The Build Up to War in Ukraine | Teen Ink

The Build Up to War in Ukraine

March 31, 2022
By VladM3122 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
VladM3122 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tensions have been rising in Ukraine after peace talks in Berlin failed, and the constant threats between Russia and President Joe Biden. This isn’t the first peace talk either, Russia and Ukraine have been talking for weeks now, warning each other trying to meet Russia’s demands. The US and other NATO countries threaten to enforce heavy economic sanctions that would kill the Russian economy. Russia demands that NATO back out of all Eastern European countries, and after the talks in Geneva in late January, Russia’s military forces still are building upon Ukraine’s border, with nearly 100,000 Russian troops ready to attack. The United States also approved new military arms in Ukraine and sent 8500 troops to support Ukraine’s fight for sovereignty and freedom from Russia. President Joe Biden has also approved over $650 million in aid in the past few months in military aid. He has also requested for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to send stinger anti-aircraft missiles which will help immensely in protecting the skies.

Russia has also withdrawn troops, just to add more, there were 135,000 troops, and now there are around 169,000- to 190,000, the most since World War 2. Another problem a lot of news outlets keep on giving dates and even Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the news companies knew more about when he was going to attack than he did (Barnes). Meaning that most of the dates the news gives are wrong, but deter and push back the attacks, they also keep countries alert and give more time. The attack is imminent, and if Russia does decide to attack, Ukraine and NATO forces have to be prepared, a full-on attack can theoretically take in a few days according to The Guardian’s Julian Borger and Dan Sabbagh. In addition as of 2/18/22, shelling has increased in the oblast of Luhansk which is Eastern Ukraine. These shellings have been the worst in years, and President Joe Biden has said that Russia is trying to manufacture a probable cause to invade Ukraine. Although these shellings have been common in the Donbas region, which has been going on for around 8 years when this conflict first began with Russia and Ukraine.

Unfortunately a week after 2/18, the war had begun in Ukraine, at first, it was just shilling in Eastern and South-Eastern Ukraine, and Russia did take Donetsk and Luhansk, but they have also taken many small towns that are very important such as Kherson. They have bombed many residential neighborhoods and have killed hundreds of civilians. Although Russia has failed to capture a major city, the war has only begun. It has been 9 days as of 3/4/22 and Russia has recently bombed a Holocaust memorial that was very important in Europe named Babi Yar. They have also been fighting in the Oblast Zhytomyr where they were shilling a nuclear power plant that could possibly take out a large portion of Europe in radiative fumes. Thankfully the fire was put out, but fighting continues there. Not only in Zhytomyr but the fight for the capital has got civilians and protestors not just in Kyiv but in Odesa, Crimea, Kharkiv, and more oblasts guarding the streets and blocking convoys. Russian troops have also been surrendering since some say that they haven't eaten in 4 days, and are fighting a war in which they are not aware why they are fighting. Ukraine has been letting troops who surrender call their mothers, and if they pick them up in person, they are free to go. The Russian casualties according to The Wall Street Journal’s Evan Gershkovich are, 9000 men, while Ukraine has lost 752 civilians who have done absolutely nothing, and 498 soldiers, completely outweighing the soldier casualty severely. Also targeting residential neighborhoods, killing 16 children which Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky announced, is all to demoralize a strong and brave Ukrainian army who will not give up their ground and protect their country (Braithwaite). Nearly 16,000 have come from other countries as well to help Ukraine in its effort to defend the country. 

The United States has thankfully embargoed gas and oil and all Russian exports. This will hurt their economy greatly and has put pressure on Putin. Another really important ban was Swiss banks freezing all Russian oligarch's and officials' accounts. This is important because most of the oligarchs' money is hidden within these banks and since they are frozen they have no money, pressuring Putin even more. Recently there have also been many journalists being shot and more innocent people dying from shillings, a no-fly zone has been called for and has been protested for around the world.













Works Cited

Barnes, Julian E., and Helene Cooper. "U.S. Battles Putin by Disclosing His Next Possible Moves." The New York Times [New York City], 13 Feb. 2022,

Borger, Julian, and Dan Sabbagh. "US warns of 'distinct possibility' Russia will invade Ukraine within days." The Guardian [London], 11 Feb. 2022,

Braithwaite, Sharon. "Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying 'I need ammunition, not a ride." CNN [Atlanta], 26 Feb. 2022,

Gershkovich, Evan. "Russia Gives First Count of Casualties in Ukraine War." The Wall Street Journal [New York City], 2 Mar. 2022,

Ott, Haley. "Shelling intensifies in eastern Ukraine amid concern Russia's creating a pretext for an invasion." CBS News [New York City], 18 Feb. 2022,

"Things could go crazy quickly,' Biden warns on Ukraine as talks in Berlin fail." The Guardian [London], 10 Feb. 2022,

Guardian staff and agencies

Troianovski, Anton, and David E. Sanger. "U.S. Will Reply to Russian Demands as Military Buildups Continue Around Ukraine." The New York Times [New York City], 21 Jan. 2022,

The author's comments:

Being a Ukrainian, This is a very sensitive topic for me and I just want to raise awareness and try my best to support my ethnicity and culture.

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