Dear Future Seniors: | Teen Ink

Dear Future Seniors:

December 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Dear Upcoming Seniors,

Congratulations juniors, you’ve made it to the end of your high school career. From experience, I know you’ve had to push yourself more than ever to get here, but I can’t promise you it gets easier. From assignments, to college applications, to senior pictures, to AP classes and more, you’ll have lots of work juggling around, probably more than you’ve ever experienced. The grading, the effort, the time, the energy, it all becomes exhausting but you have to keep pushing. This is your senior year, enjoy every second of it before it’s too late. With that being said I can give you a few tips and tricks:

~I’m writing this as a senior, so I know the struggle. To endeavor for the desired grades comes at an expense. My efforts were lacking, turning in late work, not getting work done the correct way, procrastinating almost every assignment. The work piled up, my hands were full, until I realized that what was needed was an abundance of motivation in my performance. The work suddenly became easy, my grades were sky-scraping, I gained more free time. I must warn you now that giving up should never be an option. It will only set you up for the greatest downfall.

~Your GPA does matter, and it still matters how you do your senior year. Though your high school rank and GPA is a huge part of your admissions, there are many other important features of your life, especially now. Don’t let the past get to you, it will only make things worse.There's nothing you can do about the past, so don't stress about how you did back then. If your grades are good, be happy for yourself. Be happy for all your accomplishments. 

~Get your college applications in ahead of time! I know you are probably reading this as a junior, but you want to get a head start on the important factors so you aren’t stressing about them later on in the year. Start thinking about what you want to do in the future so you can start getting an idea of your major. Start thinking of what colleges you may want to attend after high school. Don’t wait until the last minute! It will make your senior year ten times more stressful. 

~Keep your mind open and never be afraid to come out of your comfort zone. Meet new people, try new experiences, explore new environments, discover a new thought process, etc. Make the best of every moment because though you may not like what you have to do, you have to do it regardless so you might as well find a way to make it enjoyable. 

~Enjoy the little time you have left in high school. Go to homecoming, get engaged in school events and activities, go to prom, participate in school pep rallies, do it all! Soak up all the time you have with your classmates because we never know what the future holds for each and every one of you. Make the goodbyes short, and if they are real they will stay in touch.

~Remember the main focus of school. You're not learning because you’ll use everything you've learned in your lifetime and you're not learning just for the grade. Learning helps people feel happier and more fulfilled in their lives and future careers, and to make you a stronger person in general. 

Most people probably haven't made it this far because who would waste their time reading a letter. Now, if you did make it this far I truly hope my tips will help you get through a successful senior year. Remember, believe in yourself and keep your head high. With the right mindset you will do big things!

Good Luck. 

Sydney Blanchard 

The author's comments:

In this letter I am giving upcoming seniors some tips and tricks. Personally, I wish I would have taken some of this advice before stepping into my senior year because it would have taken a lot of stress off my shoulders. 

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