Leisure Time | Teen Ink

Leisure Time

June 27, 2022
By _fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
_fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leisure time is the free time you have or in short words how you spend your free time in a day. People say that Leisure time allows you to step back, physically but most important, mentally, from stress. Your mind and body will tune, you will feel relaxed. During leisure activities, you will be disconnected from the outside world. 

You will be empowering yourself to deal with situations in a less stressful way. In my opinion leisure time is important for development in different skills and different hobbies. Leisure time gives a child the opportunity to be quite productive and search for new ideas such as Art or music and leisure time can also help in skills such as social skills, to improve social skills during leisure time, you could write a pen pal to a friend or a new person you have met. In your pen pal, you can mention your hobbies and your favorite things, etc. During leisure time some children go to parks, museums, boat rides, restaurants, furniture shops, etc. When going to these places the child can be more productive, experience new things, make up their color palette favorites, learn and be a child. During leisure time or free time a parent can learn from a child and a child can learn from a parent. For example, if a child doesn’t know how to ride his bike he can use his father's or mother's help on trying to get on, and then in return, he can help his parent by teaching them how to play a game or how to order food from a restaurant. This helps in collaboration and social skills which help in business, school, and in traveling or simply asking for directions.

 During Leisure time a child or an adult can learn a new language. Learning a new language opens up to many more job opportunities and helps in learning also if you are going traveling you must communicate for instructions so learning a new language can help you communicate in an easier way besides hand signaling someone. During leisure time a person can concentrate on stress-free activities or maybe start an early working for a job such as practicing medically related work if they want to become a doctor or anything. I believe leisure time is very important for all ages and helps a lot. Although many kids spend their leisure time playing video games may be to prevent a lot of video games parents could come up with ideas such as family nights where they spend the Friday night by either going out or playing a board game such as “monopoly.” Or where parents can do role-plays such as the kids are going to be the police and the parents will give them a book with different types of people and the parents will be the criminals and the children decide which parent goes to prison and which parents stays free, at the end the parents tell the correct answer.

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this piece talks about leisure time

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