumstance. Thereby, you will be gaining experiences, abilities, and probable mentality, and this is how you grow tougher” (Chen, 2021). A study has shown that athletes acquire mental toughness when they encounter obstacles and the important role their coaches and families play in this building process (Crust & Clough, 2011). It is easy to say that one is well prepared, but when the challenges appear, the question of “How will one grow tougher?” also appears. The school and spiteful bullying students create conditions that Aaron needs to confront, with confidence, trust, and character, and needs to demonstrate success. To conclude, this stage serves as a bridge between the previous phase and the next one, demonstrating what can happen after the changes have been made while enforcing the importance of growing into a stronger individual.  


Result of Growth

Toughness is one of the important lessons that Aaron will learn from leaving his comfort zone. Nevertheless, the question arises: “What are other results of growth?” 


“Choosing the path of growth will help you to dispel the obstacles that have hindered your development. When challenges are surmounted, you will inevitably become essential to others. This is when you possess toughness, but also acquire the ability to contribute to society. This applies not just to humans, but to all living things on this planet. It is when those saplings of the Maidenhair trees grow to their full, adult height, that they to reveal their significance. Just as when the peacocks finally fledge to demonstrate their beauty to the rest of the world” (Chen, 2021). With growth, one will become better and more prosperous. Research has found that there is a relationship between positive change in psychological capital and improved work performance. Among people who work in sales, those who possess a positive psychological capital have higher individual sales revenues (Peterson et al., 2011).


When Aaron, a psychology major, graduates from university, he will have the growth mindset to set his sights on a personally rewarding position as a psychologist in one of the finest organizations in the country. His life followed this path: he experienced his low point being an introverted individual, then bravely made his first step to seek assistance, gaining toughness and learning to trust others. Now, using his perspective and experience, he possesses the ability to help others come out of their safe place. In conclusion, experiencing growth makes for a better future for those who genuinely worked hard to gain that ultimate success. According to Zengs research, the concept of positive education and a growth mindset leads to an increase in a persons intellectual abilities. Children with a better growth mindset experience higher psychological well-being and active engagement in classes. (Zeng et al., 2016). 


This story primarily focuses on teenagers’ unhealthy mindsets and provides some effective ways to foster a healthy mindset. Nevertheless, the same process works for older age groups. There are considerable issues among older age groups, relating to the low salary, dispirited family life, dissatisfaction with social status, and poor health. This research primarily addresses the issues of social disconnectedness and perceived isolation that will lead to severe mental or physical health problems within the older age group (Cornwell & Waite, 2009). As Stephen Curry says, “Success is not an accident. Success is a choice.” Those difficulties underline the urgent need for growth; there is always hope, even at a low point in life. It simply takes one courageous move forward to step outside of where one has been long trapped and to learn the qualities that will lead you towards a brighter tomorrow. 



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The author's comments:

In recent years, one of the most underrated social affairs - teenagers’ mental health- has proven that our society should direct closer attention towards its potential causes and future influences on each child. The notion of teenagers’ unhealthy mindsets had not integrated into our conception in the past, leading to a surge in self-isolating adolescents and extremely temperamental behaviors.

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